Rebellion Festival 2018
Thursday 2nd to Sunday 5th August 2018Blackpool Winter Gardens, 97 Church Street, Blackpool, Lancashire, FY1 1HW, England MAP
currently £150
Daily capacity: 5,000
Last updated: Fri 3rd Aug 2018
(C) = Officially Confirmed, (SC) = Self Confirmed, (SR) = Strong Rumour, (R) = Rumour
- Empress Ballroom
- Club Casbah
- Opera House
- Arena
- Pavilion
- Almost Acoustic
- Rebellion Introducing
(C) = Officially Confirmed, (SC) = Self Confirmed, (SR) = Strong Rumour, (R) = Rumour
- Empress Ballroom
- Club Casbah
- Opera House
- Arena
- Pavilion
- Almost Acoustic
- Rebellion Introducing
(C) = Officially Confirmed, (SC) = Self Confirmed, (SR) = Strong Rumour, (R) = Rumour
- Empress Ballroom
- Club Casbah
- Opera House
- Arena
- Pavilion
- Almost Acoustic
- Rebellion Introducing
(C) = Officially Confirmed, (SC) = Self Confirmed, (SR) = Strong Rumour, (R) = Rumour
- Empress Ballroom
- Club Casbah
- Opera House
- Arena
- Pavilion
- Almost Acoustic
- Rebellion Introducing
(C) = Officially Confirmed, (SC) = Self Confirmed, (SR) = Strong Rumour, (R) = Rumour
Fri 3rd, Pavilion(C) 13 Bats
Sun 5th, Arena(C) 4 Past Midnight
Sat 4th, Arena(C) 5 Go Mad
Sat 4th, Empress Ballroom(C) 999
Fri 3rd, Pavilion(C) A Heads
Thu 2nd, Pavilion(C) Aerial Salad
Fri 3rd, Arena(C) Agrotoxico
Fri 3rd, Club Casbah(C) Angelic Upstarts
Fri 3rd, Arena(C) Angry Agenda
Fri 3rd, Empress Ballroom(C) Anti-Nowhere League
Thu 2nd, Arena(C) Anti-Social USA
Sat 4th, Arena(C) Antisect
Thu 2nd, Club Casbah(C) Arch Rivals
Sun 5th, Almost Acoustic(C) Arthur Lurker
Thu 2nd, Pavilion(C) Atterkop
Fri 3rd, Almost Acoustic(C) Attila the Stockbroker
Sun 5th, Empress Ballroom(C) Authority Zero
Sun 5th, Almost Acoustic(C) Authority Zero
Sun 5th, Pavilion(C) B Squadron
Thu 2nd, Empress Ballroom(C) Bad Cop/Bad Cop
Thu 2nd, Rebellion Introducing(C) Bandits
Sat 4th, Opera House(C) Barnstormer
Sun 5th, Almost Acoustic(C) Barnstormer
Sun 5th, Empress Ballroom(C) Battalion Of Saints
Sat 4th, Arena(C) Berlin Blackouts
Sat 4th, Almost Acoustic(C) Billy Liar
Thu 2nd, Pavilion(C) Billyclub
Thu 2nd, Almost Acoustic(C) Bingo with Max
Fri 3rd, Almost Acoustic(C) Bingo with Max
Sat 4th, Almost Acoustic(C) Bingo with Max
Sun 5th, Almost Acoustic(C) Bingo with Max
Fri 3rd, Rebellion Introducing(C) BKS
Thu 2nd, Rebellion Introducing(C) Black Market Beat
Thu 2nd, Arena(C) Blatoidea
Fri 3rd, Rebellion Introducing(C) Blind Man Death Stare
Sat 4th, Opera House(C) Blyth Power
Sat 4th, Almost Acoustic(C) Blyth Power
Thu 2nd, Almost Acoustic(C) Boggy Formby
Fri 3rd, Almost Acoustic(C) Boggy Formby
Sat 4th, Almost Acoustic(C) Boggy Formby
Sun 5th, Almost Acoustic(C) Boggy Formby
Sun 5th, Pavilion(C) Boilermaker
Sun 5th, Pavilion(C) Bonecrusher
Sun 5th, Pavilion(C) Boots N All
Sat 4th, Almost Acoustic(C) Brandy Row
Fri 3rd, Arena(C) Brassick
Sat 4th, Pavilion(C) Brassknuckle
Sun 5th, Pavilion(C) Brassknuckle Boys
Sat 4th, Almost Acoustic(C) Brent Loveday
Thu 2nd, Rebellion Introducing(C) Burnt Tapes
