David Guetta reveals dark new material on closing day of Creamfields

Creamfields 2011 review

By Jamie Licence | Published: Mon 5th Sep 2011

Creamfields 2011 - David Guetta
Photo credit: Jamie Licence

Creamfields 2011

Saturday 27th to Sunday 28th August 2011
Daresbury Estate, Halton, Cheshire, WA4 4AR, England MAP
camping tickets £115, day tickets £60, Friday arrival £20 - SOLD OUT
Daily capacity: 40,000

Sunday I had great intention of getting up and making it to the first act on the north stage at 12pm for Alan. I was hoping to finally get a glimpse of what the elusive "Alan" looks like, after years of hearing people search for him at every major festival I have been to, but I really couldn't do it, I didn't want the mystery to end, so I thought I would leave the mystery unanswered.

Hernan Cattaneo
So after some noodles for dinner and a few cans of Red Bull I fired my self up for day two, I dragged my self to the south stage for Hernan Cattaneo a nice start to the day, he played a very funky set, but I cant help but think this was a start to early for most people as only about 150 people were in the field for his set, everyone was still recovering from the previous nights excesses.

I stagger over to the north stage to catch some of Retro/Grade, there are a few thousand there, well they are all there in body, maybe not so many in mind though, the whole site is resembling a scene from 'Shaun of the Dead', just a little more on the muddy side.

around the festival site
I plough back through the mud to take in Kaskade, yet again another great set, with a small crowd, cant help but feel sorry for him, as there is no reel vibe to feed off, but credit where its due, he rewarded the soldiers who turned up to a real treat. Off to the Goodgreef tent where Lisa Lashes was pulverising the packed tent, the mainly male crowd all surging as close as possible to get a glimpse of the incredibly attractive Lisa, doing what she knows how to do best, hard fast huge beats.

This set really kick starts the appetite to get dancing again, and was just what the doctor ordered, she leaves the crowd pumped up and ready for more, as the day goes on all I find is positives re-enforcing my appetite to revisit this festival next year, I then join a huge crowd to watch Chicane take to the south stage, being the soundtrack to many teenage parties I attended, it was a bit like a right of passage taking place, with thousands of other like minded souls, I forgot just how many good tracks they had produced over the years, and it was a solid hours booking for a sunny day. I decide to mix the afternoon up by taking in something a little more contemporary on the Jager truck once Chicane finish.

Dash was on stage slamming sick track after another mixing uncompromisingly powerful beats with huge bass lines, drawing people in, powerless to resist once they hear the bass kick. Dash really is a name to look out for in the future, it's easy to see why he has built a following as a club night regular on the Liverpool scene. He left the Jager truck shaking to its core.

Back on the south stage a huge crowd had gathered for the arrival of Example, and he brought his A game with a set list full of hits, his 45 minute show creating a real moment to remember as the sun set just to the side of the stage, a very impressive show, then onto the nights headliners, I really wanted to catch Swedish House Mafia, but couldn't get anywhere near the over subscribed tent, I think they could of easily filled one of the outdoor stages, but choose to play inside, this left quite a few fans disappointed at missing them, but every closed door presents an opportunity, I took refuge from a violent downpour in the nearest tent, where Paul Oakenfold was playing one of his legendary Creamfields sets, with mind blowing visuals and sublime tunes.

David Guetta
It was a pleasure to watch a legend for half an hour, before going to check out David Guetta, yet again outside on the North stage, he brought all the tricks of the trade, huge LCD screens for stunning visuals, fireworks confetti cannons - the works! He also brought a relentless set packed full of hits that he has become famous for, these were the pop collaborations that has sent him onto superstar status.

However it was with a sneak peak of his new material, that he really pleased my ears, it was very dark electronica, very much of the Daft Punk ilk, which left me very much wanting more, this was a lovely surprise to end my weekend on, I thought he was just going to provide the cheesy, pop led vocals to end the weekend , but he has left me hungry for more. With a new album out I think I may have to explore. 11 pm soon arrived, and the lights came up site wide. With Sunday licensing laws bringing an earlier finish.

I think secretly I was glad, it's been a long festival, with little sleep, and lots and lots of dancing in the muddy slop. But I must say this has been one of the highlights of my festival season. I would not hesitate to come again, a great site with an awesome line-up. And a buzz that Daft Punk have already been approached for next year! I for one can't wait! Thank you Creamfields!

around the festival site
review by: Jamie Licence

photos by: Jamie Licence

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