Intro Festival

last updated: Tue 1st Mar 2016

Changing it's name in 2011 Intro Festival became the new name for Middlesbrough Music Live. Started as a free community festival, in 1999, with plenty of major headlining bands as well as local talent held in Middlesbrough town centre on the second bank holiday in May. There are several stages as well as street theatre, kids stuff, fringe cinema festival and more. The festival started being a paid for event in 2011, and took a year out in 2012, and hasn't been back since.

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Intro Festival
festival home page
last updated: Tue 1st Mar 2016
Intro Festival 2011
line-ups & rumours
last updated: Tue 24th May 2011
Intro Festival 2011
festival details
last updated: Tue 24th May 2011
Middlesbrough Music Live 2010
line-ups & rumours
last updated: Mon 24th May 2010