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chris northwest

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Posts posted by chris northwest

  1. really think the the numbers need to be reduced if anything!the additional fields would surely only be used for camping/parking.

    i cant see how the stage areas could cope with an extra 20,000 people and remain safe, the crowded areas at present are an accident waiting to happen!

    although the addition of the one way system this year to shangri-la/arcadia/the common eased congestion, it was a pain in the arse!

    there really is no need for another 20,000, the festival makes a fortune for charity as it is! so why make it more uncomfortable for the 137,500 paying punters?

  2. it makes me laugh that any mega-fan of any band puts any negative comment about them down to 'hate' and never a person's validly held opinion.

    Yet it always seems to pass that mega-fan by that the lack of a worthwhile opinion they accuse that 'hater' of having on the basis of their 'hate' applies no less to the mega-fan - after all, if someone is unable to have a valid opinion due to their hate then the same surely also applies to someone whose opinion is warped by their 'love'.


  3. despite what the haters have said, or what people thought of u2 on the night! the band undoubtebly have there faults financially, but that was one awesome/unique voice Mr Hewson had in his heyday! just been listening to rattle and hum! heartland came on and my spine tingled!

  4. thought's are with the 5 victims and their families! it's hard to even begin to comprehend how accidents like this can happen

    in today's world of health and safety, i'm genuinely gutted for the festival goers who've had their weekend cut short!

    but even more gutted for the parent's whose kid's wont be coming home! it all brings home a sense of reality somehow!

  5. would love to join you there this year, sadly not though, we stayed at the lowther arms before solfest 2010 for a few days and heard the mawbray festival was brilliant.

    would it be possible to run them 1 weekend after the other next year? then some folks could come to both!

    good luck for this year though!!

    see you at solfest.

  6. sympathy to her family, but i'm not sorry tbh! its always pissed me off the way she was put on a pedestal by the red-tops!

    i would love to know how many teenagers are riddled with smack because her and pete docherty make it look cool?

  7. No, you're right, she runs The Park. I'm pretty sure the plan is Emily will take over, I thought this was pretty much common knowledge and in the public domain. Maybe I misunderstood, but I doubt it. I would be very surprised if Emily doesn't take charge before the next fallow year, which should be around 2017 (not withstanding any Olympic shenanigans). At the latest I'd say Michael will have retired and Emily running the show by 2018.

    In fact, after a bit of Googling, Michael said a couple of years ago that he'd hand over to Emily after this festival:

    Eavis 'handing over Glastonbury in 2011'

    Then he changed his mind for a bit

    Take with the usual Eavis bucket of salt, but I'd say it's a pretty safe bet that the only thing with 3 or 4 years left in it is Michael's tenure.

    Anyway, who cares what I think. Emily herself has a much more nuanced take on things

    Sorry for the link overkill, got a bit carried away with thar old Interweb!

  8. I dont know if you noticed aswell chris martin did and said exactly the same things he even fell on the floor during ghe same song. Coldplay couldnt lacd u2's boots in my opinion

  9. yes he makes money for good causes,and at times you do have to take what he says with a pinch of salt,but i do get a feeling he is paving the way for the end of Glastonbury within the next 5 years, He's what 76 years of age now, 78 for 2013 Glastonbury,it must take a huge amount of effort from him to play his part in running this. He will have to stop at sometime,he has Emily to help,but i don't see her taking it over at all,she has a new family now,and i doubt very much she would want to take Glastonbury on full time. It could be the festival as we know it has run its course,difficult to know where it could go from here,so better get used to the idea now that all good things come to an end one day.

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