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Posts posted by dubgaz

  1. Anyone got any advice on how to stop the bottom of your willie falling off, this is the last thing I need this weekend.

    Just use protection and you should be fine

  2. They've all run away from the mud!

    I'm planning on making the efests meet - should be in a very bright fox hoodie so not hard to spot

    Us gay people cant run in mud :) :) Hopefully see you at the efests meet so :)

  3. Folks. Any recommendations on food stalls that sell food that is good for keeping energy levels good so that I can keep festival fit :):) I am bringing my homemade Protein Bars (Honey, Peanut Butter, Oats and Protein Powder) but I reckon they will only last me a couple of days as I never have enough of those bad boys. So looking for places that sell the type of food that doesnt send you into carb induced coma in the evening :):) Thanks

  4. I don't like seeing my fellow Glastonburiers unhappy! Take the positives:

    Looks like FOUR dry days, maybe showers on Saturday if we're unlucky

    The exceptionally dry ground will take a lot of hammering before it decides to give up.

    The predicted weather front is not widespread. It's patchy. Some parts will be hit, some won't. Will be a coin toss if we will!

    No matter what happens, you're still at the most wonderful place on earth, with lots of lovely people.

    Smile. :)

    You have jinxed it :) :) There is going to be an earthquake and tornado now :)

  5. There's an awesome stall on onecof the main market routes from the pyramid.. i think its called honchos or something like that..they sell all types of walking boots mostly seconds and returns... top names at 30% the normal retail price..still have a pair

    Excellent. WIll definately check them out. Thanks very much for that.

  6. There are at least ten years worth of threads here saying buy walking boots. We've known we're going since October (on the whole)

    You can't be telling me you weren't forewarned - had you seriously only bothered getting trainers?

    You'll be ok on arrival wednesday looks dry and I'd bet you can buy some on site on Weds - the camping stores will be open and will be well stocked as they'll have seen the weather forecast and they probably won't get stock-raped as folk will have seen the weather forecasts too.

    There's always the chance if you're flying over you must be coming to near a city with camping shops, might be worth a detour if time allows but you have left it tight so it is going to be a right hassle

    Dont get me wrong. The reason I didnt get any was because the weather here has been so nice for the last few weeks. I suppose I got complacent. I dont have a pair of walking shoes. Never needed them before as I always wore runners at any of the festivals I have gone too (well bar Glasto 2011 where I bought wellies on site). My bad but I was hoping against hope that the weather would be good. I much prefer wearing comfortable trainers when walking around. My wellies wont fit into a carry on bag. Its not a problem anyway. I can get them on site. I just hate walking around in the mud. Maybe I have an OCD about it :) :) Please god the rain wont be too bad. Looking at the acts I want to see I have a LOT of walking to do on Friday :) :)

  7. I picked up a pair of wellies from a stall near John Peel for £20 last year, a bit expensive, but worth it if, like me, you don't want to carry wellies with you.

    Thanks for that. WIll check them out tomorrow.

  8. Spent an hour packing this morning. Its amazing what you can fit in to a carry on bag when you roll your clothes up :) :) Now to run the gauntlet of Ryanair's "Does your bag fit into this machine" :)

  9. to be honest you could probably grab a pair on the site. No idea how much they'd cost, but they'd certainly be more comfortable, and you've already got wellies as a back-up if sh*t really does hit the fan.

    Good plan. I will do that tomorrow. Gives me a chance to have a good walk around the place also. This is my holiday this year so luckily I have a good bit of spending money for emergencies.

  10. Man the fuck up and improve your footwear then!

    There's lots of options from different wellies to insoles to walking boots and gaiters - choose your weapon and get on with it!

    I don't mean to be harsh but I assume the girls will be sensible enough to not wear high heels but move to more comfortable footwear, do likewise - good insoles, thick socks. cozy.

    Im flying from Ireland. Have to travel light and unfortunately I dont have walking boots. Yes maybe I should have invested in them but at this stage it is too late for me to get any. There is one shoe shop in the town where I live and they dont have any. Working until 7 this evening and flying out at 6am. I wore thick socks in 2011 but I just found it tortourous walking around as the mud caked on the wellies and made them even heavier to walk around. BTW I hate people who say MAN THE FUCK UP. We all have our own expectations for the festival. Anyway I will just have to invest in some wellies when I get there and psyche myself up. At least tomorrow and Thursday look good so I can get in as much of the area as I can.

  11. Ah balllllllssssssssss. Im am getting pissed off now with the weather forecast. I HATE walking around in wellies. My feet do be killing me and that bloody mud is a killer. I so wanted just to have a mud free Glastonbury as it is so much easier to get around. I wanted to see as much as the festival as I could this time around as in 2011 it was so hard to walk around that I kept it to a minimum and just went to see the acts I wanted to see rather than exploring the site as I had wanted. I was just so tired from trudging around in the mud. I really wanted this year to be year I explored the festival.

    I know people say "Its Glastonbury, be happy etc etc" but trudging through mud is hateful. I dont mind the showers but when you get heavy rain you get mud. At least tomorrow looks ok so putting up the tent will be fine. What makes it worse is that the weather has been so nice for the last 2 weeks. One more week would have been fantastic.

  12. Must have been at different festivals, 2011 was great apart from the Friday

    It really wasnt. Sunday was great but the other days were a nightmare. From the minute we got off the coach and the rain started to the Saturday night I had a pain in my a*se trying to wade through the mud. It was horrible. Granted it was only my second Glastonbury but I have been to plenty of festivals over the years and 2011 for me was horrible.

  13. It rained just as the gates opened = total mudbath

    It was horrible. We got off the bus and the rain started. Then one of the straps on my friends rucksack broke. Then 5 minutes later the other one broke. It was a nightmare and that was BEFORE the whole "TRYING to put up the tent in the rain"

  14. 2011 was horrible. That bastard mud everywhere. Sunday was not too bad but by then my legs were so sore from trying to walk around that I was exhausted.

  15. I'm not bringing Wellies. They wont fit on my carry on luggage on the flight anyway. That is my contribution to ensuring there is no rain for the duration of the festival :) :) Of course I will have to make sure I keep some spare cash in case there is a downpour and I need to buy some over there. :)

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