Sellindge Music Festival 2009
Friday 5th to Sunday 7th June 2009Hope Farm, Gibbons Brook, nr Ashford, Kent,, England MAP
£55 for the weekend
Last updated: Tue 19th May 2009
(C) = Officially Confirmed, (SC) = Self Confirmed, (SR) = Strong Rumour, (R) = Rumour
- HeadRoc Arena
- Introducing Stage
- Comedy Stage
(C) = Officially Confirmed, (SC) = Self Confirmed, (SR) = Strong Rumour, (R) = Rumour
- Main Stage
- HeadRoc Arena
- Introducing Stage
- Acoustic Tent
- Comedy Stage
(C) = Officially Confirmed, (SC) = Self Confirmed, (SR) = Strong Rumour, (R) = Rumour
- Main Stage
- HeadRoc Arena
- Introducing Stage
- Acoustic Tent
- Comedy Stage
(C) = Officially Confirmed, (SC) = Self Confirmed, (SR) = Strong Rumour, (R) = Rumour
- unknown stage
(C) = Officially Confirmed, (SC) = Self Confirmed, (SR) = Strong Rumour, (R) = Rumour
Sat 6th, Main Stage(C) 4 or 5 Magicians
Sun 7th, Comedy Stage(C) Adam Bloom
Sat 6th, Comedy Stage(C) Adam Ethan Crow
Sat 6th, Introducing Stage(C) AEF
Sun 7th, Acoustic Tent(C) Alessi's Ark
Sat 6th, Acoustic Tent(C) Alex Cornish
Sun 7th, Acoustic Tent(C) Alma Mahler
Fri 5th, Introducing Stage(C) Amoriste
Sat 6th, Main Stage(C) Barefoot Confessor
Sat 6th, Acoustic Tent(C) Ben's Brother
Fri 5th, Comedy Stage(C) Benny Boot
Sat 6th, Acoustic Tent(C) Bobby Long
Fri 5th, HeadRoc Arena(C) Brandon Block
Sat 6th, Introducing Stage(C) Bruised Beauties
Sun 7th, Comedy Stage(C) Christian Reilly
Sat 6th, Introducing Stage(C) Circle Of Rage
Sun 7th, Introducing Stage(C) Cocos Lovers
Sat 6th, HeadRoc Arena(C) Cut La Roc
Fri 5th, HeadRoc Arena(C) Danny Dee & Dave EJ
Sat 6th, HeadRoc Arena(C) Danny Reject
day TBC, unknown stage(SC) Deekline & Wizard
Sun 7th, HeadRoc Arena(C) Delta Connection
Fri 5th, HeadRoc Arena(C) Eddy Temple Morris
Sat 6th, Introducing Stage(C) Elephants
day TBC, unknown stage(SC) Elephants
Sun 7th, Acoustic Tent(C) Emmy the Great
Sat 6th, Acoustic Tent(C) Everybody Be Cool
Sun 7th, Main Stage(C) Far From The Dance
Sun 7th, Introducing Stage(C) Floors & Walls
Sat 6th, Acoustic Tent(C) Greg McDonald
Fri 5th, HeadRoc Arena(C) Groove Monkey
Fri 5th, Comedy Stage(C) Hal Cruttenden
Sun 7th, Acoustic Tent(C) Handshake
Sat 6th, Acoustic Tent(C) Haunted Stereo
Sat 6th, HeadRoc Arena(C) HowCleanIsYourHouse
Sat 6th, Main Stage(C) Hungry Ghosts
Sat 6th, HeadRoc Arena(C) Ian Dunne
Sat 6th, Main Stage(C) Illegitimate Sons Of The King
Sun 7th, Acoustic Tent(C) Jamie Abbott
Sat 6th, Acoustic Tent(C) Jamie Ley
Fri 5th, Introducing Stage(C) Jarmean?
