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Posts posted by dixie60

  1. Yes I do, and that's fine if he wants to stay on the list, but he was making a different offer. I don't know why I'm even arguing the point.. It's just her tone of writing to people which I find unnecessary. As if they are naughty children. Very patronising and people are having to take it in order not to upset her and be removed!

  2. Then why did you add the comment quoted below?

    You tried you luck and failed miserably as I spotted your thread.

    I have spent a lot of time helping people to get passes. In return all I have asked is that forum members do not start new threads asking to buy campervan tickets and to play fair..... you did start a new thread and you didn't play fair

  3. Hello all,

    My quick ten pence worth...

    Is 48 hours a reasonable response time? Yes in my opinion. Although with hindsight, it's more appropriate when time is of the essence, i.e. when there are sellers as well as buyers waiting.

    Was StoneCircle's response fair? To remove yes (or maybe to bump back to the bottom of the list?), tone of voice wasn't how i would have done it, but then i'm not the one spending hours every night organising it this year.

    That was my only issue, I am not for one minute criticising the job she is doing but I am definitely criticising the way she dealt with Andi B, yes even put her to the bottom of the list but to not even put her back on it at all is a little power hungry.

    I agree I may be out of order offering the spare one to Andi B but I did that because she was treated like a little kid and I didnt think that was fair especially when fairness is what the list is about.

    I hope everyone gets a ticket and I defo hope that people treat each other with respect as respect is the spirit Glasto is held in.

    • Upvote 1
  4. What are you on about 45 minutes?? I allow 48 hours as the time frame as suggested by Bonedaddy. Is that not long enough????

    When she put her response up and added the email address you asked for the email address to be taken down and within 45 mins you said she wasnt being put back on, look I have mine and i dont expect many people to throw anything into this discussion as they are all eager to get a ticket so they dont want to piss of Willy Wonkas missus incase they are ostracised from the club. All i am saying is she came back and asked to get back on, surely that shows the eagerness, if people dont respond to yer messages move on, next please attitude, dont kick any one off.

  5. And a question to the rest of you, is requesting a reply within 48 hours unreasonable?

    Should those who don't reply in the requested time frame remain on the list?

    I am trying very hard to be fair here......

    I dont doubt you are but 45 mins isnt fair mate, honestly i am not trying to under value what yer doing i think its great but what yer did with AndiB left a sour taste for me, and I think you are a much better person than that, in fact i am certain you are, i am actually shittin meself incase me campervan ticket falls through now and I come back promising a back massage around the stones!!!

  6. Ah the outsider looking in knows all the facts.....

    I requested that AndiB remove the e mail address from the posts. This was done via DM and was read, yet ignored. Then she asked how this all worked, despite the lengthy explanation in the first post. That saddens me as it tells me someone has just stuck their name down but cannot be bothered to read how it works. I am putting a lot of time and effort into this, is it too much to ask that people read one post?

    I had to contact the moderators to remove the e mail addresses for me.

    Following the advise I sought from Bonedaddy who ran this thread last year, I removed the said person due to not replying in the given time frame. I cannot see what I have done wrong in doing that, there was no need to visit this site, just simply read an e mail and respond via the link given.

    Oh and in case you are not aware all messages sent via DM generate an e mail to the address you use to register.

    Thank you for updating me, i will update the list.

    If anyone else feels I am being out of order please let me know, you are quite welcome to take over :(

    Turn it in lad, I acknowledged you are doing a excellent job, take that praise with the aplomb it holds but I sent a DM to AndiB 4 hours ago saying that I had a ticket for her if she needed it as I felt that taking her off the list was out of order. She took 2 1/2 hours to get back to me, she said she needed a west as she had a east one. She was quite understanding in all honesty I would have been extremely pissed off.

    I just think leave people on the list if you DM them and they dont respond then it is their loss, dont sweat the little things in life people are loving your help, just understand people use websites like this in a different way than you and are just looking for help mate.

