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Posts posted by Johnthebar

  1. I left Apple yesterday and got an SII. It's still early days, but I really like Android and this phone is lightning fast. However I'm a geeky bastard who likes tinkering with stuff so it's nice to be out of the locked down Apple environment.

  2. Yeah I get like that as well :) I only remember where I was as my memory was jogged from your post above

    We walked past BAD and I thought, "that's a very small crowd", then past Noah and the Whale, prompting a massive rant from my mate about how shit he thinks they are, then we got to GLC, which was absolutely rammed but lots of fun.

  3. How the fuck can you sleep through a subgiant set???? :biggrin: I've seen them twice before and it's been loud and they've got the place moving big time. We're they on at 11am or something?

    Did they play at all then on sunday? We left as it didn't look like it was happening at all and went to a bit of ModeseleKtor on the way to Fat Boy Slim

  4. I put my Bestival comments on another site, but forgot to post here doh! Sorry about the crap posting structure, but I was still broken when I wrote them, and I'm not writing them out again.

    I had the best time ever. It was my first time there and I'll definitely be going back, it was one of the best festivals I've ever been to cool.gif

    The wind on Monday morning was hilarious, I was hit by 3 flying tents and had near misses with a fair few more. We camped were down near tent heaven at the bottom of black camping.

    Good Bits:

    Sniffer dogs at the gates being shit at their job wink.gif

    Having a really good group of up for it folks camped with us smile.gif

    The general party atmosphere and little or no aggro or dicks anywhere; everyone I met was up for shits and giggles.

    Full on raving - Andy C follwed by SL2 on the afterburner in the rain was so fucking cool and took me back to my teenage rave days. Oh. My. Gosh! biggrin.gif Fatboy on Sunday night was rammed, but a mental atmosphere and tunes.

    Rizlab in the daytime - Banging tunes in Ibeefa type outdoor setup

    Hip Hop - Didn't come here for this but seemed to see loads, my fave being Dr Syntax on the bandstand on sat night.

    Sound levels - generally LOUD!

    The funny acts - Beardyman was a great way to get the fest going in the sun, Mr B on the afterburner was the best, GLC were good, but it was really busy and hard to get in the tent.

    Starting Friday morning off with a massive bang with the correspondents followed straight away with Beardyman. There was no easing into the day there.

    Wall of Death!

    Security - Actually freindly and didn't seem to enforce the bullshit no alcohol rule.

    Bad Bits:

    Sniffer dogs at the gates mad.gif

    Bjork being fucking dull

    Not feeling love for PJ or the Cure due to the contrast with all the other music I was enjoying on Saturday

    Mrs N1 somewhat overdoing it on saturday and writing off sunday

    Flava Flave's bloody book

    Subgiant not being able to do thier afterburner set due to the rain (enjoyed the DJ though). I hope their equipment was OK though.

    My biggest gripe though is the Isle of wight ferries upping the prices so much for festival time. It cost us an absolute fortune to travel there.

    I think everyone in our group of 15+ will probably be back next year

  5. Hope they pull it off, it's a great site for this sort of thing. In my previous work I had lots of day to day experience with the land owner and a couple of the major partners in this and collectively they are a shower of control freaks that I'm glad I never have to work with again. I hope things have changed in the time I've been gone.

    This looks really exciting. Although part of the reason why the area is derelict is its proximity to London City Airport and the fact that a Public Safety Zone for the runway covers a (small) part of the site - generally development within a Public Safety Zone that will increase the number of people in the area is refused.

    Will be interesting to see if this gets through planning.

  6. I forgot the smiley. Was only joking about :D

    The 1 way system was rubbish though. On the saturday we got in the back way when Orbital were doing their thing in Arcadia and the side of the field we entered from was more or less empty. I heard that there were big queues to get in at that time.

  7. That's a lovely van. Sorry to hear about your loss, there's some scummers about. I live in Walthamstow and will keep an eye out in the event that the bastards are driving it in the local area.

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