One Love Festival 2023
**TBC**Thursday 10th to Sunday 13th August 2023**TBC**Highden Estate Venue, Highden House, Highden Estate, London Rd, Washington, Worthing, West Sussex, RH20 4BA, England MAP
One Love Festival
10th, 11th, 12th, 13th August 2023
The UK’s longest continually running Reggae Festival celebrates its 15th Anniversary with multiple exciting announcements today.
We are pleased to confirm our new home at Highden Estate in Worthing. A breathtakingly stunning beautiful venue surrounded by rolling South Down Hills, a perfect retreat to celebrate a One Love annual gathering.
This year we are reintroducing our Daily Shuttle “Reggae Bus” from Worthing Train Station to the very heart of the Festival and safely back again throughout each day of the entire weekend as a part of our carbon offsetting program
One Love 2023 incorporates so many outstanding new creative and artistic contributors and areas including the Om and Bass area (hosted by Om and Bass festival) an extensive healing and holistic therapies area of relaxation and great vibes - a total alcohol-free and vegan space. A tree will be planted for every attendee there - we can’t wait to welcome Om and Bass to the One Love community.
Dub Legend and Pioneer Mad Professor brings his famous Gambian Festival “Back to Africa” to One Love Festival this year Jense, the theme of the event is “Back to Africa”. Think Culture, Tribal, Drums, Fsnce Art and Crafts - Rastafarians believe all Rastas will eventually return to Zion (Africa) it’s a wonderful time to Work with Neil (Fraser) he has been the centre of UK Reggae, and he is creatively very respected Dub pioneer in the World.
We have the pleasure of announcing the return of our famous Battle of the Dubplates, last hosted 5 years ago in 2018 - who will win the Champion Sound Cup trophy - only you can decide!
This year’s Battle of the Dubplates is of most epic proportions a once in a lifetime Clash, a rare Gathering of UK Foundation Sounds from the ‘60s, ‘70s, and ‘80s representing London, Birmingham, Manchester, Leicester, Bristol, and Derby - and it is YOU who decides who is going to take home the Championship Cup 2023.
Friday 11th August
Unique Star Vs First Class Vs Junior Blues
Saturday 12th August
Lava rock Vs Java Vs Youthman International
Winner from Day One go into the final day for a chance to become Champion Sound 2023.
We have the pleasure of announcing for our special 15th anniversary special IQulah Rastafari and the Gideon Family will be our co-curators.
IQULAH (and the Gideon Family), which represents Integrity, Quality, Unity and Love for Africa as Home, are known Internationally as Reggae Ambassadors. Iqulah is the President of Chapter 17 of The Ethiopian World Federation. IQulah’s mission is to bring love and unity to the four ends of the earth. His mission is unity for the people. He has established community centre’s around the world, including The Andahnet Center in St. Ann’s Bay, Jamaica, and two community centres in Rwanda and Uganda, East Africa. The Gideon Force Foundation (GFF) is a charity-based organisation that aims to support the development of community centres and other projects in development.
We are also very proud to announce our first phase of lineup announcements:
Mutabaruka, Nadine Sutherland, IQulah Rastafari and Gideon Family, Mad Professor, Jah Warriors, Ariwa Roots Daughters ft Aisha, Sister Audrey, Sandra Cross, Zeena Banks, Red Head Qi, Lady Marga, Don Campbell, Pyramids Symarip, Prince Hammer and Dub Natty Sessions, Saxon Sound System, Reggae Regulars, Nucleus Roots, Demolition Man, Babe Roots, Zion Train, Dj Vadim + Jman, DigitalDubs, LionDud, Jah Tubbys, Kibir La Amlak, Captain Accident, The Scorchers ft Freddie Notes, Dubkasm, Inner Sanctuary (Altha and Omega), Earl Gateshead, Dan Wiltshire, Direct Impact, Dubateers, Twilight Circus Suns of Dub, Smith and Mighty, Nick Manasseh, Mixmaster Morris, Coreysan & Ink Project, Natural Right.