Thu 2nd, Empress Ballroom(C) Buzzcocks
Sun 5th, Opera House(C) Cadaver Club
Thu 2nd, Rebellion Introducing(C) Call Me Malcolm
Fri 3rd, Rebellion Introducing(C) Cat and the Underdogs
Fri 3rd, Almost Acoustic(C) Catlow
Sat 4th, Arena(C) Channel 3
Sun 5th, Arena(C) Chaos 8
Sat 4th, Pavilion(C) Charge 69
Fri 3rd, Almost Acoustic(C) Cherry & Peesh
Sat 4th, Empress Ballroom(C) Choking Susan
Sun 5th, Almost Acoustic(C) Chris Butler
Sat 4th, Arena(C) Chron Gen
Sat 4th, Pavilion(C) Church of Confidence
Sat 4th, Pavilion(C) Citizen Fish
Sat 4th, Pavilion(C) City Saints
Sun 5th, Arena(C) Class Assassins
Sun 5th, Empress Ballroom(C) Clowns
Sat 4th, Empress Ballroom(C) Cockney Rejects
Sat 4th, Club Casbah(C) Contempt
Sat 4th, Arena(C) Control
Fri 3rd, Pavilion(C) Counting Coins
Sun 5th, Opera House(C) Crisis
Sun 5th, Club Casbah(C) Culture Shock
Thu 2nd, Pavilion(C) Cyanide Pills
Sun 5th, Empress Ballroom(C) D.R.I.
Sat 4th, Almost Acoustic(C) Darrell Bath
Thu 2nd, Almost Acoustic(C) Dave Dalton
Thu 2nd, Almost Acoustic(C) David Delinquent
Fri 3rd, Rebellion Introducing(C) Dead 77
Sun 5th, Rebellion Introducing(C) Dealing With Damage
Fri 3rd, Almost Acoustic(C) Deckchairs
Fri 3rd, Arena(C) Dedo Podre
Thu 2nd, Pavilion(C) Delinquents
Thu 2nd, Almost Acoustic(C) Desensitised
Sat 4th, Rebellion Introducing(C) Diablofurs
Sun 5th, Empress Ballroom(C) Dirtbox Disco
Sat 4th, Club Casbah(C) Discharge
Sun 5th, Rebellion Introducing(C) Dischord
Sun 5th, Rebellion Introducing(C) Dream Nails
Thu 2nd, Club Casbah(C) Drongos for Europe
Thu 2nd, Arena(C) East End Badoes
Sun 5th, Almost Acoustic(C) Efa Supertramp
Thu 2nd, Almost Acoustic(C) Epic Problem Acoustic
Fri 3rd, Pavilion(C) Esperanza
Fri 3rd, Club Casbah(C) Evil Blizzard
Thu 2nd, Arena(C) Face Up!
Sun 5th, Empress Ballroom(C) Faintest Idea
Sun 5th, Rebellion Introducing(C) Fat Albert
Sat 4th, Arena(C) Filf
Thu 2nd, Arena(C) Fire Exit
Fri 3rd, Almost Acoustic(C) Fire Exit
Fri 3rd, Opera House(C) Fischer Z
Sat 4th, Arena(C) Funeral Dress
Fri 3rd, Empress Ballroom(C) GBH
Sun 5th, Pavilion(C) Geoffrey Oicott
Sat 4th, Empress Ballroom(C) Gimp Fist
Sat 4th, Almost Acoustic(C) Ginger Wildheart
Sun 5th, Empress Ballroom(C) Glitter Trash
Sat 4th, Almost Acoustic(C) Glynn Barber
Sat 4th, Pavilion(C) Grade 2
Fri 3rd, Arena(C) Grippers
Fri 3rd, Opera House(C) Hagar the Womb
Sun 5th, Club Casbah(C) Hands Off Gretel
Thu 2nd, Almost Acoustic(C) He Who Cannot Be Named
Thu 2nd, Almost Acoustic(C) Headsticks
Fri 3rd, Pavilion(C) Headsticks
Thu 2nd, Empress Ballroom(C) Headstone Horrors
Fri 3rd, Arena(C) Healthy Junkies
Sat 4th, Almost Acoustic(C) Henry Cluney
Thu 2nd, Arena(C) Hobo Jones & The Junkyard Dogs
Fri 3rd, Club Casbah(C) Hobo Jones & The Junkyard Dogs
Thu 2nd, Pavilion(C) Hospital Food
Sat 4th, Rebellion Introducing(C) IDestroy
Thu 2nd, Empress Ballroom(C) IDLES
Fri 3rd, Club Casbah(C) In Evil Hour
Sun 5th, Rebellion Introducing(C) Infirmities
Sat 4th, Opera House(C) Inflatable Dolls
Sun 5th, Arena(C) Informal Society
