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Status Updates posted by RichieParf

  1. bored of all my current music - suggestions for something I can download? Either that or I'm gonna have to actually revise...

  2. Revision, test match cricket, England playing crap... I feel like an A-level student again :)

  3. For every like this gets I will change something about my profile.

  4. If you're own defence can't save you, Bendtner's inability to score certainly will

  5. History course reps will be in avenue cafe tomorrow 2-4 to hear any comments students have about the course. Come and talk to us and we can take it to the staff (with whom we have regular meetings) and get things changed!

  6. 'Had David Bowie been a real woman, the course of English culture would probably have been radically altered' *things you don't expect to read in an academic text*

  7. absolutely exhausted...

  8. angry discussions about relatavism and the concept of 'evil' going on in my hallway, *loves his house*

  9. Shawney Murphy: 'This edition of Mein Kampf is really funny!'

  10. someone round here smells like a monkey's dangle........ and not in a good way.

  11. interneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet

  12. bye legoland! Thanks everyone for an awesome summer :)

  13. (Pile of Crap + determination) x Swearing = Coordinated Luggage

  14. 'I'll geta drink in the adverts' (five minutes later) 'Oh shit I'm watching the BBC' fail...

  15. because its obligatory, Shawney Murphy: 'I guess I'm just anti-semitic!'

  16. is it sad that being referred to as 'Mr Parfitt' on the phone makes me feel big and important?

  17. had a wonderful week :) now back in the world of phone signal and no ice cream... it'll do.

  18. what a very very very very very good weekend that was :)

  19. what an incredibly wonderfully amazing fantastic super dooper yay filled weekend :)

  20. arrived in milton keynes and ready for some foos!

  21. 69.75%? Let's call it a round 70...

  22. there is a definite V appearing on my chest... the dreaded lego tan hath arrived

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