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Posts posted by sonicpurveyor

  1. Rudimental were at the Avalon Inn watching mates band The Noses at 2am Sat Morn, Phil Jupitus in the Avalon Cafe Sat afternoon watching the same band, and Charlotte Church was stood next to me briefly during Dreadzone down front at Avalon Stage. Other than that i laughed my tits off at Mark Radcliffe getting ready for his presenting slot at the end of George Clinton as the band turned it into a 12min epic

  2. I was under the impression that the window for paying the ticket balance was supposed to end at midnight last night? Website not changed appears to still be accepting payments, is this a reflection of the band announcements so far? Does this give more hope for those who didn't get tickets?

  3. I don't post here that often but for what its worth if anyone questions / has worries over the 3rd headliner / wants to hold on for an announcement / has any other doubts about going etc then I'd say Glastonbury is not for them, head over to V / T-in the Park / Reading / Isle of Wight etc. I didnt go to Glasto for the first time until 2000 - I was an 80/90s metal head and Glasto isnt for metal heads! but my music tastes have drastically changed. I was more or less dragged to my first visit to the place but it sure did open my mind, i didnt get a ticket until a week before and didnt really look at the line up, ever since I just buy a ticket and no matter what the line up I'll guarantee to enjoy myself. Its never been about the music, its about the feel of the place, being around like minded individuals, the little surprises that jump out and grab you by the nuts, 24 hour party people, witnessing a wedding in a boxing ring with a female basque clad vcar whilst your having a pint and tugging on a joint in a makeshift church at 11am on a sunday morning, bumping into an elbow performance in a small pub behind the pyramid on 2002, seeing everyday people and what everyone would deem celebrities just being themselves or being just the people they really wanna be for a week, its like getting out the van when you first arrive and sucking in that air, staying up all night to catch a glorious sunrise from the stone(d) circle, getting to know complete strangers and then experience Glasto with them year after year, its about having a wander around the site and stumbling across something magical its not just about the music its about all these little things. Don't worry yourself about what band is or isnt going to be there because if you get the Glasto vibe and float along with it then you'll have a magical 3 or 4 days, or 7 if youre like me.

  4. I bought one of these, boiled a kettle in the CV to start it off and topped it up with cold water, 5L doesnt sound like much but it lasted just under 10mins, the first festival shower ive ever had in 28yrs of festivals. Can highly recommend one of these

  5. one point about the crowd mind there were 3 pricks down the front who turned up steaming, they were about say 50, 1 female 2 males, I was about 6 rows from front with no room in front of me, before the gig even kicked off they just stormed through in a dont give a f@@@ attitude, and half way through they pushed back to just behind me to rip a flag pole down a smash it to bits, all whilst nearly taking 2 friends eyes out with the broken flagpole, the woman with them pointed the flag out for some reason and the 2 blokes got stuck in. Utter pricks. ending up watching peoples backs until they buggered off

  6. as an old school metal head i loved their set, however they had a 2hr time slot, were 10mins late starting had a nearly 8min intro (which i thought was hilarious) they finished 10mins early, didnt include battery & santitarium in their set which are classic numbers they always play, had lazer and wimpy beachballs, no pyros whatsoever, whilst i did enjoy them i was left a little underwhealmed

  7. The Queue from East CV field always looks bad when you see it, im always in by midday on Tuesday to try and get a decent spot not too far from top of the hill of death, and normally wait till wed afternoon to go into site and get my wristband etc but last year I opted to get in early, wanted to see inside the site as early as possible so started queuing at 9.45am to get in, by 10.15 found a stall selling alcohol so were toasting G13 at 10.30am with a white wine sprizter at the entrance to west holts....it was minging btw!!!! anyways dont worry about the queues to get in always looks worse than it actually is

  8. Hi there,

    I'm selling a spare caravan/campervan camping ticket for EAST SIDE BLUE ROUTE due to accidentally ordering more than one.

    if you are in need of a east side blue route ticket then please reply to me here or if the OP can send me the next in line, i'm not too sure how to work this forum.

    i am sorry if this causes queue jumpers but due to my error my father is rather annoyed haha, as i used his card to purchase the second load of tickets, i need it gone as quickly as possible due to it being so close to the festival. reply in this post or send me a message and i will send you the appropriate details to work things out.

    I am selling the pass for the exact same price i payed for it plus P+P, so location depends slightly on price.

    Hope to see all you happy campers at EAST SIDE this year :)



    let the next in line have it

  9. I ordered one of these last Tuesday, paid £4.95 for next day delivery thinking i'd have it for Wednesday to charge in time to take it to Bearded Theory, had my email saying they were being dispatched from June 9th. So why ask & take £4.95 for next day delivery??? grrrr, glad i just saw this thread as I havent asked for that money back yet!

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