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I ventured off to a festival in the alps on my own and thought I'd share my experience for anyone else thinking of doing the same!

Entries in this blog

The Parties Begin

So after meeting the guys! We thought, in classic festival style, it was time to wack out the booze! But in a very British manner, we decided to do this in the form of 'having a couple of drinks with dinner, then getting smashed in the hotel room'... So we get to know each other etc.. get drunk etc etc Then we ventured out into the midst of Les Deux! Mini Bar, Smokey Joes & L'avalance were just the first nights worth of clubs! The guys we were with were from Devon and happe

Lauren joy joy

Lauren joy joy

Rise! In the Mountains

So on the 13th of December 2014 I ventured off to the resort of Les Deux in the French Alps! I'm a final year event management student at Bournemouth University and that means one thing...Dissertation time! instead of following the monotonousness regime of making a questionnaire and asking random people to fill it out, I thought, hey! why not get on a plane and go to a festival that's never happened before on my own! So I did! And what an adventure it was. The cost of the trip kind of

Lauren joy joy

Lauren joy joy

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