Sat 4th, Opera House(C) Jah Wobble's Invaders Of The Heart
Sun 5th, Almost Acoustic(C) Jaime Rachelle
Sat 4th, Pavilion(C) Jaya the Cat
Sat 4th, Almost Acoustic(C) Jess Silk
Thu 2nd, Almost Acoustic(C) Jim Sorrow
Sat 4th, Rebellion Introducing(C) Kearnys Jig
Thu 2nd, Rebellion Introducing(C) Kid Klumsy
Sat 4th, Rebellion Introducing(C) Kiss Me, Killer
Fri 3rd, Rebellion Introducing(C) Knife 49
Sun 5th, Club Casbah(C) Knock Off
Thu 2nd, Club Casbah(C) Lagwagon
Thu 2nd, Arena(C) Litterbug
Fri 3rd, Almost Acoustic(C) Los Fastidios
Sat 4th, Empress Ballroom(C) Los Fastidios
Sat 4th, Club Casbah(C) Lower Class Brats
Sun 5th, Club Casbah(C) M.D.C.
Thu 2nd, Empress Ballroom(C) Mad Caddies
Fri 3rd, Club Casbah(C) Maid Of Ace
Fri 3rd, Almost Acoustic(C) Mark Astronaut
Sun 5th, Arena(C) Mau Maus
Sun 5th, Almost Acoustic(C) Mauri Clash City Rocker
Fri 3rd, Almost Acoustic(C) Max Splodge
Thu 2nd, Rebellion Introducing(C) MC16
Sun 5th, Almost Acoustic(C) MDC Acoustic
Sun 5th, Opera House(C) Michael Monroe
Sat 4th, Rebellion Introducing(C) Migrana Social
Sun 5th, Almost Acoustic(C) Mike Only
Fri 3rd, Almost Acoustic(C) Millie Manders
Fri 3rd, Empress Ballroom(C) Millie Manders and The Shutup
Fri 3rd, Arena(C) Modern Enemy
Sun 5th, Arena(C) Monster Squad
Thu 2nd, Opera House(C) Morgellons
Fri 3rd, Club Casbah(C) Neville Staple Band
Thu 2nd, Empress Ballroom(C) New Town Kings
Fri 3rd, Empress Ballroom(C) Newtown Neurotics
Sat 4th, Almost Acoustic(C) Nick Cash
Thu 2nd, Arena(C) No Thrills
Sun 5th, Rebellion Introducing(C) Nurses
Fri 3rd, Pavilion(C) Paranoid Visions
Thu 2nd, Rebellion Introducing(C) Pardon Us
Sun 5th, Almost Acoustic(C) Pascal Briggs
Thu 2nd, Almost Acoustic(C) Paul Carter
Fri 3rd, Opera House(C) Penny Rimbaud
Fri 3rd, Empress Ballroom(C) Peter and the Test Tube Babies
Sat 4th, Club Casbah(C) Peter and the Test Tube Babies
Sat 4th, Empress Ballroom(C) Peter Hook and the Light
Fri 3rd, Pavilion(C) Petrol Girls
Sat 4th, Club Casbah(C) Pizzatramp
Thu 2nd, Opera House(C) Pog
Thu 2nd, Club Casbah(C) Poly-Esters
Sat 4th, Pavilion(C) Popes of Chillitown
Sat 4th, Rebellion Introducing(C) Pretty Addicted
Sun 5th, Empress Ballroom(C) Public Image Ltd. (PiL)
Sun 5th, Empress Ballroom(C) Public Image Ltd. (PiL)
Sun 5th, Club Casbah(C) Radiostorm
Thu 2nd, Pavilion(C) Ramonas Original
Thu 2nd, Almost Acoustic(C) Rat Boys Magic Show
Fri 3rd, Almost Acoustic(C) Rat Boys Magic Show
Sat 4th, Almost Acoustic(C) Rat Boys Magic Show
Sun 5th, Almost Acoustic(C) Rat Boys Magic Show
Sat 4th, Arena(C) Raw Power
Fri 3rd, Arena(C) Red Alert
Thu 2nd, Pavilion(C) Red Eyes
Thu 2nd, Pavilion(C) Red Light Rebels
Sat 4th, Arena(C) Red London
Sat 4th, Pavilion(C) Reno Divorce
Sun 5th, Club Casbah(C) Resistance 77
Thu 2nd, Arena(C) Revenge of the Psychotronic Man
Fri 3rd, Empress Ballroom(C) Revolt-Chix
Thu 2nd, Arena(C) Riot Squad
Sun 5th, Arena(C) Roadside Bombs
Thu 2nd, Almost Acoustic(C) Rob Galloway
Thu 2nd, Almost Acoustic(C) Rory McLeod
Sat 4th, Pavilion(C) Royal Oi!
