Swn Festival 2019
Friday 18th to Sunday 20th October 2019various venues, Cardiff, Cardiff, CF10 3QN, Wales MAP
currently £70 for all days
Swn Festival returns to Cardiff from Friday 18th to Sunday 20th October 2019.
Swn is a showcase of some of the best music from Wales and from around the world alongside DJs, film and art, held throughout Cardiff. The event was started by DJ Huw Stephens.
Acts include Gruff Rhys, Bill Ryder-Jones, Heavy Lungs, Rozi Plain, We Were Promised Jetpacks, The Comet Is Coming, Saint Agnes, Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs, Scalping, Black Country, New Road, She Drew The Gun, Bloxx, Easy Life, Skinny Pelembe, and many more.
For the details as available please see the line-up page.
Tickets are on sale, currently priced at £70 for the 3 days, or £25 for Friday, £30 for Saturday, and £25 for Sunday..
Note: 18+ only.
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There will be more information here when it becomes available.
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