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Posts posted by Drabod

  1. 13 minutes ago, char90 said:

    Was the kneeing near Arcadia? If so we saw this and went to help her afterwards. She was sore and a bit cried up but she was ok after a bit! 

    No it was Coming out of West Holts i think.. Glad the other kneeing situation is ok too!

  2. One from me (I still feel bad about this) Hammered night, walking out of a busy crowd at night next minute i was face down on the floor. Turns out i had kneed a poor girl who was sat down in the face. Checked she was ok but she was in tears. My knees bruised. So i expect her face to be. Sorry again if your reading this!.

    Also the absolute  weirdo we stumbled across at 6am who decided that he needed to inform us all later in the morning. That he use to "play" with his sister when they were younger... I hope you get the jist.... You weirdo. 

  3. Hey Dude, 

    Wana expain anymore detail why it wont stay up? Have you made sure to peg out all the guide ropes. I have the 300 and friends have the 200, we swear by these tents kept us dry in all conditions for years!.

    You have to make sure everything is tight. 


  4. 1 hour ago, Diva Sam said:

    Never had hay fever till 5 years ago. 

    No antihistamines worked for me strongly. Couldn't even wear contact lenses. 

    Then I went to the doctors - they prescribed me fexofenadine tablets. You take one a day. They are the fucking best. Seriously. 

    Now they are available over the counter and you don't need a doctors prescription. I recommend getting these beasts and your hayfever issues will disappear. I could rub hay and dry grass in my eyes and and wouldn't even have a problem. 

    I Also vouch for Fexofenadine after my doc prescribed me these. My life has honestly got better in the summer months. There was days that i couldnt leave the house. 

    I took them throughout Glasto year and was perfectly fine. Unlike my friend who was suffering quite badly. I think it is key to take them on the run up months before hand too.

  5. 6 hours ago, MilkyJoe said:

    All welcome here Rob, the main reason is to praise the weather gods but as I'm sure you've worked out there is no subject too bizarre. Generally we just talk shit! I have no idea if that's 2 Lewis' or 3 you're going with by the way. It could even be a family firm of solicitors?

    Its gonna be a scorcher this year. 3 lewis' it seems that i am the odd one out. 

  6. This story taught me a vital lesson in festival life..

    18 year old me, Decided Festivals are a great place to get lucky. Found a girl, getting on great, Thurs decided to go back to her tent, only to find her brother in there, Who wasn't to happy about letting me in. I was gutted, anyway she then said we will go back to yours, after a trek across site we got back to my tent.  Did the dead happy days.

    Woke up the next morning, she did the walk of shame infront of all my mates. Once she gone, i started to brag being the only one who had pulled all festival.... Until my mate ventured into my tent, what did he find, the bloodiest tampon i had ever seen in my life.... He walks out dangling it on a string and my face drops.....

    My wasted state is my only excuse for not realizing she was on.

    Which then resulted in every female we came across for the rest of the weekend being told how i love the taste of blood....

    Embarrassing but god i can laugh about it..... Lesson learn, sex at festival isn't the one, no matter how tempting. 

  7. Hi Guys

    Quick question on my route down there, When i google map to Glastonbury from York it says to use the m1 m5 Route in. Taking 4 hours 48mins 279 Miles.

    However if i use the directions advised on Glastonburys website A1 to M3 Etc It takes 5 hours 50 mins 350 miles

    Has anyone drove from similar area before, Which is the best route to take? Any help will be much appreciated first time and worried.


  8. 43 minutes ago, davefrompompey said:

    Can anyone recommend a cheap (sub-50 quid), waterproof* 2-man tent? My only experience of a popup tent was an absolute nightmare of cold wet miserableness at bestival a couple of years ago and I don't want to go through that again!

    *not that it's going to rain at Glastonbury, but I'll be using it for other festivals too...


    I swear by Vango to keep me dry, and this looks like a bargain.

  9. Hi All,  Lurker here too with a few posts. 22 and from  York. This will be my first Glastonbury too, after trying for multiple years to get tickets. Cant wait.  Coming with 3 Friends also newbies. 


  10. Dont know whether this have been mentioned but: (Edit Just used Search and seen it has been)

    Glass Animals are at Best kept Secret Festival 17 Jun - 19 Jun In the Netherlands...

    Really Really Hope they make Glasto

    (They were last year though, does this make them less likely?)

  11. Different to the Ones Currently Posted However went down a treat at IOW and will be bringing some to Glasto this year too

    Haribo Gummy Bears - in a glass Bowl Cover with Vodka, Leave in the Fridge for Couple of Days.

    The Gummy Bears double in size soaking up the vodka - And Taste great too.

    (The vodka not soaked up takes a fruity twist too, but not as nice as the alcoholic gummy bears)

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