Fri 3rd, Opera House(C) Rubella Ballet
Sat 4th, Pavilion(C) Rude Pride
Fri 3rd, Almost Acoustic(C) Russ Crimewave
Sat 4th, Club Casbah(C) Ruts DC
Sun 5th, Almost Acoustic(C) Ruts DC
Sat 4th, Rebellion Introducing(C) Screaming Bloody Marys
Thu 2nd, Arena(C) Scumbrians
Fri 3rd, Arena(C) Sem Futuro
Fri 3rd, Empress Ballroom(C) Sick on the Bus
Fri 3rd, Almost Acoustic(C) Sieben
Sat 4th, Opera House(C) Sieben
Fri 3rd, Rebellion Introducing(C) Sindicato Oi
Sun 5th, Empress Ballroom(C) Slaughter & The Dogs
Thu 2nd, Opera House(C) Slice Of Life
Thu 2nd, Arena(C) Sons Of Clogger
Sat 4th, Rebellion Introducing(C) Spider
Sat 4th, Arena(C) Spizz Energi
Thu 2nd, Pavilion(C) Splodgenessabounds
Sun 5th, Rebellion Introducing(C) Spring Park
Fri 3rd, Empress Ballroom(C) Spunk Volcano And The Eruptions
Fri 3rd, Pavilion(C) Static Kill
Sat 4th, Almost Acoustic(C) Steve Drewett
Sat 4th, Empress Ballroom(C) Stiff Little Fingers
Thu 2nd, Empress Ballroom(C) Strange Bones
Fri 3rd, Rebellion Introducing(C) Subalternos
Fri 3rd, Empress Ballroom(C) Subhumans
Thu 2nd, Rebellion Introducing(C) Suckerpunch
Fri 3rd, Pavilion(C) Supla
Fri 3rd, Pavilion(C) Surgery Without Research
Fri 3rd, Almost Acoustic(C) Swill
Thu 2nd, Club Casbah(C) System of Hate
Thu 2nd, Club Casbah(C) T.S.O.L
Sun 5th, Pavilion(C) Takers & Users
Fri 3rd, Club Casbah(C) Templeton Pek
Sun 5th, Pavilion(C) Terminal Rage
Sun 5th, Club Casbah(C) The Adicts
Sun 5th, Club Casbah(C) The Adolescents
Fri 3rd, Pavilion(C) The Astronauts
Sat 4th, Arena(C) The Attack
Fri 3rd, Rebellion Introducing(C) The Babes
Sun 5th, Rebellion Introducing(C) The Baby Seals
Fri 3rd, Club Casbah(C) The Bar Stool Preachers
Sat 4th, Club Casbah(C) The Bar-Steward Sons of Val Doonican
Thu 2nd, Club Casbah(C) The Blame
Thu 2nd, Pavilion(C) The Blue Carpet Band
Sat 4th, Empress Ballroom(C) The Bones
Fri 3rd, Empress Ballroom(C) The Boys
Thu 2nd, Opera House(C) The Boys Unplugged
Sat 4th, Empress Ballroom(C) The Briefs
Sun 5th, Rebellion Introducing(C) The Crash Landings
Sun 5th, Arena(C) The Crippens
Sun 5th, Almost Acoustic(C) The Crows
Sun 5th, Arena(C) The Cryptics
Thu 2nd, Club Casbah(C) The Cundeez
Sun 5th, Arena(C) The Defectives
Sun 5th, Arena(C) The Defects
Sun 5th, Opera House(C) The DeRellas
Sun 5th, Club Casbah(C) The Dickies
Sun 5th, Rebellion Introducing(C) The Dregs
Thu 2nd, Opera House(C) The Drones
Fri 3rd, Arena(C) The Droogettes
Thu 2nd, Arena(C) The Eddies
Fri 3rd, Rebellion Introducing(C) The Empty Bottles
Fri 3rd, Opera House(C) The Featherz
Sat 4th, Club Casbah(C) The Filaments
Sat 4th, Arena(C) The Fuckin Glorious
Sat 4th, Pavilion(C) The Gakk
Sat 4th, Pavilion(C) The Glory
Fri 3rd, Arena(C) The Junk Food
Thu 2nd, Pavilion(C) The Kut
Fri 3rd, Club Casbah(C) The Last Resort
