Woodland Gathering 2011

Friday 22nd to Saturday 23rd July 2011
Fell Foot Wood, Newby Bridge, Ulverston, Cumbria, England MAP
£35 including camping
Last updated: Wed 13th Jul 2011

Woodland Gathering takes place in the forest of Fell Foot Wood, Newby Bridge, in Cumbria on Friday 22nd and Saturday 23rd July 2011.


The line-up is Z'ev, Islaja, Klaus Kinski, Skullflower, Thee Moths, Joanna Quail, Gnod, Jozef Van Wissem, Islaja, Interlard, Black Abba (TBC), Black Forest Orchestra, Roberto Delira and Kompany (TBC), and more.


Tickets are priced at £35 for both days including camping, or £30 without camping, with days tickets priced at £20. To buy tickets, click here.

Radio Black Forest presents Woodland Gathering a two day festival in a forest on two stages in the heart of the lake district. Alongside a line-up of black metal/doom metal attendees can expect films, stalls and many more bizzare and wonderful things to be announced.

More information will be here when available.

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last updated: Wed 13th Jul 2011