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Posts posted by bobobaggins

  1. Pardon me, I'm very drunk

    I'm watching Micheal Jackson's This is It

    It is bloody fantastic

    He is not the paedophile the American media would have us believe he is.

    He was a man who genuinely cared as much about the World the way the Greenpeace guys do!

    I think he would he would be the ultimate headliner; U2 get it right up ye


    Apologies if its been done before

  2. Stop it this thread has me in emotional girlie excited tears

    - Blue singing Tender

    - Sitting having my face painted in the sunshine a in 2009 feeling I was totally at home

    - A little girl on the railway track tugging at her Mums skirt, staring at me pointing and shouting fairy .... I knelt down and gave her a huge fairy cuddle. Her eyes were as wide as can be - As I walked off she was still staring and I blew her a kiss- still brightens my day now

    - Running up to a random stranger and giving her a cuddle... she had a t-shirt on that said 'It's my birthday give me a hug' so I did- except I must have been the first person to do it - she couldn;t stop laughing

    - laying in hammocks on the Tursday night at the top of the park where the bonfires are and feeling totally contented

    - Watchin Gaslight Anteh, in JP tent when Bruce made an appearance

    Must stop now else I'll go on all night :ph34r:

  3. First Glasto last year, so all of it.

    Of particular note, in the Park Bar, possibly on the Thursday, can't really remember but it was absolutely rammed. Small ginger Glaswegian girl is aggressively, unashamedly and unapologetically skipped/pushed her way to the front and ordered something on the region of 18 pints. While she had been doing this I had bonded with the guy next to me taking the piss out of her and generally having a light hearted moan about her.

    As she ordered her 18 pints my new friend shouts, "FFS Jimmie Krankie, thats well out of order." Cue everyone in the vicinity falling about laughing as her face starts to resemble a bulldog licking piss off a nettle. He then ordered my drinks for me.

    Really loved the random interaction with a stranger and how generally good natured his reaction was to an annoying situation. Glasto really brings out the best in people. B)

  4. I didn't get one despite hammering F5 from 0855 to 1330. I wouldn't wish ill on any of you lucky (and slightly sanctimonious) buggers who did.

    I hope the ticket I didn't get went to a newbie who will love having theirs eyes opened to Glasto in the way I did this year.

    Its a lottery ultimately and that's probably the fairest way to distribute tickets when demand exceeds supply.

    I suspect many of these comments were made in the heat of the moment, not that that excuses them, by people who were as gutted as I am.

    Fingers crossed for the resale.

  5. Have a lottery/Ballot = problem solved.

    You register every year if you want a ticket and a computer randomly draws registration numbers. Winners are contacted to let them know they can pay for their ticket if they want to within, for example, a one week period. If they don't pay up then their tickets are offered to someone else. Each registration should allow 2, 4 or even 6 people so no one ends up "winning" a ticket while their mates go without. The best bit is there's no need for anyone to waste four hours of their Sunday morning on an annual basis.

    I get the impression you'd still get some on here complaining its not "fair" though and analysing every little piece of information that could form a pattern between those who "won" and those who didn't to try and find something suspicious about it!

    Lets just face it, every year a lot of people are going to be unhappy because more people want to attend than the capacity of the site can cope with. I'm just glad that for the second year running i'm not part of the unhappy group! :D

  6. First Glasto this year, and I will never go to T again (the only other festival I've been to)

    1. Crowd is 1st class, awesome diversity, and I saw no aggro. On wednesday morning the queue at gate D was ridiculous and we were penned in like cattle for 1 and a half hours. At T that would have descended into a riot. Glasto, some booing, some impatient clapping and the guy next to me pulls out his book (I might even bring one next year)

    2. The whole site is not treated as a toilet

    3. Its just awesome, simple as

    I've been raving about it constantly since I got back and drumming up interest from people who otherwise have shown no interest in festivals. Really hope they go and it opens their mind the way it did mine.

    I remember someone on this forum saying your first glasto is life changing and while I still think this is an (only slight) exaggeration, they weren't far off the mark.

  7. I definitely lurk more than I post on this forum and would like to say a big thank you to the regular posters.

    You got me through the stresses of ticket day.

    Without the "Where are my tickets threads?" I don't know if I would ever have got mine.

    The Weather Thread was a rollercoaster of emotions.

    The Picture Thread and best experiences thread whipped me into a frenzy of excitement.

    The collective wisdom on this forum is amazing and arriving well informed definitely helped make the experience as perfect as I'd hoped it would be. I came in a group (all newbies) and they were so astounded at my knowledge they thought I had secretly been before (I hadn't.)

    I followed a lot of the advice on the forum (mostly food related, Goan Fish Curry FTW) and ignored some (I spent far too much time at the Pyramid, mainly due to the heat, but enjoyed what I saw)

    With my only previous festivals being T in The Park, I had decided to stop going to festivals and Glastonbury would be my way of going out in style, you guys made me doubt that. The festival reignited my love for music in fields.

    I barely scratched the surface, I will be back next year.

    I will remain glued to the forum until then occasionally giving you all the benefit if my opinion.

    So Thank you all, Hope you had a great fest

    Peace and Love


  8. Phone DX there is another thread from earlier today with a number on it. I was the same as you, see email then nothing. I phoned this evening and they had the tickets and had been waiting for me to arrange delivery. They can use your post code so you don't need a tracking number. I booked my delivery for saturday, hope they arrive.

  9. If you have had a seetickets despatch email but no DX email ring 0800 0197847 DX and quote your postcode to find out where they are and arrange a delivery date.
  10. Hi Guys, not posted for ages, but now reached fever pitch

    Does anyone have any idea what sort of set-lists we can expect from these 2.

    I'm really hoping for a few GnR classics followed by a few kinks classics.

    Does anyone think this is likely?

  11. Did anyone else find this topic title really confusing (didn't realise it was posted yesterday)

    Took a worrying ammount of time for the Penny to drop.

    Just me?

    I'll get my coat.

    Ps.struggling to contain my excitement, will be useless at work tomorrow until the announcement is made.

  12. Well I'm actually travelling to Birmingham to stay with a friend on the Tuesday to break up the journey. Does anyone know how long the drive from there to Glasto is. Hoping to have a kip at his on the Monday afternoon before heading up the road that evening

    Can't remember if I have the Tuesday off work. I booked the leave in the excitement of getting tickets and can't remember what I have. :P

  13. Apologies if this has been covered before, couldn't find anything on search.

    Me and a group of 6 are going to Glastonbury for the first time from Newcastle and are debating how to go down.

    We have a car parking ticket but I dont fancy a 300 mile drive on the Monday. I was thinking the coach but my friends think if we are going to get stuck in traffic we might as well be in the comfort of our car.

    Does anyone know if the Coaches get to skip the queues or have any other pearls of wisdom regarding the best way to get there.

  14. The band were up for it , the young crowd were up for it , plenty of green lasers and glow stixs.

    If you a mix - Prodigy,Faithless,Enter Shikari , Audio Bullys , Streetsa nd Lost Prophets then you would end up with Hadouken!

    Nice to see the kids enjoying themselves and if it was any first gig for a 14 year old then they

    picked a good one !


  15. Hope they do play.

    Went to see them at Newcastle O2 Academy last week..got there at 9:00 pm and they were doing their flippin' encore.

    They'd come on stage at half bloody seven,hadn't they?....Bugger!!!

    Anyway,I enjoyed Joker & the Thief. :P

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