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Posts posted by Chas

  1. For those that knew him through all the On-U Sound recordings he contributed to, as well as his pioneering work with Sugarhill, Keith LeBlanc has sadly passed.



  2. I haven't been since 2014, my 20th, and have not tried for tickets since. In 2016 I retired from festivals altogether. Reading 1976 was the first and Womad 2016 the last, so after 40 years of festivals it seemed like a good time to call it a day. Sometimes I get the urge, but on the whole I don't regret my decision. My 14 year old dog has also been grateful for the last 7 kennel free years.

    • Like 1
  3. There was a big 40th anniversary show at the O2 Forum last year. Here are a couple of live recordings:

    Adrian, Skip & Ghetto Priest all live down in Ramsgate these days. They've released two great Horace Andy albums recently as well as Dub No Frontiers on Realworld. All three are worth a listen.

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  4. Unless things have changed since I last went in 2016, there are normally only 3 performances on the Thursday. The Malmesbury Project With Amaraterra will probably open procedings on the Main Stage, then Selector will perform in one of the tents, before Fatoumata Diarawa closes the evening on the Main Stage. That's usually the way it goes.

  5. 12 minutes ago, incident said:

    You may not get offered the precise, most local, location you want via the National booking system - but you certainly should be able to book something somewhere so it can't hurt to check what the options are.

    I'll assess things on Monday. If my GP practice says it could still take a while for an appointment locally, I'll look at the alternatives as you say. I'm easy though.

  6. 22 minutes ago, stuie said:

    Have you tried to book?

    I may take a look after I've spoken with my GP practice on Monday. I'd rather just walk 10 minutes up the road to my Local Vaccination Centre, if it's imminent, than get Public Transport to a site further away.

  7. 1 hour ago, stuie said:

    You can just book it online, you shouldn’t be waiting:


    The update from our local PCN 7 days ago in relation to our Local Vaccination Centre stated that they were moving on to Group 6 and that "We have in the region of 6000 patients to vaccinate. We are processing this as quickly as we can however are not in control of our vaccine delivery. Therefore it will take us time."

  8. 53 minutes ago, BobWillis2 said:

    Healthy over 55’s are starting to be vaccinated in all areas as of today, some areas are probably far past that. 

    .... and some are far behind too. I'm in Group 6 and still waiting. 59 with Type 1 Diabetes. It's great that they're moving on to Groups 7 and 8, but please don't assume that all the willing recipients of prior Groups have now had their first jab. It all comes down to vaccine supply in your local area.

  9. 89 was my first year and there were definitely "car parks" on the West side, although one of those designated fields did end up with people camping next to their cars, I was one of those, but on the whole the stewards did their best to keep the cars seperated. Not sure about the East side. It was around this time that they started to seperate cars and tents at Reading as well.

  10. 1 hour ago, eFestivals said:

    it's how they all used to be. They can be again.

    Reading did have a Crash Tent in the early days where you could sleep overnight. Does that count as cover?

    I think it was 1972 or 1973 that they introduced the two stages side by side. With 2021 being Reading's 50th anniversary, or 60th if you count the previous 10 years before the festival moved to Richfield Avenue, I quite like the idea of reverting to two main stages as a nod to the past, although Festival Republic tend not to mention the Pendleton years that much. In fact as part of the BBC coverage in 2019, they talked about it being the 30th anniversary of Reading, effectively ignoring the festivals up to 1989 when the Mean Fiddler were invited in to give the festival a facelift.

  11. I have tote bags for the 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2013 & 2014 festivals. 2014 was the last year I went. 2012 was a fallow year. The 2011 bag is the only one of those that doesn't have the year or dates printed on it. 2007 could well have been the first year they were handed out on entry, as I've kept all the others and I don't recall seeing them in 2005 or earlier. 2006 was another fallow year.

  12. I was flying back from New York and as we approached Heathrow, the pilot came on the intercom and announced that he had some important news to report. Of course the first thing that went through my mind was that there was some sort of problem with the aircraft, so imagine my initial relief when he went on to say that they'd just heard Diana had died.

    As for 9/11, I was tucked up in bed in a hotel in Washington Square. In my half sleep I remember a plane going over and thinking that it sounded very low and then a liitle later wondering why there seemed to be more sirens outside than normal, but otherwise I slept through most of it and it wasn't until I went downstairs for a late breakfast that I realised what had been going on.


  13. I didn't enjoy the first year I went in 1989. I'd been going to festivals since 1976 up to that point, things like Reading, Bracknell Jazz, Elephant Fayre, Stonehenge and Womad, but I just found Glastonbury too big and told myself I wouldn't return. I've never liked large stadium shows or one day festivals like Knebworth. As a result I didn't go to the 1990 festival, but by the time the next one came around in 1992, I'd had a change of heart and decided to give it another go. This time I stayed away from the Pyramid and spent the entire weekend at the smaller stages and as a result enjoyed it much more than the first time. So much so that I went to the next 18 festivals. In all those subsequent years I continued to avoid the Pyramid stage, which never really appealed due to the large crowds. After 40 years I finally retired from festivals in 2016 and I have no real desire to ever go to any again. But those 40 years were some of the best years of my life.

  14. Jools is back next Thursday and it's returned to the BBC Television Centre in London. The longer show on Friday will have a different co-host each week for this series, starting with Mark Ronson. The line up on the first show is Mark Ronson, Yebba, Sampa the Great, Cate Le Bon, Georgia and PP Arnold. The following week there's Liam Gallagher, Rex Orange County, Amyl and the Sniffers, Kojey Radical, Celeste and Jessie Ware.


  15. I suspose it's comparable to paying extra for a Campervan ticket. You don't have the hassle of having to carry all your gear from your car to the camp sites and there's the convenience of being able to lock things away in the car without the walk back to the car park.

    As Womad 2016 was my last ever festival after 40 years, Reading 76 being my first, I treated myself to a Park & Camp ticket just so I could relax more and go out on a high, so for me it was worth the extra expense.

    My aging dog has thoroughly enjoyed 2017 so far, as there have been no trips to the kennels to stress him out :).

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