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Status Updates posted by tiffpietiff

  1. .@guardian Breaking Baghdadi?

  2. .@guardian shut UP

  3. .@guardiannews so am I, Cleggy. Thanks for that.

  4. .@JamesGShore your car is an eyesore on our street and I bet you're not even part of the village trust

  5. .@NathanFillion as Richard Rider. Let it be so.

  6. .@officialjaden Please Stop Everything You Do.

  7. .@OfficialRandL lol

  8. .@PeteBrownBeer's book on the George Inn in Southwark is stupendously funny, fascinating and something else beginning with 'f'.

  9. .@realDonaldTrump this guy as president of the united states like, with access to nukes and everything

  10. .@RichardEGrant's tweets are like having your own personal motivational speaker

  11. .@SecretGardenHQ lineup announcement tomorrow. Come on, SGP. Make my (birth)day.

  12. .@tallestman's newest album is just the best thing. Serious AOTY contender and constantly on a repeat cycle. The perfect progression.

  13. .@TheCorrespond's debut LP is twisted. Like it.

  14. .@TimeOutLondon has gone all Gollum on us.

  15. 'One by one, they all just fade away' #CommunityLivesOn /Rdxirpc6vi

  16. 'til moooooorning cooooomes, let's tesalte

  17. "7 minutes of DNA linking Prometheus to Alien". Like the xeno corpse in the trailer, I guess.

  18. "Actors dismissed. For homework, drink a glass of cognac in a bathtub."

  19. "All I want to do is fight on top of a train. Is that too much to ask? The good news is, now I'm furious."

  20. "Alright, here's a Peroni, and there's a glass of wine for dessert."

  21. "At the corner, take a fright!" "SHUT UP!"

  22. "Briefcase parade!" Community is traversing new heights of surreality this season. #CommunityLivesOn @porksmith @danharmon

  23. "But he waded in himself, subsequently emerging shouting in pain" This is David Cameron's Cnut moment. #Jellygate

  24. "But now is the chance for me to be the hero, so please, Michael, give me some of your money." <3 Tobias

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