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Posts posted by featherboa

  1. My first was in 2005 and I vowed never to go back again as I couldn't believe how much it flooded. However, I did go back in 2007 and I loved it, yes I know it was wet, muddy and cold but I really enjoyed it.

    You just have to come to terms with the fact that you are likely to get muddy, that clothes may be ruined, wellies will be worn for the whole duration, but hey, what is 5 days of welly wearing in a year!

    Don't get me wrong, the weather in 2007 made it hard to get round and journeys from camp to various stages took much longer than originally thought but it was still fun and me and my boyfriend enjoyed it very much! I wouldn't wish for that weather again, but if it did turn out like 2007 I wouldn't leave early. I am hoping for 2008/2009 weather and hopefully that is what we will get, yes there may be rain, but as long as you have wellies/suitable footwear and waterproofs you'll be fine!

  2. I think everyone on this thread has done really well! So big pats on the back to all of you!

    I am not weighing myself again until the 21st and I am hoping to have lost a little more by then - my legs won't be as toned as I would like, but hopefully they won't look too bad! My copy of Zest magazine has an article on the front that says you can lose 3lbs in 6 days - not sure if anyone wants to give that a go??

  3. Lucy - you'll have to let us know how the diet goes - it looks a good one to me as you can eat most things and I could never give up carbs, I love them too much!

    I would follow it myself, but I am having my wisdom teeth removed on Friday, so I'll be on soft food like yoghurt for a while! Just hope I recover in time for Glasto! Fingers crossed!!

  4. I have thick naturally wavy hair and I always ask my hairdresser to thin my hair out before Glasto - basically they cut some of the thickness out of it so it is easier to handle - and it dries quicker when I wash it.

    I use the litre bottle of water at my tent and take one of those microfibre towels as they suck all the water from your hair so it dries quicker.

    I know it sounds vain to some to wash your hair at a festival, but if I didn't look after/wash mine I think it would form so many knots that i wouldn't be able to brush it again!

  5. Put our tent up today - only took 10/15 mins, I hope we can recreate the quickness at Glasto!

    Waterproofed it (although it will be dry, but best not tempt fate), and leaving it up overnight to give it a good airing! I did get excited putting it up and thinking the next time I'll be doing this will be at Glasto!!

  6. I went in, 2007 I think it was. It was ok, we didn't have to queue for long at all - I also remember the human jukebox that was quite close to it, is that still there or has that gone along with the Minuscule of Sound?

  7. I have Hunters, but I call them wellies.

    They are comfortable and higher on the leg than most which is why I like them. I do wear them outside of Glasto too - they are very good for walking around muddy, snowy fields in the autumn/winter!

  8. If anyone knows of any other comps please let me know - my cousin missed out on tickets so is entering all competitions out there to try and win some! I see someone on here has been lucky so fingers crossed that luck spreads!

  9. Took jimmystobo's advice (well kind off) I could only managed 20 minutes on level 8, 7 and 6 - i had to turn it down as it was burning my legs so much!! I am aiming to do 20 mins a day (obviously hoping this increases as time goes on) and hope that this gets the legs in better shape!

    I did do some squats after my 20 mins so didn't feel too much of a failure!

  10. There was a place in The Park last year that did a veggie/vegan breakfast that was nice - it also did muesli/cereals and it had soya milk (big thing for me being lactose intolerant) so I would recommend there. It is nice some mornings just to get fresh fruit and feast on that - very refreshing in the heat!

  11. I've just had a purple wig delivered from ebay so I'll be trying that one on when I get home!

    I'm really after some old band t-shirts, but the ones I've purchased over the last couple of years have all been that horrible thick material. I want some thin ones that I can customise etc. Anyone got any ideas where I should be looking?

  12. cross trainer higher incline high resistance for a long period 40 min- an hour, dont worry about going to fast as its not a cardio workout your primarilylooking for though you will still get one.

    2-3 times a week between now and glastonbury you'll be laughing.

    if its just your legs you're really worry about using the arm things use the static handles

  13. I'm also trying to get in shape for Glasto. So far I have lost 6.5lbs in two weeks following Slimming World.

    I would like to tone my legs up in time for Glasto, especially if the weather is as good as last year, I want legs to be a little proud of whilst I am wearing my shorts!

  14. I am looking forward to this year, but I do understand what Lucy is saying. This is our 4th year and I thought that I wouldn't be as excited as usual but I am!

    We have no other festivals or holidays booked this year, so perhaps that is I am looking forward to it as much as I am.

    People might be a little unorganised with the packing and preparations, but I think once this weekend is over the excitement will kick in as it draws ever closer! :)

  15. Hi,

    I did a quick search on this but couldn't see anything.

    I have read on here about collapsible buckets/sinks and I wondered where you get these from? As it probably won't be delivered in time if I order from the internet, are they sold in camping shops?

    Thanks! :)

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