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Posts posted by bagpuss

  1. My right toe is still numb and I dod not take any drugs other than booze so defo not MDA linked.

    I had very good boots and my feet did not overly sweat and did not get wet at all.

    It will go at some point I am sure :huh:

  2. Bit too busy to really get in and enjoy much of it and sound wasnt particularly great.

    Me and my friend did a Headline Hoof and successfully managed to see Jimmy Cliff to Mumfords to Fatboy and Carl Cox then DJ Shadow on to U2 for 2 tracks to finish with Primal Scream. Not bad going.

  3. yep brothers bar did it to us, it was So clearly a try on! Maybe someone should get intouch with them? I am sure if I was the owner of Brother I woul dnot be happy knowing this went on!

  4. This thread is only for happy stuff. things that made you smile or LOL so hard your belly hurt.

    It is normall to feel down after drink and or drugs!! your Serotonin is going to be very low (5HTP is good) get on a eat some eggs, bananas and complex carbs and avoiding meat this week should help :-)

    Also avoid the negative vibe and concentrate on the good stuff :)

    My highlights!

    Re discovering Cider - more to the point Brothers and even more pointy the Toffe Apple OMFG!! WOW

    Dub- FX woosh clever clever very good

    Spirit of 71 stage.. awesome met Mr Funktion one and what a top bloke

    Discovered a new band that I loved on the West Holts stage "hercules and love affair"

    Last but not least FatBoy Slim in the east dance tent

    Oh and one more. The company, camped with and around some of the best people ever.. Big repsect to my buddy, no matter how much you snored :-) and thanks for the ear plugs

    So whats your best bits :-)

  5. Very sad you lost everything.

    First time in Penards in 2009 and would never EVER return to the place I now call TwatCamp (not CT as you guys are all awesome :) )

    In 2009 it was bad enough having my tent entered EVERY NIGHT!! but all around us others were getting robbed and the Stewards were a complete and utter JOKE - WASTE of space.

    If I left money in my tent and someone took it, I would be gutted and kick myself etc, but the violation of some creep in my tent when I was sleeping drove me nuts, so much so, I thought it was my last festi and did not go in 2010.

    However, I did go back this year and had a fffing awesome time :)

  6. I am told that the North Atlantic oscillation has moved back down thus the cooler weather, so good chance it will come back up for the end of the month :)

    Of course it moving up does not mean no rain but at least it would be warm rain LOL

  7. My GOD. I go away for a year (not really I come on here often but dont post much anymore so not a need to log in) come back and you two are still at each other like children on a playground (stand by for rant from both of you)

    I think you two need to get a room and snog or beat each other to a pulp :)

    Neil you are way over sensative and I can so tell why. I know you would love nothing more, than to have an ad-free site with no charges. So when you are trying to keep the forum going, anyone that trys to take the food away is goign to feel the roth right..

    Dave. FFS man I love you to bits, you are like a brother to me, but stop with all this man. I again understand your frustration and I know you have an over whelming desire to help.

    If we had helped 1000 efesters to get tickets that would be 1000 other people that did not get any. nothing anyone ever does is going to be fair to the others that do not.

    Ranting at Neil ain't going to help dude. OH AND Neil responding to it is just as bad!! Please dont shout at me now though :)

    Now, maybe another thread somewhere that could invite people with the skills to advise on ways to make some money to keep this place top of the tree would be a good idea

    Any SEO experts in the house?

    Yes the adult is in the room now, so you can all stop with wet tissue on the ceiling and get back to your desks.


  8. One from erm 97 or 98 can not remember. I think 98 as it was more wet than 97! LOL

    Scaned in


    I cant find the other one of this bloke. shame as he had a bright RED tounge and was sticking out at everyone






    Oh and one for the wellyporn.com ( posted before but never hurts to post again :) )




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