Notes to editors:
IQulah Rastafari Giddeon Family One Love Festival 2023 Co-Curator presents Rasta Village in association with the Rasatafari Andahnet Center (St Ann, Jamaica) and the Ethiopian World Federation.Hosted by Iqulah Rastafari – Iqulah is the president of EWF Charter 17 in his home of St. Ann, Jamaica and has been a International Chaplin for the last 3yrs Rastafari is rightly associated with Jamaica for defending Emperor Haile Selassie the First. The island of Jamaica gave birth to the movement in the 1930s. Rastafari is an Abrahamic faith that adheres to much of The Bible, though Rastafaris worship Haile Selassie I, former emperor of Ethiopia Rastafari culture rejects many of the conditions of modern society they consider degenerate, including materialism, oppression and sensual pleasures. They refer to this corrupt version of society as “Babylon,” which is directly opposite of “Zion,” the promised land, often considered Ethiopia. While many Rastas choose not to cut their hair, and wear dreadlocks, it is not an absolute for believers.Rasta Village will be highlighting the way of life of the Rastafari movement. The Ethiopian World Federation will present a workshop on the works and times of HIM Haile Selassie 1st, the early rise of the Ras Tafari and the Ethiopian movements.As you approach you’ll hear the traditional Nyabinghi drumming and chanting getting louder and the natural smell of the wood fire pit and Herb and Spice Garden In the Village you’ll be surrounded by the Rastafarian life in motion and will see the principles of living in harmony with nature and the role of Haile Selassie I.You have opportunity to witness food preparation through the Ital village kitchen, showing the vegetables, herbs and spices used in Rastafarian cooking, showing the nutritional and culinary importance of each ingredient
Drumming Work Shops
Ital Food Caterers
Craft Work Shops
Home Made Gifts
Chanting and Dance Work Shops
A herb library where your guide will explain the medicinal properties of the many herbs grown there and, in some cases, those which scientists are beginning to investigate for their use in scientific remedies.A meditative temple where you can engage in your own private contemplation. Throughout the proceedings there is a traditional drum and chanting session in the centre of the village. With Herbal tea and fresh fruit available to purchase whilst you listen or even join the join the drummers at the end of the session.Traditional jewellery, clothing and herbal remedies are made and sold in the village. Om and Bass Area presented by Om and Bass festival
Five dedicated spaces houses workshops covering yoga, dance, martial arts, meditation, sound healing, acro, relaxations, breath, kids’ activities and craft. Healing Hillside offers massage, treatments, therapies and hot tub and Eco Market has a wealth of crafts clothes and treasures.Sexy vegan food and crafts stalls, enjoy some energy boost shots at The Chakra Bar, a conscious revolution in vegan and sober partying. Enjoy the vibes. Chill with the still. Feel replenished, renewed and laughed out by the time you leave.
Om and Bass field Rules
Zero single use plastic.
Zero alcohol or drugs (this includes all psychoactive‘medicines’)
Zero waste.
100% Vegan Site
We plant a tree for each visitor
Raising money for Yoga Stops Traffic End HumanTrafficking
Sober & F*cking Fabulous
We love you and can’t wait to play!
Join the most fun wellness event of the year at The Omand Bass field at One Love Festival
Yoga, dance, martial arts, sound baths, clowning, come-dy, crafts, woodlands fires, DJs and so much more.
Lovely and relaxed, in-timate and high vibes a retreat within a Festival
Workshops included: yoga, dance martial arts, gong baths, sound journeys, cacao, ceremonies, chant-ing, music, artists, djs, raving, meditation, breathwork, tai chi, qi gong
what else is included: fires, hot tubs, sauna, river, trees, grass, fields, space, air, laughter, loy, love, freedom, peace, wellness
Battle of the Dubplates
Sound System History
The sound system concept first became popular in the 1950s, in the ghettos of Kingston. DJs would load up a truck with a generator, turntables, and huge speakers and set up street parties. An important part of sound system culture is the sound clash, an organized battle between two or more systems. The culture of the Sound System was brought to the UK with the mass immigration of Jamaicans in the 1960s and 70's
About One Love Festival:
At the forefront of the UK Reggae and Culture scene for 15yrs – The People’s Festival of un-dividing peace and un-conquering love – we create a world that allows you to immerse yourselves within completely, unrestrictedly – a reality where hope and love joins everybody into a combined and unbreakable positive force – where everyone is welcome and no-one’s is judged – an atmosphere of acceptance where there are no borders just One People, One World
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festival details

line-ups & rumours
- including the Legendary Wailers featuring Junior Marvin
new home at Highden Estate in Worthing