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Posts posted by goonerming

  1. Or 'the Blondie slot' straight after that, thinking Buzzcocks will do that this year tho.

    phonics followed by buzzcocks,hmmm, could think of a lot worse things to do on a sunny Friday morning
  2. Its hardly Billy Idols or any other act/band from the past‘s fault that the talent of today are not getting a look in, its Cowell and XFactor/pop idol/Britains got talent and radio ones absolute bullshit daytime DJs who have got the nation brainwashed into listening to the drivel that is mainstream today.

  3. Why no Apple cider on sale anywhere? Every flavour under the sun except CIDER flavour, F***ing joke of a bar system.Not the first time this has happened at KC,bring back the aspells cider house or bring in the Gaymers/Tuborg bars that are at other festivals that actually know what they are doing and you can actually get a cold pint then the £ 4-20 price wouldn'tseem so bad.

  4. Diversity are contemporary performing arts, and they sell pretty big venues. Should they headline?

    Yes in the cabaret or circus areas,which is what Diversity are a circus act,which is the great thing about Glastonbury,there is a place for just about everybody but it has to be the right place,which is why Metallica are rightfully Headlining the Pyramid,hope this answers your question.
  5. Glastonbury Festival of Contemporary Performing Arts ,Metallica are Contemporary Performing Artists ,so like it or not,have every right just like every other band /performer to be there and I think it will be great for the festival because in my opinion it has been a bit samey over the last few years.

  6. I would agree with that, amazed me how many people posted "who ?", even if you'd hidden under a rock I'm sure you would have come across either his music or him on one of his numerous tv appearances before. I wasn't sure if it was people just taking the lash !

  7. Some of you will realise this and some may not,and I ain't having a go at any one individual on these forums or anywhere else ,but a good proportion of people who go to festivals and make these comments don't know a lot about music or festivals,they only go because it's fashionable and the in thing to do,I've read comments saying "Example who's he" or "never heard of him" which I think just about proves my point.

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