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Posts posted by Heddwch

  1. Unfortunately, it seems that most festivals are now pretty expensive to attend.

    Surely the Isle of Wight is the most expensive one out there?

    2 adults, 3 kids & caravan tickets for your family would set you back £625.

    Add onto that ferry costs of up to £160 for car & caravan.

    And they don't even have a decent line-up!!!

  2. I was stewarding the 'exit' of the Tipi tent on Saturday night from 9pm to 3am and totally agree with most of the comments made in this thread so far.

    We passed on all the complaints we had to our Team Leader, hopefully something might be done to rectify the situation next year.

  3. Ok guys and gals I think I can top all mentioned before this.

    I bumped into Euros Childs at an un-disclosed pub in Cardiff this evening, just prior to the Wales vs Russia game.

    I mentioned to him how much I liked his and Norman's set at Greenman and that I would be celebrating my 40th birthday at EOTR this weekend.

    He told me that he had been called up at the last minute to play at EOTR as someone had cancelled and that he'd heard great things about it.

    I asked where and when he was playing but he was a bit unsure. All he knew was that he was booked for Friday at 7.30 but didn't know where.

    According to the billing list I have this would fit in with him replacing Twi the Humble Feather on The Local Stage.

    I asked him to give me a shout out for my birthday, if he does give me a big hurrah!

  4. How are the normal weekend tickets selling?

    I'm trying to persuade a mate to come along but we are both skint until payday on the 31st.

    If plenty of tickets available, will we be able to pay on the gate or do we have to buy in advance?

  5. I thought this year's line up was the worst one ever, with far too many mundane easy listening bands for my liking.

    Thankfully, the awesome Pendulum, Pixies, Sterephonics, Mercury Rev , Killing Joke and the long past their best Goldielookinchain managed to entertain me between pints.

    What was it with the sound this year? Apart from Pendulum it seemed that if you weren't down the front it was so low the noise from the funafair drowned out the music!

  6. I love the festival but the over the top Police presence spoils the whole vibe for me.

    Don't get me wrong I welcome the fact that the Police & Security are out and about patrolling the car parks, the camping and general areas but it annoys me when I'm treated as a potential criminal even though I've done nothing wrong.

    Our van was stopped at Southampton ferry port where our details were taken and radioed in for checks and a sniffer dog went through all our stuff but failed to uncover anything.

    When we got to the camp site entrance we were forced to wait in line while security went through our stuff and another dog took a sniff at us when we passed. It really annoys me when you have to unpack all your belongings when you've taken bloody ages to pack it into a manageable pile to carry!

    And then there's the arena entrance. Bloody hell security people, we're there to have a good time and you make us queue for an hour in really hot weather to get in and then there's 2 or 3 dogs waiting for you when you get through. Talk about overkill!

    Saying that though, the doggies must have been having a siesta when I went through on Saturday and the security guys were pretty chilled so you could have smuggled anything you wanted then!

    Sunday was normal service resumed with a couple of sniffers on duty. Surely by then they must have been pretty knackered with all the different smells (some rather unpleasant) and the heat and weren't up to doing their job?

    I know the IOW festival has always been pretty strict on drugs as it was an important issue when they originaly applied for the licence (as the Islanders were scared of a repeat of the original festivals) but it feels to me now that it's well over the top and just an excuse for Hampshire Police to claim as much overtime as they can handle and get some pretty impressive results for their crime league tables as nabbing a few dozy hippies is much easier that catching some chavy car thief or nasty muggers.

    I will seriously have to consider whether I want to return next year as I don't want to go to a festival that treats it's customers as if it's a Police State.

  7. From the above lists I'd strongly agree with:

    Nick Cave solo; with Bad Seeds or Grinderman (or even just reading from his book!)

    Flaming Lips

    The National

    Sufjan Stevens



    The Hold Steady

    Silver Jews

    Half Man Half Biscuit

    Polyphonic Spree

    And I'll add:


    Richard Thompson

    Los Campesinos!

    Archie Bronson Outfit

    Broken Family Band (main stage this time please!)

    Misty's Big Adventure (ditto!)

    Cave Singers

    PJ Harvey

    Stephen Malkmus


    Seasick Steve

    Neon Neon

    Alabama 3


    The Handsome Family

    Piney Gir


    Magic Numbers

    And finally, any chance of getting the Silent Disco in for next year?

  8. OK, lots of regular festival goers here so hopefully you can help me make a decision! As I'm not driving to End Of The Road, the tent I use with my kids is out of the question. I'm determined to travel as lightly and hassle-free as possible, to the extent that I've even considered being ripped off by the Tangerine Field people (£55 just to rent a tent!?). So, I'm looking at getting one of those pop-up festival specials, either the Gelert one or the Rolson.

    Has anyone here bought/used either of these? Any comments/advice and maybe some reference to the kind of weather you used it in! The way things are at the moment, I am setting my expectations to LOW.

    Thanks in advance.

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