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Posts posted by borobud

  1. Lots of people seem to have foo fighters and green day playing. Have these ever both headlined a festival before. I would consider them the 2 biggest mainstream american rock bands of the last 10 years. As they are both pretty sure things in terms of selling tickets, I imagine both would be very expensive to book. I would be amazed if both were at the festival. Looking at previous line ups, theres nothing to suggest to me that 2 bands like these would be booked.

  2. Probably shouldn't bump this incase it gives people ideas of Green Day headlining but I got 2 theories about their announcement, 1st it's a cinema 3D/screening of their DVD and 2nd it's their 25th anniversary so a mini Green Day festival in America/short tour like Ozzfest did last year when Ozzy played O2.

  3. Someone mentioned yesterday in the post about them announcing UK events when Awesome As F**k live album is released it may just be them bringing the American Idiot musical to the West End but i highly doubt that as it's just been stated that ticket sales on Broadway for it have plummeted due to Billie Joe leaving the role of St.Jimmy and it's threatened with closure over there so i'd say it was unlikely they would be brining it to the West End so god knows what this 'event' may be if it's not American Idiot musical related. Hopefully R+L.

  4. I'm sure everyone will remember the NME/Newsbeat article and the main quote of all 3 headliners been;

    "staggeringly good"

    So do people think that Muse, The Strokes and My Chemical Romance fit this description (If these are the 3 that is). Bearing in mind 2 of the 3 are playing other UK festivals in non headlining positions, so would this not devalue the image and booking power of Leeds/Reading? And ultimately mean they are not 'staggeringly good' headliners, and R+L are no longer seen as a major player in the festival booking game?

    I am optimistic, although i would not have a problem with those 3 headliners all be it they are questionable i think it may be more a case of:




    my chemical romance


    the strokes

    Or Maybe have The Strokes headling and Pulp as the sub.

    Fire away!

  5. Are Green Day really in for a shout to be above MCR and headling or are people just refusing to accept the likelyhood MCR are going to be headlining? (I myself still don't know what to think).

    Obviously Green Day aren't doing anything this year and don't need to promote the live album Awesome As F**k, surely last year was the year if any to have them headline?

  6. So Electric Six, Dick Valentine and the boys remember them? Most will probably just remember them for Danger! High Voltage, Gay Bar and their cover of Queen's Radio Gaga. But they genuinely have decent songs such as I Buy The Drugs and Dance Commander.

    I for one hope they are included low down on the NME or even the lock up tent.



  7. I imagine many others aswell as myself would love Weezer to return to RnL next year! They were one of if not the best band of the weekend.

    I hope they are back next year and they could definitely sub after their 'headline' worthy performance (they showed Paramore how it's done, should of subbed atleast!).

    I'm thinking Green Day to headline one night with Weezer subbing as they are very good friends and respect each others music, so it would be a brilliant combination, and never know River's might throw in his Brain Stew cover.


  8. Partly cause there is no Kol / Arctics / Razorlight / Franz / Killers catchy pop songs type act to get the less-dedicated fans to go I guess.

    Competition from other festivals too doesn't help, Reading is kind of in the middle of two markets but hasn't got either. Badly phrased but what I mean is V has taken the above bands with Kol and Kasabian headlining, meanwhile the more 'core' Reading goer is probably more tempted by Download with ACDC, Aerosmith, RATM etc.

    Man I phrased that poorly.

  9. So it has been nearly two days since tickets came out for L/R 2010 and it is still not sold out on some of the major ticket sites i.e SeeTickets.

    I for one really like the line up with both the Blink and GnR days looking really strong from top to bottom.

    Just thinking that the time it is taking to sell out do you think people view the line up as poor? and are moving on to other festivals such as TITP and V.


    See you in August Leeds goers.

  10. Aye, I remember the drummer missed a good chunk of the Black Parade tour because he got badly burned while filming a video ("Famous Last Words" I believe the vid was for, him getting burned is still in the vid), they had no problem sorting out a temporary replacement then, I doubt very much they will have any trouble finding one now, be it temporary or permanent.
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