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Posts posted by howbizzrre

  1. What the tits has happened!? I don't read this thread for a day or so and all of the shit has hit every fan!

    Keep the faith troops, it's quite clear these weather folk haven't got the foggiest (sorry)!!!

  2. I'll be there, city shirt on.In fact, I currently live on Thornton Rd that backs onto the old Maine Road site. Tragic looking out onto a load of bloody new houses where the old stadium used to be!

  3. He f**king crashed and burnt at Glasto last year in the banter stakes. Truly cringeworthy.

    "I've been to Glastonbury a few times as a punter and never liked it before (boooooos).... UNTIL NOW! (waiting for cheers that didn't really materialise)"

    Yeah mate, hilarious that. You f**king prick.

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