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Posts posted by doddy135

  1. Last night I went to the gym and actually had to stay in the car for 10 minutes because the rain was so heavy that i knew i would be soaked through in the short walk from the car park and end up with no dry clothes to put back on at the end of my session.

    When it eased off a bit (still chucking it down mind), I literally paddled ankle deep in water from the car park - it was like walking up a stream.

    Inside the gym, it had started to look like a scene from Titanic - water was edging up along all the corridors and all the staff were frantically running round looking for mops and towels!

    I just started laughing and said to another girl who was coming into the gym - "in exactly 2 weeks time i'm going to Glastonbury!"....and she just said "Wow" How Fantastic!" ....so I said "Are you sure?....In this?" and she just said "Yes but the atmosphere there always looks so amazing - i would love to go!"

    It just really made me think that it is just great to be there, and I thought how I'd been out in that awful rain for a few minutes and it had been OK, even in sandals and work clothes. I remembered laughing at the mud in 97 & 98 when I was so ill equipped and wandered round with binliners over my trainers skidding all over the place, and I remembered 2007 with my proper kagoule and walking boots, treking from stage to stage, high fiving people who looked sad to make them smile, and just having a good time because it was Glastonbury!

    I really really want it not to be wet and muddy, but if it is wet & muddy, it's still Glastonbury.

  2. Been going to Glastonbury since 07, went Leeds first time last year.

    No comparison, Glastonbury shits all over Leeds, for all the reasons already mentioned in this thread. Going Leeds this year only to see The Libs, Arcade Fire and QOTSA!

    I only went last year for Radiohead, it's all the same sort of thing, Glastonbury is far more varied, and much more blissful!


  3. 2007 was my first Glastonbury, and I loved it, especially when the sun did come out!

    But i have to confess I enjoyed 2008 and 2009 much more when I was able to swap the wellies for the trainers and be able to walk around a lot easier. I remember leaving the Pyramid Stage after Arctic Monkeys, took me 45 minutes to get back to Park Home, with the shin high clay-esque mud to the Other Stage and the agony of athletes foot kicking in!


  4. If you say so. It is very hard to believe that it costs them more than £1m to take our bookings and send out the tickets. Their business must be even more inefficient than it seems.

    edit: typo

  5. I posted on another thread that i get a lot of tickets through See. Had tickets for other festivals and countless gigs; no problem whatsoever. Even in the last few years, i've never had any reason why i should complain about their service with Glasto tickets.

    But for what has happened with the outsourcing to DX, and the issues I've had in sorting out the pick-up, (note pick-up - going out of my way to get something i've paid a charge to be delivered), then I'm sorry, I will be bitching about them!

  6. I'd suggest that everyone with See Tickets and DX Security issues send an email to the Glastonbury office to let them know the extent of the problems this year.

    My take is that See Tickets care even less now than in the past and they've farmed out ticket delivery to the cheapest operation in the country to maximise their margins.

    email to complain to: office@glastonburyfestivals.co.uk

  7. First I heard about my delivery was an email from seetickets saying that DX had attempted delivery and to ring another number to arrange redelivery. Got home and sure enough... No card.

    (This isn't unusual for couriers, they can't get parked on my street so they just don't bother attempting delivery. You ring the depot and its your truthful word against their lies and there's nothing you can do about it!)

    Luckily the next day was Saturday so I didn't have to take any time off work. Guy arrived around 1pm.

    I think I was lucky, as the delivery looked like going the same way as all my other non-Royal mail deliveries (i.e. me having to travel 15 miles out of the city)

  8. Warning: Rant coming up!!!

    So as I work all around the country, I arranged for the DX to have my tickets delivered to their Avonmouth depot for picking up tomorrow. I get a phone call at lunch telling me if i didn't pick up TODAY then they would be sent out in the post again.

    So i drag my ass from Cheltenham we're i'm working today to Avonmouth. I get to Avonmouth and I'm kept standing for 20 minutes to be told my tickets are being held in f*cking Dartford!

    I've had no e-mails off them and they've been no help whatsoever!

    Anyone else think that this shower should be dumped for distrubution next year?! Every year i've been the RM have left me a little note at home and i've popped the Post Office at the weekend to pick them up. Nice and simple.

    This shower just makes things hard!!

    AAARRRGGGHHHHHH!!!!!!!! :angry: :angry: :angry:

  9. I actually forgot some!

    Trying to squeeze in the JP tent for Jamie T back in 07, was a little worse for wear and trying to pee into a bottle, yet ended up peeing into my mates wellingtons, he was not happy...! ;)

    And in 08, someone in our group went in his tent for a pee in a cup, came out of his tent, tripped over the guy line to our gazebo, piss flying out of bottle, he follows it and ends up face first in a puddle of his own! :lol:

    How bizarre these two follow a similar theme..... :D

  10. why are people seeing anything with vampire weekend as a clash? they are amazing on record and same goes live. and they are far better outdoors. just go!
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