Scottfest 2010

Scottfest 2010

Saturday 6th February 2010
Satans Hollow, Manchester, England MAP
Last updated: Thu 14th Jan 2010

Scottfest is a mini all-dayer music festival based in Manchester, held twice a year at Satans Hollow in Manchester. Scottfest 2010 Ver 1.0 takes place on Saturday 6th February 2010.

This will be the fourth time the event is held at Satans Hollow.


The line-up for 2010 will be Acid Drop, Madigras Bombers, Push The Ghost, Ever The Joker, The Kirkz, Big Ed & The Stink, The Distrakted, The Emo's, I Am Three, and Glue Ear.


Tickets are priced at £5 in advance. To buy tickets, click here.

Food & drink

Satans Hollow has a fully licensed bar offering a variety of beers and spirits. There are plenty of take-aways and restaurants to choose from within a 5 minute walk of Satans Hollow.

Getting there

If driving there are several car parks near by. There is one just off Princess Street but this has a limited capacity and can fill up quickly. There is an NCP car park on Whitworth Street West.

If getting the train. You can get the train to either Manchester Piccadilly or Oxford road. From Piccadilly, walk out of the front of the station towards Piccadilly Gardens. When you see the glass Kro bar turn left and go down Portland Street until you come to a set of lights with a pub on the right called the Old Monkey, turn left at these lights and you are on Princess Street. Satans Hollow is on your left between two buildings (should take you maybe 10 minutes walk).

From Oxford Road station follow the road to the bottom of the hill, you will be facing a Sainsburys. Turn right and go across the road at the Palace Theatre, follow the road straight across so the Palace Theatre is on your left (Whitworth Street) and at the lights turn left on to Princess Street, go past Canal Street and Satans Hollow will be on your right between two buildings.


This is a non-camping event, there are plenty of accommodation in Mancheter to choose from.

Age restrictions

Satans Hollow operates as an OVER 16's venue. If you want to drink you will need ID and will be provided with a wrist band.

More information will be here when available.

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Scottfest 2010
festival details
last updated: Thu 14th Jan 2010