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The Chin

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Status Updates posted by The Chin

  1. Liking Google+ more since people started appearing on it.

  2. Up in 5 hours.Can't sleep.Not nice :/

  3. As disgraceful as that was, I'll happily take it if it means that little shit is gone from the county for good

  4. Munster SHC final - Waterford vs Tipp. Here we goes (@ Pairc Ui Caoimh w/ 7 others) [pic]: http://4sq.com/r2xkiP

  5. I'm at Downses (9 Thomas St., Waterford) http://4sq.com/oqBc8a

  6. Legs melting.Now study time.Yay (@ Home) http://4sq.com/n9rGBP

  7. When did I become this sensitive to caffeine?! That coffee today has screwed me up!

  8. I dont know whats going on here but I want it O_0 /UGvaBrU

  9. Since when does 3 have HSDPA+ live in waterford? O_0

  10. Got my Google Music invite today.She pretty nice

  11. Foos documentary on TG4 now

  12. Unemployed mam earns $2000-$3000 weekly! (Online). read more at /UtJZEOi

  13. RT @mcd_productions One of the greatest live acts in the world - Rammstein just confirmed for The O2, Dubli… (cont) http://deck.ly/~VBScW

  14. Google Plus activate! \0/

  15. Well hello Mr. Galaxy S 2. You belong to me now

  16. Is alive in some manner or form. Without a doubt 1 of the most batshit bonkers and brilliant events of my life! Roll on 2013 \0/

  17. Looks like a Harry potter reject :/

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