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Status Updates posted by RichieParf

  1. I hate this job. Its all crisis this and end of the world that. Nobody opens with a joke! I miss Danny Devito.

  2. revision madness is back, giggling uncontrollably at a sheet of paper...

  3. and there ends 15 hours of watching sport, revision's going better than that statistic implies

  4. head hurts, dont wanna revise, gonna have to, this calls for bacon

  5. rudimentary washing line (mk II) constructed out of three belts, O yah

  6. its amazing how many different ways paul merson can pronounce the name 'Bosingwa'

  7. back in southampton, woop

  8. will be back in Soton tomorrow evening, anyone gonna be about?

  9. James Cordon can add sports personality of the year to his list of things he makes significantly worse by his presence

  10. just spent a dr who episode googling 'scientific' terms as they were used, turns out none of them are real... Im ok with it :)

  11. going back to bed, I dislike this 'outside world' nonsense

  12. getting out of bed is overrated

  13. Thank you to everyone that came last night and for all the messages, had an amazing night :D

  14. rachael cant spell pigeon

  15. its actually less effort to keep working than it is to clear all these notes off my bed...

  16. frank turner tonight :D :D :D

  17. oh Newcastle, why do you do such silly things?

  18. 3,999 words, 73 footnotes? One essay down, one to go!

  19. 14% turnout, way to motivate the student body guys...

  20. snow, cricket, golden nuggets and the korean war... an unorthodox combination I'll admit...

  21. PLEASE put this on your status if you know someone (or are related to someone) who has been eaten by dragons. Dragons are nearly unstoppable and, in case you didn't know, they can breathe fire. 93% of people won't copy and paste this, because they have already been eaten by dragons, 6% of people are sitting in the shower armed with fire extinguishers, and the remaining 1% are awesome and will repost this

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