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Posts posted by johnnyred

  1. Well I thought the Countryfile forecast was v.positive. IMHO Ithink the site on the whole will be fine by the time folk turn up. Shangri La and Arcadia will probably be a mess because of the concentration of construction in such a confined area. When they said r##n they didn't mention that it was going to be heavy or thundery, so could be periods of drizzle/ light showers.

    I'm going for a 2008 scenario, which as far as I'm concerned will do me.

    That's it, Countryfile has spoken. I'm preparing myself mentally for the forecast they have given. So long Weather thread, you've screwed with my emotions too much over the past few weeks. Enough is enough.

    The next time I see an image of the site will be with my own two eyes. Have a happy festival

  2. Right, excuse my ignorance, but could someone clarify JACKONE'S scale for me. So if 1= 2010 and 10= 2007. What's a 5? 2008 conditions? Because if it is, then what's the big deal. That year was a doddle.

    Sure we are going to have rain on site over the next few days. But there will be no heavy traffic on the fields in front of the main stages in the next 5 days., and all the tractors, lorries, forklifts etc will be travelling on the metal walkways. By now most of the major work will have been done.

    IMHO the site is going to be perfect by Wednesday.

    Que sera, sera folks

  3. 6Music are running a comp to win 3 sets of 4 Glasto tickets with hospitality. The question is , which band couldn't play Glastonbury in 1984 because one of the members had shot himself in the leg (tool!)?

    a) The Band B) Quo c) The Sex Pistols

    Was it The Band?

  4. Both Wildbeasts albums are on a loop at the mo. Saw them on The JP stage last year and thought ttheir moody, atmospheric brand of music was a bit lost on a sunny mid afternoon slot. Headlining the Park this year, can't wait

  5. A tent with a built in GPS tracking device. :)

    This has been done.....sort of. Someone came up with the idea of a gizmo that is stitched into the roof of your tent, and when you dial a dedicated number on your mobile, the device starts flashing. Clever eh?

    Not really an invention, but why doesn't someone hire a number of refigerated vans and provide a booze bank. You deposit your cans, wine or whatever at the van, and then you can pick them up throughout the weekend nice and chilled. The van then charges you for how long the booze has been with them. Don't know what the running costs of a van are, but I'd certainly pay a tenner to keep all my beer cold

  6. Last year walking towards Avalon, there was a large screen playing a movie. Wasn't paying much attention, but suddenly realised they were showing The Rocky Horror Picture Show, and we were passing at the exact moment in the film when The Timewarp kicked in. Had a random dance with about 50 other people, then tootled off grinning into the night

  7. Not particularly fond of cider, but wanted to try brothers - so tried strawberry the other night - which was okay. Having bought what feels like half of tesco's nationwide stock of the festival strength pear in cans for the other half, I felt it only right I help him sample it. Put strawberry cordial in it, and confirm that 1) It is rather yummy and not quite a sickly as strawberry brothers, 2) Will make a wicked snake bite when mixed with Stella, & 3) Will ensure that pretty much everyone who makes my acquaitance at the fest will probably only remember me as a jibbering wreck as it's highly likely this stuff is going to get me properly muntered!!

    Roll on the Glasto!! :D:D

  8. My apologies, maybe I was a bit unclear. It wasn't the printed receipt I was referring to. I got an additional piece of paper with a big Pink oval in the middle, stating "Campervan Ticket" and a serial number. But it clearly wasn't as intricate as the festival tickets themselves.

    No offence, but I don't think your right. I have something similar to the scanned ticket shown by Stone Circle, and to get into the queue for the campervans, you'll need that in your window. I've never used the other bit, which is just a receipt. If I could do that, they'd be nothing to stop be selling on my proper ticket. The horror of trying to sort it out with a steward whose just trying to direct traffic doesn't bear thinking about - I suggest anyone who doesn't have a proper ticket should definitely sort it out before they go

  9. Emailed DX to find out when tickets will be delivered. They sent an email back saying that I would have tickets by the 17th of June. Email came with a tracking number. Then used tracking number to rearrange delivery. Bish, bash, bosh, 24hours later I am now holding tickets. Simples!

    DX RULE!:D

  10. Cheers Polwhirl

    Upload the pictures to imageshack, photobucket, or even facebook.

    Then right click the photo and copy the "image url" or "image location" depending on what browser your using.

    Click the picture.png Button and paste in the link ;)

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