Download Festival 2014
Friday 13th to Sunday 15th June 2014Donington Park, Donington, Derbyshire, DE74 2RP, England MAP
£195 for five nights with camping
eFestivals go to have a chat with Chasing Cadence at this year's Download, here's what they said.
How was it playing to the Download crowd?
Absolutely incredible! We fully expected to play to an empty tent as we clashed with Marmozets and Bowling For Soup so to walk on stage and see so many people, with even more piling in during our set, was a great feeling and we’re so thankful to Red Bull Studios for providing this opportunity.
How would you describe your sound? (In my opinion it sounds like you have the melodic wizardy of Linkin Park sprinkled with the raw sound of Funeral For a Friend)
We like to think we’re like one of those Lindt chocolate balls – hard on the outside and soft on the inside. All 5 of us have really varied influences and we like to take aspects from the entire spectrum for our music from punk/hardcore bands to good old fashioned chart pop.
Can we expect to see you touring the UK soon?
We’re in the process of booking a UK tour for later in the year actually. We get a lot of requests for South Wales and Scotland so we’re hoping to branch out to a load of new places too.
Did you have chance to catch any of the other bands at Download? If so, who?
We caught the headliners and Linkin Park were just on another level, so so good. We also managed to catch our mates Feed The Rhino (whose bassist actually recorded our EP ‘Pages’, available to download at www.musicglue.com/chasingcadence) as well as our new friends that also played on the Red Bull stage who all smashed it.
Do you have any new material due out soon?
As a band we’re always writing and continuously develop ideas and seek inspiration from loads of different areas but at the moment, all our concentration is going into the release of our new single ‘Heartstrong’ in a few weeks time.
Is there any particular band that you would love to be on the same bill as?
We’ve been lucky enough to share the stage with our biggest influence Taking Back Sunday earlier in the year but we definitely wouldn’t say no to joining them on tour ;) Personally for me, supporting Fightstar would be my ultimate show!
Do you have any advice for anyone wanting to start a band?
We actually met through a kind of dating site for musicians (JoinMyBand) which was great for us as we all bonded over our love of music. For new bands, what I’d say is just keep practicing together – once you think you sound good, practice more because chances are, you don’t sound good. Only once you accept the fact that you probably sound bad can you really improve and really “click” together. That sounded a bit Fight Club-y didn’t it?!
Do you ever get fed up with being asked the same interview questions by music reviewers?
We’re very lucky in that all 5 of us love answering interviews and telling our own stories so as cheesy as it is, no we don’t!
In your own words why should someone start to listen to your music?
I joined the band after being a fan for a year – listening to Chasing Cadence literally changed my life and it could change yours too, who are you to question your destiny by not listening to us?
Who is more important in a band out of the Drummer or the guitarist?
Don’t let the drum sticks I have tattoo’d on my arm make you think I’m biased in any way but rhythm is the backbone of the music we play. Guitarists have great egos, us drummers have great importance haha.
Have you ever had any spinal tap moments whilst playing live?
Oh yeah, many a time, you just have to accept that when you play a lot of shows, at some point something will go majorly wrong and you have to laugh it off. On the first date of our last tour: Dan got a bit too excited jumping off of the stage that he literally broke his bass in half, I tried to hit a subdrop too hard and broke my sampler and Jack smashed one too many Busted jumps and split his jeans down the crotch!
Many thanks for taking the time to do this email interview.
How was it playing to the Download crowd?
Absolutely incredible! We fully expected to play to an empty tent as we clashed with Marmozets and Bowling For Soup so to walk on stage and see so many people, with even more piling in during our set, was a great feeling and we’re so thankful to Red Bull Studios for providing this opportunity.
How would you describe your sound? (In my opinion it sounds like you have the melodic wizardy of Linkin Park sprinkled with the raw sound of Funeral For a Friend)
We like to think we’re like one of those Lindt chocolate balls – hard on the outside and soft on the inside. All 5 of us have really varied influences and we like to take aspects from the entire spectrum for our music from punk/hardcore bands to good old fashioned chart pop.
Can we expect to see you touring the UK soon?
We’re in the process of booking a UK tour for later in the year actually. We get a lot of requests for South Wales and Scotland so we’re hoping to branch out to a load of new places too.
Did you have chance to catch any of the other bands at Download? If so, who?
We caught the headliners and Linkin Park were just on another level, so so good. We also managed to catch our mates Feed The Rhino (whose bassist actually recorded our EP ‘Pages’, available to download at www.musicglue.com/chasingcadence) as well as our new friends that also played on the Red Bull stage who all smashed it.
Do you have any new material due out soon?
As a band we’re always writing and continuously develop ideas and seek inspiration from loads of different areas but at the moment, all our concentration is going into the release of our new single ‘Heartstrong’ in a few weeks time.
Is there any particular band that you would love to be on the same bill as?
We’ve been lucky enough to share the stage with our biggest influence Taking Back Sunday earlier in the year but we definitely wouldn’t say no to joining them on tour ;) Personally for me, supporting Fightstar would be my ultimate show!
Do you have any advice for anyone wanting to start a band?
We actually met through a kind of dating site for musicians (JoinMyBand) which was great for us as we all bonded over our love of music. For new bands, what I’d say is just keep practicing together – once you think you sound good, practice more because chances are, you don’t sound good. Only once you accept the fact that you probably sound bad can you really improve and really “click” together. That sounded a bit Fight Club-y didn’t it?!
Do you ever get fed up with being asked the same interview questions by music reviewers?
We’re very lucky in that all 5 of us love answering interviews and telling our own stories so as cheesy as it is, no we don’t!
In your own words why should someone start to listen to your music?
I joined the band after being a fan for a year – listening to Chasing Cadence literally changed my life and it could change yours too, who are you to question your destiny by not listening to us?
Who is more important in a band out of the Drummer or the guitarist?
Don’t let the drum sticks I have tattoo’d on my arm make you think I’m biased in any way but rhythm is the backbone of the music we play. Guitarists have great egos, us drummers have great importance haha.
Have you ever had any spinal tap moments whilst playing live?
Oh yeah, many a time, you just have to accept that when you play a lot of shows, at some point something will go majorly wrong and you have to laugh it off. On the first date of our last tour: Dan got a bit too excited jumping off of the stage that he literally broke his bass in half, I tried to hit a subdrop too hard and broke my sampler and Jack smashed one too many Busted jumps and split his jeans down the crotch!
Many thanks for taking the time to do this email interview.
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