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Posts posted by adele92

  1. Sorry to be THAT annoying person but I've been reading the most recent comments on here for the past few days but still don't think exactly what the ticket buying trick was. 


    Can someone fill me in? Just out of curiosity!



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  2. On 13 June 2016 at 8:10 PM, Turtlepie said:

    Hello people, thinking of going to this alone as none of my mates are able to go, do you think this is a good idea or not? Also concerning what were allowed to bring in, is there a limit to food that can be brought in? 


    Thanks :)

    There's no limit on food!!


  3. I haven't read through ALL of this topic so sorry if I repeat anything that has been said already...

    I have been to Glastonbury 8 times and 15+ festivals in total. I've worked during the build of various festivals and have camped for up to three weeks at a time, sometimes alone.

    I realise that this may seem extreme to some, but would anybody consider something like this...


    I was leaving for a festival once when I spotted one of these stuck to the front door of my house - we were given it by the police a couple of years ago for free.

    It is triggered when the two pieces of the alarm are separated from one another. I took it with me and each night would rest it on the floor near the entrance to my tent (where it would be knocked if someone tried to get in). If you put more effort into it, you could probably secure one part to the zip/tent door and one to the floor/ground sheet.

    Fortunately, I have never been disturbed but being a young girl, felt more comfortable going to sleep knowing it was in its place.

  4. Hey!

    In 2013, I was lucky enough to stay in a motorhome on Ashcombe Farm with my parents after staying in a camper van (in East) since 2009.

    At 21 and fairly fit, I absolutely hated the walk from the farm into the festival each day and didn't think that it was worth it.

    Realistically, it took around 45 mins - 1 hour to walk to the gate, get through it and then to the pyramid stage. The Pop UP Hotel IS slightly nearer though.

    We returned to the camper van field in 2014 as we much preferred this.

    Adele x

  5. After also being unsuccessful for three friends this morning, I will be on the lookout for these 'secret resales.'

    If anyone hears anything then it would be great if you could let me know as well.

    My Twitter is @AdeleHayter

    Thank youuuu!

    P.S. It's great to see the Glastonbury spirit in these forums! Keep it up x

  6. Yeah, as far as I can remember...

    The Rocket Lounge was near the entrance on one side (but just outside of Shangri-La itself) and the other entrance was just off the old railway track so I'm pretty sure that there was no bars around there.

    Hope that helps!

  7. Hi,

    First of all, sorry to bombard this topic.

    I was just wondering if anyone who has been to Boomtown previously could help me out?

    I'm studying set design in uni and want to apply to make something at the festival.

    Wildow / Room Installations sound good but I don't know exactly what these are… Can anyone fill me in/send some pictures etc? I can't seem to find any images from past years myself and there's no additional information/description online.

    Thank you in advance,


  8. I stayed here last year, in one of their winnebagos. It was a nice place with friendly staff, security at the gate at all time, etc. However, it was about 15 minutes from the festival gate (can't remember which one) and then say another 15 to the Pyramid stage. I'd usually end up in Shangri-La each night and walking back from there would probably have taken me just under an hour, maybe 45 minutes.

    Would you be camping there or hiring something off them and staying in that? I wouldn't say it's worth it if it's just for camping to be honest.

    Although it was a pleasant experience we won't be staying there again next year, it really is just too far to walk. I think the shuttle bus was £1 each way and we said we'd jump on it if we saw it ready to leave as we were but we never saw it move. We walked through the car park to get from the site to the festival gate, I presume the bus dropped you at the gate.

    I worked at the festival so met my parents there but I believe that they got in quicker, I think they got stuck in just as much traffic leaving though to be honest because it was a similar time to usual years in getting home, if not longer.

    Hope that all makes sense, feel free to ask anymore questions!

  9. Not a bad lineup as such, just smaller less mainstream acts would do the trick.

    A couple of years without stupidly big headliners would be good. In an ideal world to give the Eavi peace of mind, the sale should be a nice casual thing but sell out on the sunday in the evening, allowing everyone who wants to go, to grab their tickets.

  10. After being told how Secret Garden Party is the best festival there is by various different people, I managed to get work there this year. It all looks very lovely (yes, I was part of the decor team) but wasn't as good as I was expecting, I think I'd built it up in my head too much. The programme boasts about not planning and stumbling across things but everything seemed quite far apart. Someone told me it was like the South East corner of Glastonbury but I didn't really get that to be honest.

    What IS lovely is the fact that there are two swimming lakes, dj's playing on a boat/island, a floating stage, massive firework show, the powder paint fight and EVERYONE in fancy dress.

    I fear it's going more and more mainstream so get there ASAP if you want to try it.

    I sometimes wish that I went to all these little festivals before doing Glastonbury because I don't think anything will ever be as special.

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