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Status Updates posted by RichieParf

  1. anyone know when we get exam results???

  2. Lots of hangovers around today lol

  3. watching south park, captain hindsight = best superhero ever

  4. University of Southampton advertising bording at england v sri lanka game - I'm sure there are literally hundreds of students who will decide to apply because of that clever piece of investment by my esteemed university; money well spent...

  5. Rachael Merrison: 'no where does there seem to be a record of standardised dimensions for wall ceiling and roof thicknesses for different types of building' You're just too cool :P

  6. its nice when the highest pressure you're under during a day is when deciding what to have in your sandwich :)

  7. I have owned this wallet since I was 11 years old - I have only just found another pocket for holding things in. I love the unexpected :)

  8. always likes observing the 'if I comment on every status she ever posts maybe she'll fall in love with me' game

  9. has just remembered that we were talking about poetry in jesters last night... win :)

  10. irresistable urge to start a sing along in the library...

  11. have a group study room booked tomorrow morning till 11am - bout 5 more spaces if anyone wants the luxury of a space to actually sit and have electricity and stuff :)

  12. A third of my shopping bill is beef and cheese, I feel proud :)

  13. just so y'all know, phone seems to get no signal when I'm at home so if you can't get hold of me best to leave me a message on here :)

  14. saturday night in the library, too cool for eurovision me

  15. should probably not be drunk for the fifth time in like 10 days, alcohol is bad children, dont drink it :(

  16. no sure I see the point in Russell Howard's Good News when it just makes the same jokes as Have I Got News For You...

  17. sat in the library, revising, listening to radio 4 - is it wrong to enjoy myself?

  18. not sure who text me complimenting my 'pies', but thanks, its nice to know my cooking skills are appreciated

  19. 'WE HAVE ONE CHANCE TO SAVE THIS PLANET' Me Michael Bay, me film have dialogue, me clever, me Michael Bay

  20. Happy Star Wars day everyone. May the fourth be with you. Let the wookie win etc.

  21. I killed Bin Laden.

  22. so 4 hours, 2 attempts, one police car, one fire engine and an AA van later, I have returned to Southampton!

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