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Posts posted by RichW1

  1. Ok the whole murder thing is a fair (but invalid point in my case I promise!) But I do hear the 'It's muuuurrrduurr' taggart thing now since it was mentioned!! Anyway...bought my ticket for Global so I'm there - no scally's on Creamfields for me this year but I'll join up with anyone who wants to hook up; I'm saving Creamfields for Ibiza@Amnesia....Above and Beyond's Group therapy launch on 18th Aug there, couldn't resist (obviously!)

    Already found my tent's not exactly in the best condition as in I need a new one!!

  2. Hey All, I'm in the unfortunate situation of people not wanting to coff up the money this year and some have moved on to pastures new in their lives and can't go for various reasons!! So.....

    I'm wondering if anyone fancies a plus 1 in their group to be at Global Gathering or Creamfields with? I'm hitting Ibiza for Above and Beyond's dates over there for Cream at Amnesia (preferably 18th August as that's the launch album(Group Therapy)night.

    So if anyone wants to meet someone new and wouldn't mind, let me know and let's arrange? I'm based in Manchester but wherever you are doesn't matter as I'm between here and London all the time and don't mind travel!

    Thanks Y'all

    Rich W.

  3. Hey All, I'm in the unfortunate situation of people not wanting to coff up the money this year and some have moved on to pastures new in their lives and can't go for various reasons!! So.....

    I'm wondering if anyone fancies a plus 1 in their group to be at Global Gathering or Creamfields with? I'm hitting Ibiza for Above and Beyond's dates over there for Cream at Amnesia (preferably 18th August as that's the launch album(Group Therapy)night.

    So if anyone wants to meet someone new and wouldn't mind, let me know and let's arrange? I'm based in Manchester but wherever you are doesn't matter as I'm between here and London all the time and don't mind travel!

    Thanks Y'all

    Rich W.

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