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Jethro Alchemy

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Posts posted by Jethro Alchemy

  1. hi does anyone know if and when we will get tickets. i paid for 3 tickets on 15th july, not recieved any info yet?? tryed ti email but wont let me, help please ????

  2. Not long now until Alchemy September, well over 100 acts and loads of workshops and activites. Including a large free childrens area. Remember to get your tickets to avoid disappointment, and tell all your freinds. This is going to be something special to see the season out in style!


    * Friday - Here and Now

    * Saturday - Back to the Planet

    * Sunday - Zion Train

  3. I am sorry to say that we are cancelling the August Alchemy - This is for many reasons , council and advance ticket sales being amongst them. This does not affect the September event! - That will definitly go ahead as planned!

    Anyone who has already bought as ticket will be contacted and refunded and also given a free ticket to September and a surprise too! Once again we appologise to those affected!

    See you in September! :)

  4. Car Sharing

    Alchemy festivals aim to be as green as possible so if you are driving to any events we ask you try and bring a full car of people to minimise the effect on the environment.

    So if your looking for a lift or are your planning on driving to any of the Alchemy Festivals please use Alchemy's goCarShare site to check for spare seats or get all your spaces filled with fellow festival goers!

    See you on the dance floor :)

  5. Psychedelic Breakfast Tent

    Once again Psychedelic Breakfast will be hosting the dance side of things in their ever evolving space, bringing you an eclectic mix of more chilled out grooves throughout the day before letting rip with a mix of music styles ranging from Psytrance, to Breaks to Techno for the evening.

    The highly psychedelic area will again be decked out with a unique selection of UV backdrops and decor from our own in-house artists providing a technicolour area for dancing as well as one of the most comfortable chill-out spaces on the festival circuit giving a cozy space to sit, chill, enjoy a cup of tea, play games and listen to some good music.

    Our aim is to offer you all with as much as we possibly can so that you can get the most out of your festival experience whilst providing a unique setting for all to have a good time, kick back, relax, have a damn good boogie or whatever takes your fancy.

    Artists include...

    DJ Bones

    Will Power

    Wayne Psybase

    DJ Dan

    As well as a few special surprises for your enjoyment.

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