    When you say given time frame you did not stipulate a adequate amount of time, for example if you said I want a response in 45 mins then fairplay, just do the right thing, All I am saying is "Give peace (AndiB) a chance"

    • Downvote 2
  7. Looks like AndiB won't be getting added back on then.

    Adding e mail addresses to this thread is not going to get you anywhere, not removing them when asked will ensure I don't add you to the thread. Not a hard rule to follow is it ;)

    Note send to mods for removal.

    Firstly I would like to let you know that I have now got a Campervan ticket tonight which I am ecstatic about, so please take me off the list.

    Secondly I wanted to say this the other day but are you serious??? I dont think for one minute that you are not trying to help people here and I honestly appreciate the way you have organised this StoneCircle but dont let it become some sort of power trip, i wanted to say this the other day but i was fearful that if i said anything you would throw yer dummy out the pram and take my name off the list and leave me with even less of a chance of getting one but now I am in a position whereby I am not fearful.

    You make up a few rules which i get but if someone doesnt respond to you, you just say "Looks like AndiB won't be getting added back on then" like a 12 year old child who takes their ball back because they got knocked out in a game of 2 and in!

    You gave AndiB 45 minutes to remover their email address not even thinking they may have gone out or even been doing something more important than browsing a forum, may have been tucking their kids in or reading a bed time story, ask them but even when they removed the email address you never added them back. Why not?

    Communities are about that, community, people value you what you do I can guarantee that, people need leaders and organisers and you have that role but when you treat people like this it is almost contemptible, it makes what you are doing seem immaterial because you are making people feel scared to say yer out of order.

    I liked the fact back in the thread Bonedaddy said something about the fact people shouldnt really have to be on every night or they get removed, I loved that voice of reason or none of us would have stood a chance.

    I really hope you have a cracking Glasto, I also thank you for your help no hard feelings but please add AndiB back and give her an opportunity to enjoy hers, I am sure she never meant to offend you or piss yer off but dont be so hard pal, people will buy yer a pint to thank you for yer hard work, if I see you I will buy you one too.



    • Upvote 2
  8. Cheers tommyds, but I don't think they're coordinates. I don't know what they are or how to use them.

    I have managed to sort something out anyway though...


    Works with everything I've tried so far. Let me know if there's anything that doesn't.

    You can type in anything from BA4 4BY to Australia. The more specific the better though I suppose... It puts your postcode in place of Worthy Farm. You can still drag it to get it where you want to if you need to.

    I particularly like how neatly it fits into Central Manchester.


    Thats brilliant, appreciate the hard work mate.

  9. Thank you for posting what I was feeling! :thankyou:

    The forum member in question managed 3 posts, 1 on here and 2 spamming other threads asking for the same thing, then nothing. As many of you know I get very disheartened by people joining the forum just to ask to go on the list and are never heard from again. I spend time contacting these people for their contact details and they do not even bother to reply. :girlwah:

    However this will start to work in your favour, no reply within time frame = getting removed from the list. My time is as precious as anyone else's and I will not make an effort for the takers that spring up on here.

    And karma is a wonderful thing ....... as is staying positive :)

    Its not really the case though, I have been on here and four other sites every morning and night thats before and after I finish work checking, I dont really use the forums but it isnt that I am not looking around it, its that I dont engage on forums often.

    • Downvote 1
  10. For me, simplicity works. Adding complexity or rules that are likely to exclude means newbies will want to find another route to their situation (often by posting separately and offering a premium).

    Last year i contacted people, in order, via efests or other details if they'd provided them, if they didn't respond in a reasonable timeframe, they were assumed to have been sorted and taken off the list. That to me was how you 'rewarded' the regular visitors.

    A newbie is more likely to become a regular if they're welcomed in, treated the same and have a positive experience.

    Have to agree with this, I would be gutted if I was excluded as I am not on here all the time.

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