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Talking to Pylons

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Posts posted by Talking to Pylons

  1. Admittedly I've never been to Reading, but I've been to Leeds every year since 2000 and never heard of anything like this happening save for literally one or two isolated incidents. To say this happens a lot it's absolute bollocks frankly, and it's talk like that that makes people go to the festival expecting trouble.
  2. Anyone working in the music industry will only hear album Advanced copies if it is totally needed, which I would imagine in the case of Mean Fiddler. If they were deciding if for example Lostprophets are asked to play 2010, they would get a short copy of 'The Betrayed' more a previewer as such with 4 of the main songs off the album on it. To help with that decision.

    Few people get full albums early though, well unless you work with that band outright as a tour manager, or manager, but you'd know all the bands' output anyway in that case. Above all else if one a tour manager asks another band for x album promo the answer will usually be no, it has to actually serve a purpose or it's pointless and a waste of money, which is vital not to do for the music industry right now.

  3. The violence at Reading does not amount to a riot, sorry that is school boy bigging up. It usually amounts to mostly the rapes of allot of under 18 girls, by lads who 'befriend' them and get them extremely drunk and then rape them, usually dumping them and fleeing afterwards.

    The other main thing that happens is people set things on fire, in a kind of I am 10 years old, well I'm not but I wish I was 16 year old lad ritual, of course these boys with a fetish for destruction get more of a hit of arousal and feeling of excitement if the stuff is someone else's, so it usually is.

    It's a reflection of society not a problem just with so called music fans.

  4. Don't ever camp at Reading Festival, buy a weekend ticket and leave the festival site whenever you can. That does mean all night long you should leave the whole of the Richfield Avenue Area, (by God it really is one of the worst parts of Reading, trust me even in the day). Find somewhere else to sleep actually really sleep!

    Reading the town is much nicer than the London thug central aka Little John's Farm, full of either mean-spirited young people or members of organized crime gangs. The amount of Londoners who come into Reading to mug people normally is bad enough, but it's to astronomical levels during the festival. Imagine most of 'rude boys' in Brixton in one place, that's Reading Festival for you.

    If you are under 20 DO NOT camp also, it is just not safe because someone will try to kill you during the weekend, you can guarantee all the love drug bollocks idiot users (aka Crack Cocaine addicts) will come a knocking and do there spliced up inhuman dance on your tent at some point.

    As for the subject of this thread, it's a more a case of 'Some people are awful.' like you the thread maker who only did so to upset people, for your own keyboard warrior enjoyment.

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