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king of carott flowers

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Posts posted by king of carott flowers

  1. I love Kate Bush songs and i love that I can love kate bush songs + everything else i love.

    i want to comment on all the other self indulgent shite I have read in this post but I am staying positive,

    Wish I had tickets.

  2. thanks 'The Nal' got to track 7. ( so far ).

    3, 6, 7 sound good to me.

    more like a comfy pair of walking boots that exiting music but seems to be back on form.

    Now, do I part with more cash for Mr Morrissey to own the music.. Personaly I still think he owes me big time :unsure:

  3. damm, i loved the smiths from the moment I heard reel around the fountain on John Peel in 84(?) and stuck with morriesy live and on record pretty much ever since, but after reading that pile of steaming shite that was meant to be his biography I vowed to move on and leave him to history... Now everyone is telling me its the best music he has released in years. not fair..

  4. " Now it seems so busy that they may as well never have put the super fence up - its as crowded as it was in 2000 when 3 x as many people were there as there were suppopsed to be" !

    Good point, which to me highlights the near corporate drive for biggest rather than making it the best...

  5. I have never felt the need to carry a flag of any description but each to thier own.. If one blocks my view I normally find my feet move it good enough syncronisation to allow me to move somewhere where I can see.. If not I cant be arsed anyway and in most instances I am so far back from stage I cant see performers anyway..If it is from a point of view from a TV viewer, tough shit,,

  6. difficult to tell without being there but the this now seems to be a goal rather than just someting happening...Or maybe for what ever reason I now have different view. Genuinely dont know..

  7. maybe its becuase I am watching it through the ever creeping coverage of BBC but shite, it just looks like someone has tried to put on the biggest ( not necessarily best ) festival in the world.. all way too serious, lost its cause, meaning, collective spirit and purpose..Sad days... Or maybe its because I am old and Glastonbury have achieved its aim of shifting the demographics.

  8. Phew that wasnt as bad as I thought it might have been... You are not a bad bunch after all....

    I was part dreading seeing what I had typed and part unable to login due to smashed screen on laptop...damn.

    and Youghurt...It certainly was, when it eventually kicked in.

  9. so do i get to see who gave me a red card for my last post or is it secret?

    I say red card because that is hown shown on here as but i guess you 'guys' have a proper name for it and actually attach a meaning to it?. pitty you c**ts becuase on a forum where the most recent posst include: what shoudl i do goin to a festival with ibs .,,,how about shit ur pants and pretend you have od' for fuck sake. and another bigging up eurthmics ( utter 80's commerical shite, regardless of what annie may claim they were just that., ) agghhhh . with this weeks news i cannot belive the banality on thiss site. noew i am typing boid i will be back soon

  10. unless you need / want to take loads, making it is a pretty cheap option. I can very easily recreate the thick cloudy scrumpy juice with scrumped apples recon its about 8%..

  11. wtf?

    if a group of mates started up chatting and sharing NOS balloons with all the associated silly noises while you were watching a film in your cinema that you'd been waiting for over months and months would you not say something?

    Does THAT makes you some kind of dick insisting everyone complies to your rules?

    Get a frikkin grip. It's a musical act that they have come to see, folk are perfectly reasonably entitled to expect to be able to see and hear that act. If those people don't give much of a damn about that act then they should head further back so they don't disturb those who are - it's basic consideration and politeness.

    Tolerance and acceptance also come with responsibility. You don't skin up or do lines of coke in the Kidz Field, you don't wreck people's ability to enjoy the acts they've come to see in front of the stages.

  12. Umm , no clear answers in this subject is there..That guy in the clip is hardly the best arguement to put forward tho, he would clearly sell his sole to the highest bidder, just horrible. I am guessing he expects to be kept in a certain lifestyle for his work.. A level at which most would probably find obscene but thats a whole different topic. But I can see without any income he would only be getting shafted by the big boys.

    I think your model of 'donations ' is about right, didnt radiohead do that ?( ammoungst others I am sure ) be interesting to see what the average donations were.

    - I remember my first gig's were on 'donation at the door' basis.. Music was accessed through recordings / second hand record shops or record labels with the 'pay no more than ' attitude, so I never really considered anyone having to make a shed load of money. I guess thats what's formed my attitude to the downlaods.

    Now I am meant to be all grown up, I am stil thinking about the being happy with stealing issue.

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