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Posts posted by xrayspecs

  1. Hi SarahNatBenAmy glad to see you are going again this year. We are moving up in the world and now have a caravan (whoa). Actually it's a Father Ted job but it has a bed so no more back ache and waking up freezing in the middle of the night. We'll keep an eye out for you and maybe we can have a pint in the Wonky Cock, missed seeing you last year. xx

  2. Well less than a week to go, fingers crossed for some dry weather. Got totally soaked at The Green Gathering the other week. I know it's Britain so we take what we are given weather wise but dry weather definately helps.

    We've got everything sorted and ready to go now. Just got 2 more days in work then it's time to unwind again. Just saw Tony Benn on the programme so I'll be adding him to my list, heard him in Glasto a few years back, the man's a living legend.

    See you all in 6 sleeps :oD

  3. Hi guys. Just re-read this thread from the start and noticed your posts. I realise they were put on 10 months ago but hopefully you will see this and reply.

    My question is (other than the horrid stuff, like your coats being taken and men in the tent), what made last year not as good as previous years?

  4. Hey xray ! glad we saw you in the parade, we were a bit late getting to Ghostpoet on sunday and it was ram out in there so gave up in the end ! (couldnt even get a drink) We had a great time to but know what you mean about previous years there was a slightly different vibe to it this year! Having our coats knicked didnt help! But having someone in your tent is bloody awfull we had a guy last year trying to get in 1 of girls tents in our camp, making a mistake is 1 thing but when you being shouted at and told your in the wrong place but just carring on takes the piss !!

  5. We had a good time (not as good as previous years) but all in all we enjoyed ourselves. Highspot for me was the beatbox workshop and lowspot was some random (totally off his head) trying to get into our sleeping bag with us at 3.30am this morning. Thankfully he wasn't a thief because he'd opened the main zip, then opened the inner zip and was peering over us calling for "Lisa". Neither of us had heard him coming in, I screamed like a banshe for him to get out of the tent but he was still asking for lisa, then my other half screamed at him to get out and he said "Oh sorry mate" and went leaving both zips open wide open. It scared the living daylights out of us cos we were both flat out. Made me think though that I was glad I wasn't sleeping alone in the tent. Can smile about in now but had trouble going back to sleep at the time.

  6. Just crawled back home after a fantastic three days. A warning for next year, however, there was at least one guy working the car park scamming money out of people on the day I arrived there. He was approaching people as they offloaded their stuff, asking a fiver a person and claiming the money was an additional donation for carbon offsets. He seemed very plausible at the time but when I asked about it later nobody official had heard of him.

  7. Thanks SNBA for the weather updates, we should be safe to head off early then. Looks like there's a meet in the Wonkycock again this year(7pm Fri). Hope you can make it SNBA it'd be lovely to see you again. If anyone reading this thread fancys meeting in the flesh come to the Wonkycock pub at 7pm Friday.

    As for our cat, who's costing us an arm & a leg. He's okay thanks (a long story I won't bore you with except to say if he catches anymore creatures after all this is over I'll personnally remove his teeth and claws.)

    I probably won't get a chance to post again now before we go, so want to wish everyone a great festival. Hope to see some of you in the Wonkycock Pub, if not and you see a Grandfather Clock in the parade please come and say hello. 18 hours and 41 mins to go................

  8. Picked up our cat from the vets earlier on and was faced with a bill of £217. To say I went pale is an understatement. Looks like we'll be taking food with us to try and keep costs down :( Pity the Hare Krishna's don't do Shambala. So if you see someone begging at the festy it isn't a fancydress idea it'll be me :(

  9. Thanks SNBA. Someone on site posted this morning that they had some of the R word but it was only light. As long as tomorrow isn't too bad we should be okay, hopefully.

    I've just brought all the camping gear downstairs and piled it in the livingroom. Got to decide when to go shopping now. Was going to do it after work tomorrow but we've got to put one of the cats in a cattery now cos he's not 100% and not sure if I'll have enough time.

  10. Gates open at 2pm. Apart from last year when there was a problem with the weather and they had to delay opening up, there generally isn't much of a queue. We like to arrive as near to gates opening as poss, only because we like to get set up and settle it and relax while everyone else is setting up. The earlier you arrive the nearer you can set up to the car park (although it's not very far even to the farest camping). They have a new family camping area very close to the car park this year so arriving handy will bag you a good stop, but if you have to arrive later you'll still find somewhere. There isn't a mad crush of tents like Glasto.

    See you in a field in a few days :)

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