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Posts posted by MissKim

  1. Er, not really. I mean, once I'm there, I go and see bands -- and I'd not go if the bands weren't there. But when I buy the ticket, I'm thinking more about the atmosphere, the food, the street theatre, the wicker fiddler etc.
  2. I only had one comment from one stupid teenager about being an irresponsible parent (because of course a teenager would know!!) and literally 100's of comments from all sorts of people, either offering congratulations, support or just admiration.
  3. It seemed fine by me, apart from on the Saturday night/Sunday morning when we tried to get in at about 3am, only to be told by a (rather obnoxious) security bloke that it was closed and wouldn't be opening again- possibly not even the next day :s :s :s. Still not a clue what that was about!

  4. First time I...

    - Went into some of the main venues in Shangri La/Block 9,

    - Watched the sun rise on the Monday morning,

    - Got a proper meal at La Grande Bouffe,

    - Watched music in the rain,

    - Saw a gig in The Rabbit Hole,

    - (Allegedly) broke a world record,

    - Danced like a loon to bagpipes.

  5. Next time I am very tempted to take a trolley purely for taking like 10 tents home with me... this year I saw this incredible tent left abandoned, easily for 9+ people... I was going to take it apart and bring it with me
  6. Wednesday:

    -Chatting to randomers at the top of the Park lounging area and having our breath taken away by the views again (The vastness of the site never ceases to amaze me...),

    - A bongo sesh at the bottom of the Stone Circle that a topless bloke threw himself into full force and was gradually joined by other half naked people and then the masses, this was then followed by an en-mass bagpipes dance sesh. If anyone has a vid/photos of this I'd really appreciate a copy, as it was one of my highlights. SO random.

    - The fireworks and pyrotechnics were also a nice start to the fest.


    - Playing with all the circus stuff in Avalon,

    - Being involved in Giant Twister,

    - Buying my elephant hat :D,

    - Being joined by the very random 'Alex' up on the Stone Circle for the evening was lovely, hearing all his past experiences of the fest and sharing a few of our own (though I don't feel he will have retained the information that well :P)


    - Not as many here, unfortunately... really enjoyed our traditional trip to daemon or doppelganger though!


    - Gaslight Anthem, particularly their tribute to Clarence,

    - Watching a mud fight ensue from the fab 'internal monologue' walkabout act in Glebeland before we realised it was him and thought it was just a hammered old bloke lol.

    - Elbow were great, wasn't a massive fan going in to it, but what a great performance! Guy was hilarious!

    - The entirety of Coldplay's encore (especially 'Wonderful World'), and the lighting up of the Pyramid stage- so nice in it's novelty.


    - Marcus Brigstocke dressed in bizarre attire,

    - WALL OF DEATH! *Amazing*,

    - Mik Artistik at the Rabbit Hole, always a joy!

    - Destroying the Sandalism creation at 4pm,

    - Stumbling across two random rappers with full on equipment up at the stone Circle after watching the sun set,

    - The Kareoke place in Shangri La was particularly good- wish we'd stayed in there longer but there was much to see!,

    - The old games machines room in Shangri La,

    - *Finally* getting into some of the venues in Shangri La (most notably slumbarave which has been on our 'to do list' for the last couple of years)

    - Cheering in the last sunrise for two years (*sniff*),


    - Not managing to spend more time in the Green Fields and Bella's field (usually my fave part of the fest!),

    - Not stumbling upon as much randomness as last year,

    - Not getting involved in a craft workshop.

    BUT so happy that there is still so much left to see and do in 2013!

  7. I don't know how everyone else here feels, but I think part of what makes the Piano Bar so great is that it treads the fine line between urban legend and reality, and it's so hard to find that once you've managed to unearth it, you feel as though you've found a unicorn.

    Also, it's tiny, so making its location obvious and widely known means that:

    - The magic is gone

    - Nobody will be able to get in because it's swamped, especially as this year it will be a pain in the backside to get from that part of the site to the Shangri-La areas.

    Just my tuppence.

  8. Love the mud reflections! Beautiful! Some great shots this year- massive respect to those of you who were out with your cameras in the mud! I was too worried about falling over and crushing it (amongst other things) to have mine out too much. Got a few to post but nothing too impressive due to said fears. Here's a taster:




  9. We overheard our neighbours discussing what time one of them had got back, as they'd popped into the tent in the early hours only to find a random person asleep in it.

    Also, in Kamikaze Karaoke in Shangri La one girl marched up to the stage demanding (or declaring) 'I TOUCH MYSELF!!' whilst another woman called out in support "Don't worry about it, love. We all do it- it's natural!"

    In Pennards an accumulation of discarded wellies went through various stages, one of which was 'Welly Henge', with a sign and everything. One girl pointed at the sign asking 'What does that mean', upon people giving her curious looks she continued... 'what does Welly Henge mean?' Some very patient young man came to her rescue with... 'It's like Stone Henge... but with Wellies' Not sure it helped!

    Also overheard someone pointing at the Other Stage asking 'Is that the Pyramid stage?' *facepalm"

    I also encountered two women discussing the smell of poo and how they 'kinda liked it'... I get the feeling they were naive enough to think it was the remnants of cowpat they were smelling, rather than the piles of human faeces :/

  10. I definitely think that with a couple more days [like the Sat and Sun] this year could have easily rivalled 2010, but with Friday being a complete washout and the mud making it difficult to get around I feel that this year's flew way too quickly. My fave part of Glasto is sitting around in Bella's watching all the mad walkabout acts or wandering around the Green Fields which just didn't seem as possible this year when compared to 2010. Also, I feel that a lot of the festival spirit of helping your fellow man was dampened this year which was a real shame. Still had an AMAZING time, but 2010 was just *the* year for me!!

  11. Walking past the Other Stage on Saturday night some people in front of me got stuck in the mud, so being courteous and in the festival spirit I stopped to help them out, which foolishly caused my fiancé to get stuck and bump one of them a bit. Rather than the expected 'thanks', the guy instead decided to have a massive go at my partner before walking off leaving us stuck there bewildered...

    Also, a guy at either Elbow or Coldplay who decided to listen to music on his iphone... whilst simultaneously taking photos of the Pyramid Stage :S

    Anyone who pissed anywhere but a longdrop/urinal *rolls eyes*, particularly those who decided to piss *beside* said toilet :s

    Welly washers... beyond stupid!!

    The security guy at the one way entrance to Shangri La (etc.) who on the Saturday night decided to tell us that there had been a serious crushing incident and that was why it was closed... causing us to panic for the rest of the night about the people who had been in there (including friends who we had no way of contacting) and the Festival's chances of continuing. I understand that he'd probably been asked a million times by people wanting to go in, but seriously?? Implying that shit loads of people had been injured is just not on :/.

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