Bang Face - The Weekender 2019 Line-up And Rumours

Bang Face - The Weekender 2019

Thursday 14th to Monday 18th March 2019
Pontins Southport Holiday Park, Shore Road, Southport, Merseyside, PR8 2PZ, England MAP
£179 per person
Daily capacity: 5,000
Last updated: Fri 8th Mar 2019

(C) = Officially Confirmed, (SC) = Self Confirmed, (SR) = Strong Rumour, (R) = Rumour
(C) = Officially Confirmed, (SC) = Self Confirmed, (SR) = Strong Rumour, (R) = Rumour

Fri 15th, unknown stage(C) 2 Bad Mice
Fri 15th, unknown stage(C) Acen
Fri 15th, unknown stage(C) Aethereal Arthropod
Sun 17th, unknown stage(C) Amon Tobin (DJ set)
Fri 15th, 20 Years of Peace Off Records!(C) Ars Dada
Sun 17th, Hard Crew Heroes(C) Babyshaker
Sun 17th, Off Me Nut Records(C) Ben Suff Donk
Sat 16th, unknown stage(C) Big Lad
Sun 17th, Hard Crew Heroes(C) Big-Worm
Sat 16th, unknown stage(C) Billain
Sat 16th, unknown stage(C) Billx
Sat 16th, unknown stage(C) Billy Nasty
Sun 17th, Hard Crew Heroes(C) Bloody snowman
day TBC, unknown stage(C) Bloodysnowman
Sat 16th, Wrong Music Reforms!(C) Brain Rays (Ebola) + Quiet
Sun 17th, Hard Crew Heroes(C) Broken Core Collective
Thu 14th, Lemtek Takeover(C) Buster
Sat 16th, Breakxit Takeover(C) Buttonhead
Sat 16th, unknown stage(C) Ceephax Acid Crew
Sun 17th, Hard Crew Heroes(C) Cervical Snare
Sat 16th, Wrong Music Reforms!(C) Chevron
Sun 17th, Hard Crew Heroes(C) Chopchop
Sat 16th, unknown stage(C) Clouds
Sat 16th, Wrong Music Reforms!(C) Countryside Alliance Crew
Sat 16th, unknown stage(C) Culprate
Sun 17th, Hard Crew Heroes(C) Dairylea Donker
Fri 15th, unknown stage(C) Dave Skywalker
Fri 15th, unknown stage(C) Dead Mans Chest
Sat 16th, Wrong Music Reforms!(C) Demon Cabbage
Sun 17th, Hard Crew Heroes(C) Demonic Technique
Thu 14th, unknown stage(C) DJ Assault
day TBC, Messyside Takeover(C) DJ Bad Eror Lad
day TBC, Messyside Takeover(C) DJ Bastardcunt
Thu 14th, unknown stage(C) DJ Danny Harlecore
Sun 17th, Hard Crew Heroes(C) DJ Deluxe
Sun 17th, Off Me Nut Records(C) DJ Gurl Power
Sat 16th, Wrong Music Reforms!(C) DJ Scotch Egg
Sat 16th, Breakxit Takeover(C) DJ Shag Girls
Fri 15th, unknown stage(C) Dr Cryptic
Fri 15th, 20 Years of Peace Off Records!(C) Dr. Bastardo
Sat 16th, Breakxit Takeover(C) Dwarde
Sun 17th, Off Me Nut Records(C) Earthworm Jim
Sat 16th, unknown stage(C) Enduser
Fri 15th, unknown stage(C) Eprom
Sun 17th, Hard Crew Heroes(C) Eraserhead
Sun 17th, Hard Crew Heroes(C) Flesh Mechanic
Sat 16th, Wrong Music Reforms!(C) Floorclearer
Sat 16th, unknown stage(C) Foxdye
Fri 15th, unknown stage(C) GFOTY
Sun 17th, Off Me Nut Records(C) GM Ben
Fri 15th, 20 Years of Peace Off Records!(C) Gore Tech
Sat 16th, unknown stage(C) Hadean & Gash
Sun 17th, Hard Crew Heroes(C) Harlem Demolition Crew
day TBC, unknown stage(C) Harlem Demolition Crew
Fri 15th, unknown stage(C) Hellfish
Fri 15th, unknown stage(C) House Crew
Sat 16th, unknown stage(C) Hurtdeer
Sun 17th, unknown stage(C) Iglooghost
Sun 17th, Hard Crew Heroes(C) Innercore Project
day TBC, Messyside Takeover(C) Isocore
day TBC, Messyside Takeover(C) Jacques Malchance