Thu 2nd, Empress Ballroom(C) The Lawrence Arms
Fri 3rd, Pavilion(C) The Lee Harveys
Sun 5th, Rebellion Introducing(C) The Liarbilitys
Thu 2nd, Empress Ballroom(C) The Lillingtons
Sat 4th, Opera House(C) The Lovely Eggs
Fri 3rd, Empress Ballroom(C) The Macc Lads
Thu 2nd, Arena(C) The Manc Lads
Thu 2nd, Almost Acoustic(C) The Manc Lads
Fri 3rd, Opera House(C) The Members
Fri 3rd, Opera House(C) The Men They Couldn't Hang
Sat 4th, Rebellion Introducing(C) The Menstrual Cramps
Thu 2nd, Empress Ballroom(C) The Menzingers
Fri 3rd, Arena(C) The Mis-Made
Thu 2nd, Rebellion Introducing(C) The Mistakes
Sat 4th, Rebellion Introducing(C) The Murderburgers
Sun 5th, Opera House(C) The Nightingales
Sun 5th, Almost Acoustic(C) The Outcasts
Sun 5th, Club Casbah(C) The Professionals
Thu 2nd, Club Casbah(C) The Queers
Fri 3rd, Rebellion Introducing(C) The Raging Nathans
Fri 3rd, Club Casbah(C) The Ramonas
Thu 2nd, Club Casbah(C) The Restarts
Fri 3rd, Rebellion Introducing(C) The Riders of the Night
Sun 5th, Pavilion(C) The Rumjacks
Thu 2nd, Club Casbah(C) The Soap Girls
Thu 2nd, Almost Acoustic(C) The Soap Girls
Thu 2nd, Rebellion Introducing(C) The Splash
Sun 5th, Pavilion(C) The Struggle
Sat 4th, Arena(C) The Stupids
Thu 2nd, Club Casbah(C) The Svetlanas
Thu 2nd, Club Casbah(C) The Vandals
Sun 5th, Arena(C) The Varukers
Sun 5th, Opera House(C) The Vibrators
Sat 4th, Opera House(C) The Weirdos
Sun 5th, Rebellion Introducing(C) The White Ribbons
Sat 4th, Club Casbah(C) The Wildhearts
Thu 2nd, Opera House(C) The Yalla Yallas
Thu 2nd, Opera House(C) Theatre Of Hate
Fri 3rd, Opera House(C) Those Naughty Lumps
Sat 4th, Almost Acoustic(C) Tim Holehouse
Thu 2nd, Pavilion(C) Top Dog
Sat 4th, Club Casbah(C) Toxic Reasons
Sun 5th, Pavilion(C) Traits
Sat 4th, Rebellion Introducing(C) Tripwire DC
Fri 3rd, Pavilion(C) Turbulent Hearts
Thu 2nd, Almost Acoustic(C) TV Smith
Sat 4th, Empress Ballroom(C) UK Subs
Fri 3rd, Club Casbah(C) Union 13
Sun 5th, Pavilion(C) United Bottles
Fri 3rd, Rebellion Introducing(C) Vertigo Violet
Sat 4th, Rebellion Introducing(C) Vibrate Two Fingers
Sat 4th, Club Casbah(C) Vice Squad
Fri 3rd, Arena(C) Vicious Circle
Fri 3rd, Club Casbah(C) Viki Vortex and the Cumshots
Sat 4th, Rebellion Introducing(C) Violets
Thu 2nd, Arena(C) Vomit
Sun 5th, Empress Ballroom(C) Voodoo Glow Skulls
Sat 4th, Arena(C) Vox Populi
Thu 2nd, Rebellion Introducing(C) Vulpynes
Fri 3rd, Arena(C) Warwound
Thu 2nd, Rebellion Introducing(C) Weekend Recovery
Sat 4th, Empress Ballroom(C) Wolf Bites Boy
Sat 4th, Club Casbah(C) Wonk Unit
Fri 3rd, Rebellion Introducing(C) Zero Zero
Thu 2nd, Rebellion Introducing(C) Zombie Met Girl
Sat 4th, Opera House(C) Zounds
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