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Posts posted by Lucyferrr

  1. Some of you will remember the unbelievable act of kindness I received last year when I was faced with the prospect of not being able to go to Glasto.

    Many members here put a pound (or more) in my paypal account and through that generosity alone I was able to go to Glasto and subsequently meet some of the most amazing people I have ever come across who will now be life long friends.

    As promised way back then, I have just donated an equal amount to the amount that ended up in my paypal to Wateraid.

    I honestly cant thank you all enough and its something that will stay with me for the rest of my life!

    Youre amazing.



  2. One of our CT lot who shall remain nameless (you know who you are :P ) left the cider bus on Wednesday 2 hours before the rest of us because he was wasted. It could have been longer because we went and had a big old dance and several ciders at the Brothers bar before going back to camp.

    We gets there and said drunken member has only just got back. So he goes "oh I didn't realise we were all leaving at the same time..." the response..."dude...we left like 2 hours after you where have you been?" *long pause* "erm I'm not really sure but there was definitely a Glaswegian security guy there at some point..." :D

    Same night at camp and said drunken camper:

    "Luce? Why is your tent so small? I want to have a nap..."

    "Dude...even if this was a four man tent you wouldn't be getting in here..."

    Random camper: "You ever notice how tents are often a metaphor for life?" LOL!

  3. If you can find it on iplayer, don't tell the bride had a Glastonbury themed wedding and it was lovely.

    All the tables were different bands albums, their invites were printed by a ticketing company etc etc

    For favours you could give everyone a wristband, cider instead of champagne, local bands playing at the reception. Ooooh almost makes me want to get married :D

  4. Beautiful response. That is very heartening to hear that from that crowd.

    Boy would I have liked to have been at the front or to even be able to see Jarvis, unfortunately everyone else in The Park was thinking the same thing. And that was the end of that!

  5. Mr Funk? Why are you such a twat when you get home behind a computer? Where are the CT people moaning? There was the very unfortunate situation of SoCal being a total numpty and getting his passport stolen but FFS, stop being a self centred c*nt and just feck off to your pit of homophobic, picking on other people, high horse stupidness. You are a very very petty silly man.

  6. Ive put this in best conversations too but it needs repeating.

    Guy shouts to the crowd "anyone got anything for acid indigestion?! Like anything!!!"

    Random voice from far away: yeah dude...man the f**k up!

    SO funny. Acid indigestion?! Lol!

  7. Not so much stupid but ignorant.

    Middle of the crowd for Pulp on Saturday. Everyone was awesome. Respecting each others space, laughing joking etc. Some Hooray Henry pushes through with his obnoxious girlfriend and proceeds to lean his entire 6ft body against my 5ft frame and repeatedly elbow the girl in front of him in the head. So, I politely say "Babe? Can you stop pushing me so much because it hurts and I can't move anywhere!" he responds with "ok yah here's the thing though we are like at a festival yar and people are going to touch you yar..." I politely reminded him that out of thousands of people HE was the only one touching me and elbowing people...his response?

    Well you are just an ignorant c**t!

    Que gasps of horror from everyone around us and him being totally blocked from standing next to me by this awesome girl who was like "yeah...I might look little but I'm dead burley when I want to be!" :D

  8. I'd like to thank luciouslucy for the shirt and drying my clothes in her tent. Plus the space blanket to stop my tent leaking... Also lucyferr for the waterproof jacket (if u both pm me I can post the shirt n jacket back as realised I still have both lol :P) ... All my stuff was so wet and u guys were amazing and helped me so much. Also massive thanks to andy (dave the rave) who provided copious amounts of tea and any other little bits we seemed to fond ourselves needing... And Mark for the margharitas (they were epic) ... Plus Sarah ( my twisted words) for basically taking me under her wing for my first glasto n well n truly keeping my spirits high... Don't think Iv ever laughed so much!! ... I know Sar had a steward catch her from falling that she def appreciated .... From my experience at glasto, Iv never met ppl more giving in my life and it was an honour n pleasure to b around u all :) ... Much love x

  9. I just remembered another one...walking back from the pyramid on Sunday in a huge crowd we come across two guys, one with a massive inflatable hammer. He's repeatedly smacking the floor while his mate was shouting "HIT IT! For the love of beyonce HIT IT!" So funny.

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