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Posts posted by Chr1s

  1. KOL were actually excellent at Leeds that year although I seem to remember Caleb seeming genuinely pleased that black thumbnail, the bucket, etc went down better than those couple of certain Only By The Night songs, they were quite the opposite at Reading.

  2. 36 minutes ago, lightning1000 said:

    That's impossible, gazza has mentioned every band on the planet at some point in this thread


    33 minutes ago, JTed said:

    I'll rephrase that to 'a band who's been very briefly mentioned then'...:lol:

    He hasn't mentioned Depeche Mode, I don't think anyway :unsure:

    In all seriousness who could it be? I said it before,with regularly active UK based bands word usually gets out, too many people are in the know and some people whisper.

    non-UK based bands are a little harder to be solid on because obviously less people here are in the know.

    If it is a UK based band things are so quiet at this point that it's either a reformation or someone pretty under the radar, not regularly touring and/or headlining festivals here. For the bands that would be certain headline sized reunions Morrissey or Weller I couldn't see working with their old bands, leaving Oasis but Noel is active and successful.

    Under the radar, Depeche Mode are headers everywhere they play, certainly fit a profile pretty much exactly like The Cure. Nothing much comes out of camp blur until they're ready for it to come out. The Stone Roses are not being claimed as T UK exclusive and again their camp isn't leaky. Radiohead nothing comes out until they're ready. Can't think of anyone else offhand who fits that profile.

    Other than that line of thinking I am perplexed.

  3. Co=headliners can be a good thing if it's legends like Pulp who can put on a hell of a show, have anthems but are never going to be exclusive as when they co-headed with The Strokes. If it's generic stuff like Paramore or YMa6, not so great and looks weak.

    Hell, no matter personal prefs, it's not so long ago and the same year as those co-headers we had Muse subbed by Elbow, both great festival bands generally. Madness playing in the mid afternoon on Pulp day, again absolute legends with a ton of hits.

    Yeah Foos and Black Keys, Kasabian and Florence, big parings.

    Anyway thing is if it's a UK band there is usually more info, simply down to more people in the UK being in the know, non-UK bands it does tend to take a bit more guesswork/more solid sources, that is what would make me lean to this final header not being UK. The only fly in the ointment is the T no-exclusivity on the Roses, other than that god knows but if it's a UK based band they have a tight ship. 


  4. It saddens me as someone who has attended Leeds from day one at Temple Newsam, that You Me At Six and Bring Me The Horizon could seriously be talked about as potential headliners, having said that the last two years have been dire in comparison to previously so they have set a certain standard of expectation.

    The last time I remember so little info one one header or sub was 2010 prior to someone mentioning on here G'N'R & The Libs (although that person thought The Libs would head not Arcade Fire), not that I think for one minute it's G'N'R this year, although that little info would send me thinking towards a US rather than UK based band. Although T not claiming any exclusivity over The Stone Roses makes me think they're a possibility. Stone Roses with Prodigy subbing it's an early 90's dance resurrection :P


    5 minutes ago, mrtourette said:

    Not with them, they've shown that when it would be very easy/logical to play the festival they haven't and yet when it means them going out of their way they have. Maybe it's about the money, maybe touring anywhere outside of North America or Japan is decided by the toss of a coin.

    Aye true that, or possibly there is a rave Rivers fancies attending in Japan or England, he is pretty random generally.

  6. 1 minute ago, mrtourette said:

    Didn't Green Day do it before their secret set? I don't think there's any doubt that it can be done.

    Yeah they did, if an headliner can get their setup over in time Weezer certainly can but as I said I'm not sure it gives a big clue either way. *Prays for Weezer though* 

  7. My guess

    The cure

    Smashing pumpkins





    The Maccabees

    Lock up





    Kaiser chiefs

    New Order (don't have a clue how big they are)

    The Vaccines


    At the drive-in


    Lock up

    Social Distortion


    Foo fighters

    No doubt




    Gaslight Anthem



  8. I don't mind the ones who can't handle the drink. We've all been there. It's part of the learning experience/growing up.

    The ones that piss me off are the people who just show no respect for the band or audience. The ones that think that if they don't like a band/song, they can use it as background noise for their conversation/antics. A few examples.... I used to be a huge GnR fan as a teen, was with a large group of people who were clearly in to the set, but for ages all a load of people behind were shouting was "Where is Slash?"... Like if you don't know "where Slash is?", fuck off. I told them to go and watch someone else... they justify it as "banter". No. Or when I was watching Radiohead. I stood a bit further back to take in the visuals a bit better... but it there were loads of people just chatting over the music, eating... using the set as some kind of dinner party background music... NO FUCK OFF. The worst crowd I was ever in was at Glasto though, love the Twilight SIngers, but they were placed before Jessie J. Huge crowd for Twilight Singers, a very select group of actual fans who were just being mocked and looked at weirdly for not being there Jessie J.

    If you're in a crowd... show some respect for people around you.

    That turned in to more of a rant than intended. But still.

  9. Weds I think nothing, Thurs has some entertainment like the Dance to the Radio stage, a few smallish bands, food available, movies, fairground rides etc. I personally havent entered the site before Friday for a few years though so someone else may have better info. Yup on Tickets and Line-Up at the same time.

  10. Site map http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6150/6021875038_089b4d74f4_b.jpg

    How is the audience, I guess that varies year by year, generally every year you'll get the few twats who can't handle their drink and are there for the "I went to Leeds" rather than the music, every festival has those though. I have gone with friends prior to 2007 and since 2007 with the girlfriend and always enjoyed it, met a few nice people, never personally had any bother :)

  11. Can't get instalments with voda vip.

    Leeds compared with T hmmm less pop music, more English people, dunno what to say really tbh other than i'd imagine Snow Patrol would never headline R&L.

    To me T seems like some kind of inbetween mix of V and R&L. I pay for Leeds every year and have for many years, I went to V for the first time last year (non-paying went with work) and found it godawful compared with Leeds musically. Some other ways I found much better (the food :P) I wish Leeds had those specific food areas, with quality choice. But yeah back to music if you like metal/rock/indie R&L pisses on T and V, if you like chart stuff more then T & V would be better.

    *Edit - I have never been to T, my opinion is based completely on line-ups, no idea of the atmosphere etc.

  12. Great guess mate. They are back and no dates at all and a very original booking. I agree with the start, don't get me wrong, I don't want Soundgaren as I have a sunday download ticket. But as Ten D are playing 3rd at Download, even though they would be normally 2nd, would they if Grohl wanted them too take a 4th? but with an hour set time or something?

  13. I get a feeling the Foos, Soundgarden, Tenacious D isn't likely to come off due to the two special guests/download bands. I think it's gonna be Foos then Garbage and Tenacious D (or Tenacious D and Garbage) taking sub and third.

    Reason behind my thinking is Garbage have no UK festival dates announced yet. Garbage drummer Butch Vig was the producer of Nirvana's Nevermind and produced Foos Wasting Light as well as the two new tracks on their greatest hits, Grohl obviously has a lot of time for him (and the band Garbage generally) and I think they'd take a fairly high spot due to their comeback factor.

  14. The Cure, Kasabian and Foo Fighters a weak set of headliners? Really? I think it's a strong set. You have the current big Indie band in Kasabian, the huge stadium act in the Foos and the cult legends in The Cure. Just hope Melvin books a really strong undercard too.

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