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Posts posted by longshanks

  1. If my physics are correct (and its been a long time since I went to skool); A typical phone battery of 3.5v and 1000ma provides about 3.5wats of power. So to recharge it at 1.5 times the capacity of the battery (due to losses in the recharging process) would require 5.25 watts.

    5.25 watts is aprox 4,500 calories you would need to put into the battery alone, that does not include the calories needed to run your body and other activity!

    Hate to say this, but it aint going to work too well. :)

  2. One of our party was somewhat adverse to the toilet facilities. So being in the camper field I set up a port-a-loo for her. All week-end she used it (number ones only, cos the double dosing of imodioum sorted the other).

    It was one of those loos where you clip the top off the bottom half to empty it. Well, she never asked how it was used, and did not realise you had to open the blade to let the "stuff" into the tank. As I split the two apart about 2 gallons of P**s went all over me and everything else. I was laughing (no, not a fetish), but due to the embarassment of her realising at nearly 40 she did not know how to use a toilet.


  3. what are those two rows of white/yellow peggy looking things leading from the other(?) stage to the white tent in the lower photo? I dont remember those, maybe they are temporary whilst they are building-up???

  4. I bought a new digital radio from Asda's for this yr - think it was about £25, total bargain tho.

    Analogue radio's are crap in comparison...for me Avalon (Worthy) FM is an essential part of the festival, it just wouldn't be the same without it. :lol:

  5. The two people posing for the photo, by the act of posing are standing still. So there should be no real disturbance of the water round their wellies. However there is, and that's because the boy is moving behind and has disturbed the water. It's all due to angles and juxtaposition of the subjects.

    No photoshop.

    No mystery

    and hate to break it to you like this, but its not a ghost either......good fun though... :lol:

  6. The one smell I absoloutely hate is the smell made by those asholes that burn plastic on little "camp" fires (especially on the pyramid field).

    Burning plastic is stupid dangerous and very unfriendly to everyone...and only asholes do it!

    Rant over, I just hate that smell... :P Give me a ripe dunny any day.

  7. Just wandering past this little party and noticed;

    No one has put any wood on the fire since 28th April.

    No one has brought any wood to the fire since 3rd June.


    <Clears the cold ashes and relights the fire "Ray Mears" stylee, piles on a load of wood, and buggers off>



  8. The different music when walking through the markets, as you walk you pass from one genre/beat/era to the next.

    You like one, linger for a while, then walk on listening for the next one to fade in as the old one fades out.

    I remember stopping to listen to the theme from James Bond once next to that stall with the Big Green bottle, quite strange... :P

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