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Posts posted by Outlier

  1. Hmmm, upon further inspection I'm not so sure about this schedule. I think that people are unlikely to spend 2 hours watching a film when they could be off seeing some music. Surely a better bet would be to show a program of mainly short films, so that one could pop in for 15 minutes or so between bands and then leave again, with feature films only in the morning and late evening?

  2. What is anyone's opinion on wearing the t-shirt of a band to the gig of a solo artist who was a member of said band, or perhaps to a gig of a band who shared members with the band on the t-shirt? Could I wear, say, a BSP t-shirt when seeing Brakes?

  3. It does worry me, every time i see someone describe a band as "perfect for a sunny afternoon on the Garden Stage", what would happen if it rained. Mogwai could work well, as could Bo Ningen, but it seems that EoTR has a very sun oriented line up in general.

  4. I'm all in favour of a weather thread, as this can really make or break a festival in my opinion. I actually don't really have anything to contribute though, except that last year's GM weather was truly awful. How has EoTR weather been in previous years?

  5. Thanks Ben I now do indeed see what you did there. I actually also am a bit of a post-rock lover myself and I constantly reference EITS lyrics in conversation ;) On a different note I keep refreshing my hotmail to see only my previous email from the Autolux newsletter. They have a new EP out today, anyone think they could play? Obviously not headlining but they would be more rocky...

  6. Fleet foxes headline with Bellowhead , The Burns Unit, Villagers, Wild Nothing, Sic Alps, Polar Bear, Robyn Hitchcock, Ellen & The Escapades, Our Broken Garden, Emily Barker, The Gentle Good, 2:54, The Travelling Band, Bleeding Heart Narrative, The Ramshackle Union Band, Mancub Babywoman.

    Solid start I'd say! Did anyone else only have the option of buying International Delivery with the Green man tickets?

  7. I'm pretty sure it used to say, after the early-birds had sold out, that 2011 tickets would go on sale properly on February 1st, but I may have been confused by a combination of my blindness and wishfully thinking they were giving us solid information. Now it just says information "soon"... Does anyone have any idea what prices all be? Also my wishlist: Headliners- Eels, The National, Sufjan Stevens

    Further down I would love Beach House, whom they have hinted about in their blog, Villagers, Los Campesinos!, Anais Mitchell, maybe with a special dramatization of Hadestown, Best Coast and Built to spill come to mind instantly. Maybe Salem and Caribou to curate Far Out after Dark? So excited...

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