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Posts posted by sbecks

  1. 1st time I ever went to Glasto in 2005 I wore walking boots and found it impossible not to get my hands covered in mud when getting them off (this may have had something to do with the amount of cider consumed though!) since then I have always worn wellies, just wear them in for a few weeks before so that they are comfy as you will be doing a lot of walking

  2. Is it wrong that I'm miffed with my hubby as have to pick him up from Exeter tomorrow afternoon and drive back to Plymouth...... what if the tickets go on sale then..... arghh........... my work mates are hoping for their sanity and mine that I get tickets soon........... am becoming very obsessed :ph34r:

  3. I don't think I can cope with the adrenalin rush! Fingers crossed we get lucky soon, many thanks to Jo Worley for letting me know that there may have been a chance.

    I think it's great the way everyone is trying to help each other out :D

    P.S was on hold on the phone to SEE for 15 mins & then got cut off!!!

  4. I know what you mean I feel really sad too but am hoping that I get lucky in the resale :rolleyes:

    My son is gutted as this would've been the last time that we paid for him as he's 16 & come 2013 he will be paying for himself!

  5. Loving this thread :)

    I'm 40 & have been going since I was 30 & it was the fact that I'd lost my mum the year before that made me think YES LIFE IS TOO SHORT & you never quite know what life is going to throw at you. My mum would've loved to have gone but for health reasons never did, she would have loved it & myself, friends & her grandson, always have a special moment/boogie/toast just for her.

    If you are reading this & are pondering whether you should or shouldn't go, trust me you SHOULD!!!

  6. I thought there were more toilets dotted around the site compared to previous years.

    More shepees would be great, so quick and easy, you guys don't know how lucky you are :D

  7. We were camping in wickets and walked past what we thought was a hospitality camping area every day, surrounded by high wooden fence(on the old cinema field). On the monday it was open so we walked through and it was lots of brightly painted wooden huts (like childrens wooden play houses) with a window and what looked like wooden ledges for a bed, felt like we had walked into a scene from the gingerbread men!! It looked like you could lock the doors. There were also showers & toilets in mobile trailers & a bar. We used the FLUSHING toilets! :rolleyes:

  8. Definitely take a comfort bottle for use at night, saves you having to put your wellies on and wander off to the long drops - size is ideal for ladies to use but does take a bit of practice!!

    Small sealable plastic sandwich bags for fags, papers, camera, mobile etc - not that they will be needed as the SUN WILL BE SHINING :rolleyes:

    Munchies, soft drink and a set of dry clothes left in the boot of the car for the drive home

    Use the lock ups


  9. I always take a small bag with shoulder strap (that I wear across my body) & I keep money, camera etc in & then I buy the Guardian paper & use the free bag that comes with it for my poncho, wine bag & jumper (ideal for slinging over your shoulder or wearing as a backpack)......sorted!! :P

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