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Posts posted by BaronSamedi

  1. VIP was awesome this year... although going up on the Rockness Express and the return journey was harsh.. very harsh... great camping spot, loved the showers on day one, little less on day two.. didn't bother for the rest of the time.. babywipes! Bar was great, who was the female DJ playing in there on Saturday night till the end of the music in there? She was proper smashing it in there..will deffo VIP it next year.. unsure about Rockness Express though.. if they did it as a sleeper I would be up for it still !

  2. VIP looks pretty good this year (last year was dreadful).. I have VIP'd it for the last two years and upgraded when I got there but no savings as such. Got the VIP Rockness Express upgrade this year, just got the tickets yesterday. If you don't like VIP you can always go camp in the other campsites I think but still get access to the VIP bar, showers, phone chargers etc

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