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Posts posted by AStormInHeaven

  1. 1 minute ago, jparx said:

    Are people actually saying that?

    I thought the discussion was more about how significant an act they are. Can't imagine anyone seriously thinking they'd headline the Pyramid next year.

    Well I just clicked on this thread entitled '2020 Headliners' and saw the last few pages filled with MCR chat and people discussing the extent of their popularity, so it certainly seemed so. They could headline the other stage I guess.

  2. love the negative comments from the empty-headed masses, specially on social media. Reminds me that the majority of society have to be clueless for art to exist. Great art should comfort the disturb and disturb the comfortable

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  3. thom repeating "strong and stable" at the end of myxomatosis haha brilliant

    and damn, as if they played Let Down. My all time favourite song, at my favourite place and Im not there.. 

  4. in one week's time we will be trying to return to reality after the sound of Wake Up across the pyramid field closes the friday night in utterly majestic fashion. It's going to be a bit special, isnt it
  5. Spose not, it does seem pre-planned.

    Shows they're treating it as a special show if it is purposeful, which is what I always hoped for.

    yep, if its still there in 2 hours time I would say that's the green light to fully invest in whatever theories we have about the 'tin' stage. exciting!

  6. not a normal glitch though is it, obviously taken conscious thought to make a separate stage called tin and extract arcade fire out of the pyrmaid line up and into that one.

  7. It's funny you mention OK computer, as Sprawl I makes me feel the same way Exit Music does…similar tempo, but other than than thematically and melodically very different. Just seems to evoke the same response in me...

    the whole disillusionment and underlying fear with society is really what connects the two albums for me. The sound is yeah completely different, just get the response as you do.

    "now you're knocking at my door saying please come out with us tonight, but I would rather be alone, then pretend I feel alright." You can almost imagine yorke groaning that on homesick alien.

    And the start of suburban war is definitely a nod to there is a light that never goes out!

  8. …most under-rated track on the suburbs…really encapsulates the theme of feeling estranged…wish they'd play this sometime (and my favourite on the album, Deep Blue)...

    "Cops shone their lights

    On the reflectors of our bikes

    Said "Do you kids know what time it is?"

    Well, sir, it's the first time I felt like something is mine

    Like I have something to give

    The last defender of the sprawl

    Said "Well, where do you kids live?"

    Well, sir, if you only knew what the answer is worth

    Been searching every corner of the earth…"


    This. This is why The Suburbs will always be my favourite AF album. The album addresses everything that matters to be a human and individual in this crazy, fucked-up 21st century society we live in. From social alienation, the lost of youth and innocence, rapid globalisation, marketisation, fear of technology, broken capitalism, and the ubiquitous notion of growing old into a unfamiliar environment. The concept and nostalgia of 'the suburbs' is all this and more. They were so on the ball, perhaps even ahead of time with this album. It sits comfortably alongside OK Computer for me for these reasons.

  9. "I adore neon bible but there are some dire songs on there, most notably the title track which is one of the dullest things I've ever heard."

    For me neon bible is the prelude for intervention. Intervention is just such an epic, from the mountain-top song that it needed a moment of stillness before it.

    Out of interest, what do people here think of the War On Drugs new album? Thought it would have a lot of cross-over appeal. 'In reverse' could pretty much have been on the suburbs with win singing it instead

  10. month of may for me is one of their simplest and, in such, least impressive songs. But I would implore them to put it in the setlist for glasto because its just killer live. Maybe they think this about flashbulb eyes, although that's not half as impressive live as month of may

  11. Or perhaps it was a joke.

    Edit: Though not about some of their music being not very good. That was serious.

    It wasn't a very clear one then, sorry.

    the first half of reflektor is the weakest thing they've ever done, so disjointed.

    and elsewhere in the thread, this is what makes the suburbs for me:


    i could get lost in those strings and lyrics forever

  12. you were right on course until you said The Suburbs was their best album. it's Funeral. undoubtedly. hence why they still play up to 2/3rds of that album live (like last nights show) whereas The Suburbs tracks are whittled down to the bare minimum

    i know it's all down to opinion etc, and who knows what the band think, but they're still clearly very fond of Funeral in a live environment (whether that's because they know the audience want it or it's a personal preference, who knows)

    For me the individual tracks stand out more on funeral yes and if they ever released a 'best of' it would no doubt feature more tracks from that album than the suburbs. For me though, considering I was 18 when the suburbs came out, it can never be topped due to how relatable the content of the album is. The consistency of the themes and concept of the suburbs is rich and in depth on each song that it transcends being about the metaphor of the suburbs to become an album about that part of our mind where we comprehend time, change and how our lives move in different directions all the time without us quite knowing. The concept of The Suburbs hits home incredibly hard to me and the richness and depth of it throughout the album is what makes it their masterpiece for me.

    The whole album feels like one song, best realised by the two start and end tracks. Funeral just doesn't have that quality for me.

  13. Listening to some Arcade Fire this morning and - in amongst my ususal assessment that when they're good they're good and when they're bad they're really, really terrible - one thing struck me:

    Why would you need to build a tunnel between two windows?

    "and if the snow buries my neighbourhood.... then I'll dig a tunnel from my window to yours, from my window to yours".

    if you missed the imagery in that lyric then you pretty missed the image of the whole song, i.e. escaping their old town and life that lies buried under the snow ("we climb out the chimneys"), starting a new life and escape above on their own. Pretty much encompasses many of the albums themes.

    Perhaps if you missed then that explains why you even contemplated throwing the word 'terrible' around arcade fire who are truly on another planet to 99% of top-selling bands. Funeral and The Suburbs are testament to this - the latter being their best album due to the perfect realisation and metaphors of the themes they used in the first two albums. I'm confident if you asked win and co of their greatest achievement, they would tell you the suburbs. What a world they created with that album.

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  14. Yeah but its moving on from that, its part of the evolving story. Its good to refresh the whole idea a little, stops it being becoming stale.

  15. the hexagons are too small to have alleyways in them. Im hoping there are roofs over the gaps and spaces between the hexagons so that the alleyway effect is created

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