NOISE online multimedia arts festival 2006
Thursday 23rd February to Wednesday 31st May 2006online @, UK
Last updated: Sat 25th Feb 2006
NOISE, the international youth arts festival, comes to the UK for the very first time following a highly successful blueprint from international events in Singapore and Australia. The only on-line media arts festival of its kind, this platform will showcase new and original talent from under 25 year olds nationwide. Areas covered include: film, music, fashion, illustration, graphic design, writing, architecture and photography.
Launched in Liverpool on 23rd February 2006, the initiative allows applicants to enter an array of projects by submitting their work online via the NOISE website. The NOISE Festival will drive media exposure for young talent through a targeted media partnership strategy; programming and on-line initiatives. Media partners will be creating unique platforms for entrants to promote their work. This support demonstrates a national recognition amongst the media community that there is a lack of creative forums for young people in the UK. It also underlines commitment from media partners to produce platforms that have been developed specifically to highlight and promote genuine creative talent in the UK.
The NOISE Festival has been publicly funded and is also being supported by a panel of cultural ambassadors including Anthony Wilson (Music/ Art), Wayne Hemingway (3D Design & Architecture), Peter Saville (Image Making), Eley Kishimoto (Fashion), Stella Vine (Fine Art) Danny Brown (New Media) and Killa Kella (beatbox maestro).
Denise Proctor, Chief Executive of the NOISE Festival says: We have chosen our curators because they have consistently demonstrated originality, passion and innovation in their chosen art form. They are regarded as industry figureheads not only because of their successes within their chosen field but because they serve as an inspiration for the next generation of young creatives. The NOISE team and our curators look forward to discovering some really exciting new talent. Because of its online nature NOISE can be far more inclusive. Noise targets every young person regardless of background or postcode. It gives them some fantastic opportunities to showcase their talent.
The NOISE Festival believes that once talent has been discovered and nurtured from the grassroots level up, the training, support and exposure from NOISE, will benefit each individual allowing them to sustain a healthy career in their chosen paths that has great longevity and value.
According to Anthony Wilson: The NOISE festival is a great way of exposing the work of young people to the world. I support NOISE because I love art, and I love young people. Art made by young people is always more interesting.
In a society where celebrity culture monopolises media and manufactured talent is the staple diet, the NOISE festival offers a refreshing, organic approach to the development of new creativity operating as a shop window for todays talented youth. The Australian Government originally launched the project in 1998 and so far the country has funded three festivals to date, attracting over 10,000 creative submissions from young people and reaching a combined audience of 13 million. The festival has become the voice and vision for young Australia and is regarded as an established and important part of the countrys cultural fabric.
NOISE has no physical location. The central hub of activity will take place on the NOISE website, making this the first online festival of its kind in Europe. In addition to attracting submissions, the site will also be the main showcase platform.
The submission period will be open from 23 February 31 May 2006 and the best submissions to NOISE will appear on television, radio, online and in print throughout the festival month of October 2006.
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online multimedia arts festival for new artists
last updated: Sat 25th Feb 2006

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last updated: Sat 25th Feb 2006