Sun 7th, HeadRoc Arena(C) Jeff Barker
Sun 7th, HeadRoc Arena(C) Joe Mac
Sat 6th, Main Stage(C) Junkstar
Sat 6th, Acoustic Tent(C) Karima Francis
Fri 5th, HeadRoc Arena(C) Kev Harris
Sun 7th, Introducing Stage(C) Kids Love Lies
Sat 6th, Introducing Stage(C) Kouncilhouse
Fri 5th, HeadRoc Arena(C) Lee Saunders
Sun 7th, Acoustic Tent(C) Lester Clayton
Sun 7th, Acoustic Tent(C) Lizzy Spit
Sun 7th, Introducing Stage(C) Los Salvadores
Sun 7th, Acoustic Tent(C) Lotte Mullan
Sun 7th, Acoustic Tent(C) Lucy and the Caterpillar
Sun 7th, Acoustic Tent(C) Lucy Holliday
Sun 7th, Main Stage(C) Marina and the Diamonds
Fri 5th, HeadRoc Arena(C) Mark Dickson
Fri 5th, Comedy Stage(C) Matt Price
Fri 5th, Comedy Stage(C) Matt Rudge
Sat 6th, HeadRoc Arena(C) Mezza Sound System
Sun 7th, HeadRoc Arena(C) Micky Slim
Fri 5th, Introducing Stage(C) Minnaars
Sun 7th, Introducing Stage(C) Motion Picture Soundtrack
Sun 7th, Introducing Stage(C) Mr Basista
Sat 6th, Acoustic Tent(C) Nic Bennett
Sat 6th, Comedy Stage(C) Nick Coppin
Fri 5th, Introducing Stage(C) NorthSouthDivide
Sat 6th, Acoustic Tent(C) Oh, Atoms
Sun 7th, Main Stage(C) Operahouse
Sat 6th, Introducing Stage(C) Outa City Committee
Sun 7th, Comedy Stage(C) Pete Jonas
Sat 6th, HeadRoc Arena(C) Phill Buckland
Sun 7th, Introducing Stage(C) Polka Party
Sun 7th, Main Stage(C) Red Light Company
Sun 7th, Acoustic Tent(C) Rhys Morgan
Fri 5th, Introducing Stage(C) Right Turn Left
Sat 6th, Acoustic Tent(C) Rob Cowen & The Dissidents
Sun 7th, HeadRoc Arena(C) Robbie Styles
Fri 5th, Introducing Stage(C) Romanov
Sun 7th, Main Stage(C) Royal Treatment Plant
Sat 6th, Comedy Stage(C) Sally-Anne Hayward
Sun 7th, HeadRoc Arena(C) Saman'i
Sat 6th, Introducing Stage(C) Seven Story Down
Sat 6th, Introducing Stage(C) Shadow Aspect
Sat 6th, Main Stage(C) Silvery
Sun 7th, HeadRoc Arena(C) Small Fry
Sat 6th, HeadRoc Arena(C) Sonny Taylor
Sun 7th, Introducing Stage(C) Spooka
Fri 5th, Comedy Stage(C) Steve Day
Sat 6th, Introducing Stage(C) Story Books
Sat 6th, Main Stage(C) Supergrass
Sat 6th, Main Stage(C) Ten Bears
Sun 7th, Acoustic Tent(C) Tener Duende
Sun 7th, Main Stage(C) The Answering Machine
Fri 5th, Introducing Stage(C) The Dirty Disco
Sun 7th, Main Stage(C) The Domino State
Fri 5th, Introducing Stage(C) The Hidden Revolution
Sat 6th, Main Stage(C) The Holloways
Sat 6th, HeadRoc Arena(C) The Hoxton Whores
Sat 6th, Main Stage(C) The Little Philistines
Fri 5th, HeadRoc Arena(C) The Quirk Burglars
day TBC, unknown stage(SR) The Roots Union
Sun 7th, Acoustic Tent(C) The Rosie Taylor Project
Sun 7th, Main Stage(C) The Shebeats
Sat 6th, Main Stage(C) The Streetlight Conspiracy
Sat 6th, Introducing Stage(C) The Suggestions
Sun 7th, Main Stage(C) them:youth
Sat 6th, Main Stage(C) Thomas Tantrum
Sun 7th, Introducing Stage(C) Tin Soldiers
Sun 7th, Introducing Stage(C) Tom Williams & The Boat
Sun 7th, Main Stage(C) Tubelord
Fri 5th, Introducing Stage(C) Vagner Love
Sun 7th, Main Stage(C) Video Nasties
Sat 6th, Acoustic Tent(C) Waterhorse
Sun 7th, Main Stage(C) Whitewalls
Sat 6th, Main Stage(C) Will Can Sing
Sun 7th, Main Stage(C) William
Sun 7th, Main Stage(C) Young Knives
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Latest Updates
line-ups & rumours
last updated: Tue 19th May 2009

festival details
last updated: Tue 19th May 2009

plus The Holloways, Kouncilhouse, Floors & Walls, and more
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plus Marina & The Diamonds, Thomas Tantrum, and competition winners
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plus first DJs announced Sellindge Music Festival
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