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Posts posted by LloydForever

  1. 1 hour ago, visdave34 said:

    Don't know about the shuttle buses, but a space in the hive won't be a problem. I take it you're talking about today times? Because we always arrive on Thursday in the hive around noon and always have a spot (a bit further up the campsite, but so be it)

    Edit: I see your flight is tomorrow. But a Hive ticket does guarantee you a space in the Hive. Might be a bit more of a search though. The organisation does have people pointing you in the right direction of free lots, but I don't know until what time they operate...

    Should be getting there late tonight at some point, so sounds like it won't be a problem! Brilliant stuff. Cheers! 

  2. Hi guys.

    Hoping someone can help a first timer! 

    We've had our flight changed tomorrow last minute so won't be getting to Brussels til about half 8pm

    2 questions. What time does the shuttle bus from leuven to the hive run until

    And does the hive ticket guarantee a space in the hive? Like im guessing it will already be quite full by the time we get there at 10ish?


  3. Woke up on the Wednesday night after hearing something by my feet to find an arm coming through the door going through my pile of clothes at my feet, as I was half asleep I thought it was my friend and grabbed their wrist, and soon discovered it was a robbing bastard! After a bit of a struggle I managed to dodge a couple of punches before being kicked swiftly in the face! Luckily nothing got stolen, and he kicked like a girl ;)

    In hindsight I wish I had been more awake to smack him in the face with my saucepan or at least shout 'Thief!!'

    Other than that I had no other incidents!

  4. We still have some seats left on our 1130am bus from Barcelona to Beni - see eufest.com for full timetable. But some of the buses are starting to fill up now so get booking while we still have them.

    For trains you can try spanish-rail.co.uk. They're official booking agents for Renfe in the UK, but you pay a bit more than you would going direct. Never used em myself, but have heard they're alright to deal with.

    Derm B)

  5. Hey everyone, this is my first year going to Benicassim, and am just about getting round to planning all the travel arrangements!

    I get into Barcelona on the Sunday, and am looking to get either a coach or bus to Benicassim on the Monday.

    Does anyone have any good websites for booking either of these? as I have tried auto-res, but there are no coaches from Barcelona to Beni, and Renfe is in Spanish (surprisingly!) so i'm a bit worried about booking the wrong thing!

    If anyone has any tips on travelling to/from Beni it would be greatly appreciated! :)


  6. I think thats exactly it! Some people seem to feel the need to go to a festival, and cause as much damage and trouble as possible, almost as if just because your at a festival, how to act in the normal world doesnt apply (obviously to an extent it doesnt, as its a weekend to let loose, have fun, and do things you wouldnt normally do!) but its taking it a bit far when a group of people set fire to a tent and shove it a toilet cubicle whilst a huge crowd blocks the fire engine from reaching it!

    And from what I saw at Reading, it seemed to be getting worse! (either that, or as I grew up a bit I noticed it more?)

    The same goes for the dicks that go around slashing and robbing tents! Has anyone ever caught someone doing this?? I'd love to hear how festival justice works! :P

    Either way, I'm glad to hear that Glastonbury appears to be a lot more to my liking! :P

  7. That is very true!

    Without the usual lineup I would go to of mainstream acts, it gives me the opportunity to look into bands that for whatever reason, I would not usually listen to!

    Before the lineup was announced I had shamefully never heard of 'The Bees'! they are now one of my Must Sees for the weekend!

    I also love how the lineup follows no real set rules of genre, or 'who should be on before who' kind of thing, I mean Scissor Sisters followed by MUSE? where else would you see this??

    Really looking forward to seeing a diverse range of people from Stevie to Snoop to The Cribs to Toots/Faithless (still can't decide!!)

  8. I definitely have high hopes for Glastonbury!

    The line-up may not be as strong as I would have hoped (don't get me wrong its still a great lineup!) but i'm hoping that once I have been, I will understand the whole 'Its not just about the music' thing everyone seems to believe! As this is definitely not the case at Reading, where if there are no bands on that you really want to see, you are limited with what you can do with your free time! Luckily the lineup looks pretty damn good for Reading this year! so im sure you will have a great time! :P

    And Valka I hope your right! and I think you will be!

    I'm also going to benicassim this year, so by the end of July would have been to Reading, Leeds, V fest, Glasto and Benicassim, so shouldn't have any bias views, but i'm sure when Stevie drops Sir Duke I'll be agreeing with everyone else that nothing else comes close!

  9. Hello!

    Long time lurker, first time poster! :P

    I am taking a big step this year by finally going to Glastonbury!

    After a year off festivals last year I felt it was time to give them another chance (After 4 years of going to Reading Festival you can probably understand why I felt the need for a change!)

    It was great for the first couple of years, and the music was always good, but by the 4th year I couldnt be bothered with waking up in the morning to find everything trashed!

    What I really want to know, is if Glastonbury is that much different?

    I have a mental image of it being full of happy beautiful people, and a with a vibe like no other (probably picked up this image from the people on this board so no bias views there! :P )

    Obviously I expect there are still a handful of tossers that go to Glastonbury, but most likely not in such a volume of the 90% of Reading festival goers? :P

    I can't help feeling more excited for Glasto than for any other festival i've been to, and am pretty sure its not gonna let me down! :lol:

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