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Posts posted by timprice

  1. Thanks for the photo. Think I'll end up getting a slightly longer pole but putting the flag 0.5m down from the top to avoid the thin flexy bit. Will require some experimentation in the garden!

  2. We had a 6m pole for 2005. Even in the pretty high winds on Friday morning it survived with just one stake (also from skyblueleisure). Attaching guy ropes would be fine it you want to ensure it's a bit more sturdy.
  3. Hi,

    One of my first posts but I have been lurking for many years for various glasto tips. This year I have been given the responsibility of arranging our flag as friends who have arranged it for previous glasto's are unable to go this year. Previously we have used a radio aerial mast 7m+ but had to be hastily taken down from pennard hill during the lightning storm of 2005. It is now in need of repair and a new pole.

    The telescopic poles and stakes on skyblueleisure look fantastic and a similar set up to how the flag has been erected in previous years. However with the radio aerial mast we have used guy ropes to give a bit more additional strength. Are these necessary with a telescopic pole of 6-7m? Has anyone tried using guy ropes with the telescopic poles? My main concern is that if you use guy ropes with a telescopic pole is there a danger of the pole not remaining taut and collapsing?

    Many thanks,


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