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Posts posted by Suppose

  1. Reckon we left the car park around 8.30am after a lovely lady shared a new route bypassing the inital queue. We had to go South for 35 miles to drop friends at a garage where their (broken down car) had been towed to early weds morning on a mad twisting tiny route that would have been impossible without the satnav.

    We dropped them at the garage, fuelled up, turned onto the M5 1 minute later and then hightailed it to Leeds - missing a lot of the snarl ups around Glastonbury I think.

    Without a stop after hitting the m-way we were in a beer garden in the sunshine in Leeds @ 1.25pm. Not bad at all.

  2. "Solicitor Keith Verrinder, defending, is reported to have said that Mr Tredinnick had been quite useful during the two-and-a-half-hour deception" :)

    did he actually get to see Kasabian then? ...or did he gave to spend all of it working!?

  3. ...that if you remove all your tent pegs from your pop-up tent bar a hidden one attached tightly to a bungee rope and then lift your tent up off the ground to attempt to fold then you will be taking the long early monday morning walk back to the car with a bust face....to match the broken mind

  4. My first post so thought I would start with the happy vibe on this positive thread :)

    After getting up @ 6.30 after a big last Sunday and dragging ourselves (and all our stuff) on the great hike back to the car, we hit a long traffic jam getting out of the field which just wasn't moving.

    After about 15 mins a girl ran up to the queue from behind us, obviously delighted & excited about something shouting about discovering another exit. We followed her directions and sure enough were out on the road and moving within 2 minutes! we were absolutely buzzing & it was a top vibe to start the l-o-n-g journey home on.

    Massive thanks to that little lady who had run about 500m back from their new exit and so delayed her own departure just to share the wealth for the benefit of others!

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