Thu 14th, Lemtek Takeover(C) Jamin Nimjah
Sat 16th, Wrong Music Reforms!(C) Judith Priest
Sat 16th, unknown stage(C) Kanji Kinetic b2b Sample Junkie
Sat 16th, unknown stage(C) Killbox (Ed Rush & Audio)
Thu 14th, Lemtek Takeover(C) Lady Lox
Sat 16th, Wrong Music Reforms!(C) Lady Scraper
day TBC, unknown stage(C) Ladyscraper
Sat 16th, Breakxit Takeover(C) Lahm Powder
Thu 14th, Lemtek Takeover(C) Lemon Girl
Sat 16th, unknown stage(C) Li-Z
day TBC, unknown stage(C) Limewax
Fri 15th, unknown stage(C) Little Big (live)
Fri 15th, unknown stage(C) Luke Vibert
day TBC, Messyside Takeover(C) M T HALL
Sun 17th, Hard Crew Heroes(C) Machinist
Thu 14th, Lemtek Takeover(C) Major Upset
Sat 16th, unknown stage(C) Mandi Dextrous
day TBC, unknown stage(C) Manni Dee
Sun 17th, unknown stage(C) Mark Archer
day TBC, Messyside Takeover(C) Mark Forshaw
Sun 17th, Hard Crew Heroes(C) Matheus
Fri 15th, 20 Years of Peace Off Records!(C) Mathlovsky
Sun 17th, unknown stage(C) Max Cooper
Sat 16th, unknown stage(C) Meow Meow
Sat 16th, Breakxit Takeover(C) Microphyst
Thu 14th, Lemtek Takeover(C) Miki Taiki
Sat 16th, unknown stage(C) Mollie Collins
Fri 15th, 20 Years of Peace Off Records!(C) Monster X
Thu 14th, Lemtek Takeover(C) More or Less
Sat 16th, Wrong Music Reforms!(C) Mully
Fri 15th, unknown stage(C) Otto Von Schirach
Thu 14th, unknown stage(C) Outhere Brothers
Sun 17th, Hard Crew Heroes(C) Paul Z
Sun 17th, Off Me Nut Records(C) Phatworld
day TBC, unknown stage(C) Phatworld
Sat 16th, unknown stage(C) Posthuman
day TBC, unknown stage(C) Rebekah
Fri 15th, unknown stage(C) Remarc
day TBC, Messyside Takeover(C) Rich Furness
Fri 15th, 20 Years of Peace Off Records!(C) Rotator
Fri 15th, 20 Years of Peace Off Records!(C) Ruby My Dear
Sat 16th, unknown stage(C) Scan One
day TBC, Messyside Takeover(C) SertOne
Sat 16th, Wrong Music Reforms!(C) Shitmat
day TBC, Messyside Takeover(C) Simon Jones Chillout Donk Experience
Fri 15th, 20 Years of Peace Off Records!(C) Skull Vomit
Sun 17th, Off Me Nut Records(C) Smiley Maxx
Sat 16th, Wrong Music Reforms!(C) Sorry
Fri 15th, unknown stage(C) Spinee
Sat 16th, Breakxit Takeover(C) Splattergeist
Sun 17th, Off Me Nut Records(C) Spongebob Squarewave
Fri 15th, 20 Years of Peace Off Records!(C) Stazma the Junglechrist
day TBC, unknown stage(C) Stefan ZMK
Thu 14th, unknown stage(C) Stormtrooper
day TBC, unknown stage(C) Sully
Thu 14th, 20 Years of Peace Off Records!(C) Teknoist & Scheme Boy
Sat 16th, unknown stage(C) The DJ Producer
Sat 16th, unknown stage(C) The Doubtful Guest
Fri 15th, unknown stage(C) The Horrorist
Fri 15th, unknown stage(C) The Outside Agency
Sun 17th, Off Me Nut Records(C) The South Yorkshire Mick Hucknall
Sun 17th, Off Me Nut Records(C) Thorpey
day TBC, Messyside Takeover(C) Tony Loco
Thu 14th, unknown stage(C) Unity Scoop
Sun 17th, Off Me Nut Records(C) Vincent Van Sloth
Sat 16th, Breakxit Takeover(C) Wombcorps
Sun 17th, Hard Crew Heroes(C) Wonksie
Fri 15th, unknown stage(C) [KRTM]

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Bang Face - The Weekender 2019
festival details
last updated: Fri 8th Mar 2019